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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 598x729, elon is a fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52495736 No.52495736 [Reply] [Original]

This can't be real

>> No.52495755

who fucking cares bro is rich as fuck now

>> No.52495757

Damn who knew that rich techbro celebrities are grifters

>> No.52495762
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A fraud all along, what a surprise...

>> No.52495794

>anon discovers the meaning of the phrase "fake it till you make it"

This board man, jesus.

>> No.52495797

>The richest man in the world doesn’t actually have a worthless piece of paper unlike most other people and he still made it
I don’t understand how people think that’s an own

>> No.52495802

>he doesnt have le heckin piece of peperino!
who cares

>> No.52495804

Who cares.
He launches rockets, builds cars, and chips monkey brains.

>> No.52495814

holy fucking crap get a life
who the fuck cares about a shitty diploma? I'm almost embarrassed I even have one

>> No.52495833

damn how many richest men in the world have been dropouts? I know gates was another

>> No.52495837

I lied about my work history to two employers so far, now I’m upper class.

>> No.52495843

no matter how much muskrat cock you suck you will never go to space incels

>> No.52495846

No one needed to say it. Who gives a shit about what classes a guy did or didn't take ages ago?

>> No.52495863

LMAO the bots arrived
I don't even have a diploma, but I don't go out there lying to people (millions in this case) to make people see me as something I am not.
Also, the guy gets money from the US govt. for launching fucking ROCKETS and satellites. Do you really think this is nothing?

>> No.52495882

You guys don't understand, what if his boss finds out he lied on his resume

>> No.52495888

pay attention to all the fuckery surrounding him too
the fucker is literally the antichrist

>> No.52495893

elon is a narcissist sociopath, why does surprise you anon?

>> No.52495900

being an ankle biter isn't a good luck

>> No.52495908

actually read through this and most of it was debunked in the thread
a bachelor of arts is awarded for physics for example by that institute
the current thing is to hate the guy, so guess will see more of this

>> No.52495911
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>literally the antichrist
not quite but he is a glow nigger plant

>> No.52495924

Burgers think earning a salary in a certain range for a couple of years puts them in a "class".
Bro you will be upper class when you have a nice house in Connecticut and a weekender in the Hamptons, and you meet major power figures by accident in the bar at your country club.

>> No.52495928
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>bullshited his way into billionaire status
How is that not an inspiration? Nigga made it based of his intelect and social manipulation.

We are ALL gonna fucking make it

>> No.52495945

Impossible, I was told that there were secret lists of good goys and you would be blacklisted by lying about being on them!

>> No.52495956

who doesn’t know this?

>> No.52495973

it's not like diplomas matter much anyways (since almost everyone will have a bachelor and soon a master degree) apart from filtering and gatekeeping jobs.

>> No.52495980

I've been on the fence about shorting TSLA the past few days.

I feel like the completely incompetent way he is dealing with twitter is turning the tide on Elon fandom.

>> No.52496040

I'm sure business types don't need diplomas to LARP as Engineers, or Physicists... or is it Materials Science Engineering? Who cares, right?

>> No.52496048

janny clean it up

>> No.52496062

It's over his boss is going to fire him for lying on his resume

>> No.52496065

Elon musk is literally just the private sector mask of the military industrial complex trying to turn everyone into the borg.

>> No.52496105

Maybe we should all tweet his employer and have him fired

>> No.52496119
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>Dedicated to hunting down information on the 1-6 insurrectionists.
Quite the someone who is saying “it”.
Someone who didn’t pay the $8… tsk tsk tsk

>> No.52496142

It’s almost like people who have to pay tens of thousands to someone else to make them smart aren’t that bright afterall. Amazing.

>> No.52496143


Feels like jealousy from someone who just discovered his diploma is worthless and he will never leave his wage slave status by following a system.

>> No.52496147

>Do you really think this is nothing?
Yes. Look I think Elon is annoying as fuck but at the same time credentialism has gotten out of control and I think most people empathize with someone who had to tell a lie or two about some meme academic stuff to get ahead or get past some HR resume filter. Fields where credentials actually matter (medicine etc) have background checks/licensing requirements. If no one ever bothered to check whether Elon had this degree or that one then it never really mattered at all. You don't need a license to be an entrepreneur and everyone fluffs up their resume these days. Our current president had to end his first presidential campaign due to lying about school bullshit and that didn't stop him from getting elected this time around. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the general public doesn't actually care about this sort of shit that much at all.

