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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52498845 No.52498845 [Reply] [Original]

Not a single Link thread.
Geez almost like they were made by a small group of people who are on a discord together...

>t. former link holder
>t. former nonpoorfaggot
So what's the deal guys completely demoralized or just busy?

>> No.52499040

Yeah I am demoralized, I feel like I would be more hyped next year. Also a lot of my LINK price prediction threads get deleted because I guess the jannies hate LINK.

>> No.52499056 [DELETED] 

i have a small penis and medium sized balls. and i feel uncomfortable being naked in front of women so i always turn out the lights and quickly put a condom on and finish quick and put my underwear back on. ive never had a gf very long and i think thats why : (

>> No.52499061

I'm a 24/7 lurker there's been almost no discussion about link since FTX imploded.
Alameda research was behind most of the shilling/fudding on this board and now we are left with zoomies and foreign scammers.
Time to cleanse this board me thinks and move crypto discussion back to /g/

>> No.52499190

Yeah I expected better threads about crypto deep into the bear market like in 2018 but it's still filled with shill threads. Don't know about /g/ accepting mass crypto discussion unless it becomes niche again.

>> No.52499216

email literally says "check if you are eligible for staking"
same tripe they've been spouting for months
nothingburger chud

>> No.52499254

>Geez almost like they were made by a small group of people who are on a discord together
so true
or most of /biz/ that bought link isn't on /biz/ anymore because bear markets are boring
i haven't been on this board in at least 8 months because bear markets are lame

>> No.52499304

Not true 2018 was fun, at least for me.

>> No.52499322

>Chainlink releases Staking announcement email

>> No.52499370

After reading that thread about the guy and his cat who was mentally deranged, I’m going to sit LINK out for a bit. I hope that guy and his cat die in a electrical fire

>> No.52499630

I started that thread and 100% did not expect it turn out like that.

>> No.52499681

Disregard OP is a fag. Same “eligibility” shit since smartcon

>> No.52500037


>> No.52500124

I started a thread (>>52496583) asking if LINK will ever reach $1,000 with a cat picture. Then some guy said I shouldn't have used a cat picture because his cat is in poor health and it reminded him about it. However he had a mental breakdown about it.

>> No.52500151

It was actually me fool and I purposefully derailed your thread because you've been spamming it and I can easily derail anyone's bullshit here and shine a mirror to the truly pathetic attempts of psyop this board attempts to perform on individuals and I also datamine your guys behaviors while I do it.

>> No.52500171


>> No.52500196

Oh yeah I used to spam LINK and PINK threads daily but this bear market killed off all my enthusiasm.

>> No.52500231

Well the boards mostly dead so the only people talking here are me, you and then you and then me.
As we well determined ITT
other than that we got scammers still lurking around but the more I schizopost the less they are inclined to stick around.

I've purposefully driven out most tourists with my ramblings, sometimes I purposefully entrench people's emotions that this board becomes burdensome for them.

Well why not, I enjoyed this board at one point but bad actors killed it off I say to hell with it let it burn then maybe crypto can heal.

>> No.52501871

The best Link chat is now on twitter. It can't easily be hijacked as fudders simply get blocked by users. Conversation thus becomes more balanced. Its downside is the short form format and of course the bots. Generally speaking, it's better and one can tailor to suit. /biz is still good for certain things esp long essay type stuff, and the good ones get screenshotted and put on twitter as attachments. It's a good workaround and defeats the trolls. I make a point of mentioning it here as I only recently started using it and it has decreased the frustration one feels from using biz all the time.
Of course now there'll be lots of seething from the usual suspects. Bring it on kek.

>> No.52501900

new on twitter, pray tell good anon, who to follow on twitter?

>> No.52501960

You can express an interest in topics and follow individuals if you like. I find just following crypto and chainlink works for me. It suggests a lot of bs but I ignore that. Make a point of blocking whatever you're not interested in and it improves things too. There's probably my a bunch of features I don't know about but it does what I need it to. You'll get to know the users you like and the ones you don't.

>> No.52502028

thanks anon, will do. I've already followed half of the people that spoke in Mario's spaces for the last few days, realized most of them are grifters and unfollowed them.