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52492376 No.52492376 [Reply] [Original]

Currently a zogbot working in intelligence. Not doing any cool clandestine shit though. I was memed by /k/ telling me I could easily transition into a three letter agency or thinktankand earn 300k starting because of the security clearance after but it seems like a meme

Should I try transitioning into becoming a foreign service officer and taking the fsot test? Or should I try working at a tech company and larp as a genius innovator? I dont want to waste my life wasting away in the military if it won't lead to anything. I want to become great.

>> No.52492411

>working in intelligence
>not at a 3 letter agency
What mean?

>> No.52492460

Intelligence mos in the burgerstan military. I thought I'd be learning cool secret shit but even a community college diploma in IT and regular liberal arts teaches you more

>> No.52492531

>burgerstan military
lmao, he got memed by /k/ into joining the military. The second you have the chance, get out and work a civilian job. Pretty much anything's better than staying

>> No.52492665

People like you is why we're fucked

>> No.52492778

I was described as precocious by my teachers as a child and I am much more deserving of becoming an elite than a neurotic polyamorous freak like Caroline.

>> No.52492827

If you aren't born into an elite family you will never be an actual elite. You will be a useful scapegoat so if anything goes wrong you will be the first to end up in a blacksite lmao

>> No.52493124

The whole point of those things is to be reserved for people who don't deserve them. You might think that you've grown but you're still a child, since you fail to notice that rampant ambition and the will to do whatever it takes to belong in those circles is precisely what gives them the power to dangle the carrot in your face and make you pull in whichever direction they want. By wanting so hard to be among them you're giving them even more strength to keep you out.
>inb4 bait

>> No.52494049


>> No.52494120

If you're asking 4channel.org how to become great, you'll never become great. Sorry to break it to you

>> No.52494154

don't you hve to be turbovaxxd to join the military?

kek at you

>> No.52494194

Most I know in the IC have at least a master's degree by 10 years in and when you compound that onto military experience and connections that is how you get the cushy jobs. Nobody is going to make you rich because you got a 90+ on the ASVAB that takes like 2 hours of studying. I'm assuming you didn't even pass the DLAB because that language alone pushes you close to 6 figs.

>> No.52494247

Also if you are sitting in the barracks jacking off everyday watching anime that isn't going to help, build your charisma.

>> No.52494253

Not interested in languages. Truly smart people are monolingual like Schopenhauer. Even Napoleon sucked at learning languages

>> No.52494311

cope. Language learning is maybe the golden standard for IQ.Even the most complex math topics can be taught to midwits if the teacher has a good command of language.

>> No.52494367

There are millions of diaspora retards who know multiple languages. Math is the gold standard. Why would knowing pee pee poo poo dialectic from the poomer tribe be a standard for intelligence? If anything truly smart people know english is all you need

>> No.52494582

no dumbass. Read the post. Math is a great indicator of IQ but just because someone isn't familiar with certain math symbols doesn't mean they wouldn't understand the principles if explained to them correctly by a non-midwit teacher. On a written IQ test that would just leave pattern recognition as the best test of knowledge, the problem there being if most people see a bunch of faggy shapes on a paper nothing is really compelling them to find a relationship there. Being lazy doesn't mean you are stupid.

Now think for a second if you are in some foreign land and a sexy young woman walks up to you smiling trying to say something you don't understand, at that point million years of evolution will put your pattern recognition at full blast and you will muster up all your mental effort to make sure the conversation keeps going and she doesn't walk away. Unless you are a faggot like OP.

>> No.52494600

>transition into a three letter agency
Don't do it, they do experiments on their own employees.

>> No.52494628

Judging by OP's post he is highly gullible, so he probably already has every vaccination.

>> No.52494777

>he wasn't born on it or has mormon ties