>> No.52496156



>> No.52496159

Yes it’s really nothing. the government does hire contractors based on degrees. They hire them based on results.

T. Fed

>> No.52496169

>Feels like jealousy from someone who just discovered his diploma is worthless and he will never leave his wage slave status by following a system.
that's pretty specific anon are you okay?

>> No.52496182

>Do you really think this is nothing?

>> No.52496188

oh wow, surely his businesses should be deleted then??

>> No.52496239

Did the man who invented college, go to college?

>> No.52496264

>guy who wasn't even a legal US citizen and LARPs as a physicist owns and is in charge of a company that launches military satellites and astronauts into orbit
I'm sure it's nothing LMAO. This isn't even about his diploma, it's about LYING to the public about his credentials and citizenship.

>his diploma is worthless
KEK. See >>52495863

>actually read through this and most of it was debunked in the thread

>> No.52496284

cry more

>> No.52496301

Normies can't understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a divining rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps "Found you!". The Mathsweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendepity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman's dehydrated dick.

>> No.52496333

You have no idea.
I sacrificed decades of my life after a burnout made me give up on everything I built as a wage slave.
When you realize you wasted half of your life running after a worthless social status and were trained like a dog, it makes you feel like your life was a joke.

But even then, like for a trader in a losing trade it's better to cut your losses as early as possible rather than letting it compound until your death or a bankruptcy.

The result of doing this will be real freedom for the first time in your life, finding a purpose, and killing your past fake life and meaning society forced on you.

>> No.52496337

>it's about LYING to the public
The public doesn't care and he's a US citizen now.

>> No.52496340

Grifters grift. At least when Twitter folds he'll lose a few billion.

>> No.52496376

oh my god his degree is fake? take away his money and his companies right now

>> No.52496413

The sad reality is normies and redditors will seethe. Agreed upon authority and credentialism is all they have to determine truth.

t. have BA and a MCHcB
(not a practicing doc though, crypto paid a lot better than medicine in bongistan)

>> No.52496424

Fake it till you make it

>> No.52496429

not that it matters

>> No.52496487

glad you corrected your mistake

>> No.52496636

Hey retard - He has a security clearance which means he filed an sf86 and has already been through a OPM background check and had his citizenship verified. You can’t lie about that and not get caught. This is nothing more than whiny Twitter fags trying to cancel him in the most desperate and pathetic way.

>> No.52496650

imagine unironically posting something from capitolhunters - "helping organize crowdsourced information about the 1/6 Capitol attack"

i guess jidf has to do something when they have time off

>> No.52496682
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>pin the weasel

>> No.52496707

Elons from an illuminati bloodline and he's the front-man "tony stark" celebrity CEO for the military industrial complex's hivemind enslavement project.

>> No.52496735

He was sued a few times over it according to that thread but it doesn't matter when you've got daddy's money

>> No.52496771

now i wonder if trump actually earned his wharton business school degree or paid his way like elon did here

>> No.52496782


>> No.52496802
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He's also part of ARCANE and the MARS PROJECT. IT is he who displays the 6th and last sign.

>> No.52496809

who gives a fuck

>> No.52496810

just like Chad Hoskinson

>> No.52496830

This is what happens when you anger the journos

NEVER FORGET, this is all because he devalued their little blue check mark icons

>> No.52496841
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For he HAS revealed the spider in the sky. Like the prophets once said.
And he WILL take this earths life to the red planet, in accordance with the motion of the stars.

>> No.52496843

Nobody cares, he is still based and make bizlets seethe.

>> No.52496895
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>> No.52496897

A thread full of idiots who think a diploma proves dick all about what you know and are capable of. Get fucked, why let stinky consumers who produce nothing tell you you're unqualified?

>> No.52496976

>He has a security clearance
Not for long after this LMAO

>> No.52496997

The fact that people have to lie about college credentials to get a fair shake is all he needs to say. Lying about college is based. BASED!

>> No.52497010

>based of
No all of us are going to make it

>> No.52497056

right. this came out ages ago.

>> No.52497103

>Based freed anon

>> No.52497127

go back.

>> No.52497144

Brotip: People lie in public but tell the truth on official forms all the time. There's no reason not to do this because it's not like his clearance would get denied for not having a degree and it's not like the FBI is going to come out and say "HEY EVERYONE YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT ELON WROTE ON HIS SF-86, COME CHECK THIS OUT!" The government doesn't give a shit if he lied on some dumb corporate blurb on a website. I guarantee you Elon told them the truth because you're not sneaking a fake degree past the FBI so why lie?

>> No.52497155
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>> No.52497162

wow he was lying about his education the same way he lied about founding paypal, the hyperloop and self driving cars

>> No.52497167

Y-you too

>> No.52497183

you think twitter will hire more people or will it go under?

>> No.52497186

>Capitol hunters
Fuck off. They're also so retarded and obviously don't have a degree because they think it's not normal for a degree to not specify the field but simply says "Bachelor of Arts" or "Bachelor of Science" my B.S. in Computer Science ONLY say "Bachelor of Science"
This twitter page is run by a retarded child who has never accomplished anything in their life.

>> No.52497195


>> No.52497228

It further outs him as a fraud, grifter and liar.

>> No.52497235
File: 50 KB, 756x384, replies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALSO this fucking RETARD replied to himself so many times it takes a fucking year to get down to the actual replies. These people, like myself, actually know what they're talking about. Turns out the whole limp wristed lefty trying to "Expose" Elon is actually a retarded basement dweller. Shocking.

>> No.52497281
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>Chads who paid the $8 already btfo’ing checkmark-less fraudsters.
Twitter is healing.

>> No.52497318

schizophrenic, clinging to morals because its the only thing you have. are you poor or homeless by chance?

>> No.52497355

good Pynchon

>> No.52497371

>muh bots
go back to twitter, retard.

>> No.52497382

They couldn't care less about diploma. He is a frontman doing show and shitposts. Research is done by others. Won't fire him

>> No.52497405

Christ, what absolute idiot. His whole page is just a full scale schizo redditor meltdown. Imagine how many hours it took for him to put this all together thinking he is in a CSI episode.

>> No.52497424
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He's more than a front man.
His other purpose is fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.52497439

Is Twitter down for anyone else bros...?

>> No.52497584

unironically yes
stop clinging to morals while the world is preaching the opposite

>> No.52497710

Aren't Gates and Zucc both Harvard sophomore drop-outs? (no college/masters degrees)

>> No.52497766
File: 24 KB, 255x328, wernervonbraun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like?

>> No.52497780

When you dumb faggot realize its never about certificate or credentials like these? it's always about the connection you have with people, windows bill had connection, besos had connections, armpit musk had connections, they're all drop out because it's pointless to waste time studying shit that doesn't help your objective.

>> No.52497812

a third of harvard students paid to get in i'm sure every other school is much worse

>> No.52497889

>building and managing billion dollar companies
Real world accomplishment
>building a family and rearing children
Real world accomplishment
>le scrap of paper for certified good goys
Not a real world accomplishment

>> No.52497901

Why do you spam your leftist garbage here and on /g/?

>> No.52498014

>Do you really think this is nothing?

Actually I consider it a point in his favor.

>> No.52498041

i have to pay to go to school too it costs like 4k per semester

>> No.52498048

Not the flex leftists think this is. You will always have your XY chromosomes. Go back.

>> No.52498076

Ironically, he's being exposed on the platform he owns, kek.

>> No.52498077

Dude, just so you know: The more you seethe the better.
Nobody fucking care. Musk is the richest man in the world, and if he doesn't have a diploma, make his money worth even more impressive.

Now twitter is either drastically changing, or shutting down. Both are good as the leftards are going to lose their most prized propaganda machine.

>> No.52498078
File: 60 KB, 483x600, 0602-niccolo-machiavelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machiavelli claimed in his books that his experience as a statesmen taught him that all major events are inexplicably proceeded by prophecy

>> No.52498098


Elon Musk is an engineer, just as Steve Jobs was an engineer.

>> No.52498106

This. I don't have a a "degree" in music but I am crazy good at it.

>> No.52498128
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>> No.52498147
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Poor Elon

>> No.52498226

The speed with which the left and reddit turned on him and the haphazard nature of what elon has been doing lately make me think people in general have lost the plot.
I blame this on "memes" degrading from complex ideologies requiring reading and thought to funny pictures that beat you over the head with their minimalist superliminal messages.

>> No.52498348

Love how these pajeet shills come out of the woodworks to defend their beloved idol for a few rupees KEK

Man, you must be sad.
>all that schizo babble
Either a bot or projecting, kek

To read more posts from bots? Top kek

Then explain why he keeps telling everyone that he's a physicist and knows all about science and tech? Why even lie? Because he is a FRAUD.

>> No.52498364

post an impromptu 1 minute jam right now or fake, faggot

>> No.52498405

love how these retarded faggots continue to use twitter to complain about twitter

>> No.52498453

lmao hold up, are retards now arguing about the definition of BA??

>> No.52498464
File: 5 KB, 320x160, M6fJm46XtR7HqYN9a5DSpc-320-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with social media?
It's not really social and it's not really media, so why call it social media?

>> No.52498731

*bdm tsk*

>> No.52499019

4 part crab canon and a timestamp or gtfo

>> No.52499035

damn he's just like biden

>> No.52499095
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>Its g-g-good that my silver spoon idol lied about his knowledge
>n-no people who invested tesla thinking that he was a genius are the losers k-kek

>d-degrees are useless

Go visit a doctor without studies and find how useful a university degree is you fucking transexual mongoloid. Stop coping your fucking hero scammer is going to blow his brain out in some days from now

>> No.52499208

>Both are good as the leftards are going to lose their most prized propaganda machine.
This is correct. But that doesn't change the fact that space is fake and the global fraud will be exposed.

>> No.52499786

kek gem

>> No.52499952

Reditt cares and /biz/ is filled with cuckolds from there

>> No.52499980
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>> No.52499997

Anti Elon fags are 10x more cringe than Elon fanboys.

>> No.52500004

Fake it till you make it nigga.
People holding morality are the ones wagecucking usually.

>> No.52500029

This. 99% of this is homework-brain redditors seething about credentials because they overpaid for theirs and are economic losers because of it whereas Elon faked credentials and won in spite of it. It's a disgustingly transparent cope. Unabashed basic bitch behavior.

>> No.52500335

If anyone cares to actually look at the issue, it's evidently not. First of all the source never contests that Musk has 2 degrees from Penn, given that it shares this willingly. One is a Bachelors of Science in Economics, and the other a Bachelors of Arts The claim that Musk then doesn't have a Physics degree specifically can be assessed simply by looking at the degrees UPenn offers.
UPenn doesn't offer a Bachelors of Science in Physics or any related fields until 1998, which means that if Musk did study physics at UPenn (they do have a Physics program) his credentials would be the BA. Furthermore Musk's focus may very well have been Computational Physics, and his saying his degree was in Computational Physics specifically may simply be in reference to his field of study, even if the degree in question was a Bachelors of Arts.
>inb4 Muskrat
yeah yeah yeah

>> No.52500396

having social studies degree won't mmake you a woman

>> No.52500418

Kek I am more qualified than fucktard musk

>> No.52500505

It makes Redditors seethe because they think their bullshit degrees should earn them respect. They're also trying to grasp at straws against Elon because he's the bad guy know.

>> No.52500511

>is literal space scientist...
imma go out on a limb and guess this faggot doesnt have a physics degree either else he'd know how retarded this sounds.

>> No.52500520

Why would you help them lmao

>> No.52500532

no shit, I could have told you this. he pays other people to do all the work for him and then gets the profit from them. that's how this system works.

>> No.52500566

If the paper was so worthless why did he lie about getting it and why are degrees still sought after by employers?

>> No.52500586

If it were this simple then Blue Origin would be the premier launch company on the planet given they've been in operation longer than SpaceX, had substantially more startup capital and had the connections to buy out Boeing and Lockheed engineers. Or fuck it why isn't Northrop at the head of commercial launch? Meanwhile SpaceX as of Q2 2022 has put up as many kgs to orbit as every other launch provider on the planet multiplied by two. If it were as simple as writing cheques surely a more mature player would have already, no?

>> No.52500718

i care. it's faggots like you that enable this cult of worship around elon. also fuck cars

>> No.52500738

It simply shows that Elon is a conman. He enjoys manipulation and uses money to hire the competent people. Which is ok but he is not that genius nerd that everyone wants him to be. He enjoys the attention and manipulation

>> No.52500783

the man has successfully introduced reusable space flight technology. if anything, I’m more impressed if he did it without a physics background

>> No.52500806


>> No.52502540

CONGRADULATIONS! 1 Shekel has been deposited to your bottom-surgery gofundme.

>> No.52502715

>he did it

>> No.52502872
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