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52492281 No.52492281 [Reply] [Original]

I just added 76 Kadena to my stack!!

>> No.52492312

76 more than I have. It's not the size, but how you use it.

>> No.52492427
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s2 is soooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

>> No.52492513

I don't get it but you're probably right!

Definitely, Kadena S2 is going to be so good!!

>> No.52493159

I just finished a VN that ends with a girl peeing on another girl. Very cute. The world needs more such pure maidens.

>> No.52493215
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Thanks for the update, not sure what would do without you.

>> No.52493576

I think you have a skewed view on purity.
The only reason to pee on someone is after a jellyfish sting, it might even be an old wives tale but it's the thought of alleviating pain that counts.

>> No.52493611
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This post was written by a jelly fish

>> No.52493669

never mind I read it as you had to pee on the jellyfish

>> No.52493715
File: 573 KB, 900x1272, illyasviel_von_einzbern peeing_self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She had a good reason to pee on her, the other girl accidentally pee'd on her so she had her pee on her too afterwards.

>> No.52493770
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Outrages image

>> No.52493792
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Please say kadena babena

>> No.52493821

A retaliatory pee sounds noble, but the old one-two probably works out better in most situations.

You'll have to explain how the accident happened before I can agree whether it was justified or not.

>> No.52493882

kadena is litrally never gonna brake ath again and this thread prove everyone that buyed this coin are mentally ill

>> No.52493894

Fuck off we're talking about girls peeing on one another

>> No.52493904

how about you pee in my mouth

>> No.52493906

whats outrageous about it? it's normal to pee yourself, everyone has done it at some point.

kadena babena

They were enjoying each others petal juices in bed and during climax one of them released a bit more than intended. She felt this was unsatisfactory that only the other girl had to endure that so before their bath she had her sit down on the edge of the tub and she sat down in front of her and insisted without direct words that they had to make things even. She tried to drink it too, but the other girl thought that was too much so she pushed it out of her hands shocked she would even think of such a thing.

>> No.52493925

id put some babenas into her kadena, if you know what i meana

>> No.52494008
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Kadena babena :D

>> No.52494071

I don't know what you mean can you explain

>> No.52494217

> { type : TxFailure , message : Amount violates minimum precision:
xwalled is the biggest piece of shit I've ever used, lord forgive me for saying this but: even zelcore is more useable

>> No.52494221


>> No.52494252

hello @everyone I'm new here.

>> No.52494263

Post opinion on jewish people

>> No.52494267
File: 419 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com - 27376 azumanga_daioh kasuga_ayumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kadena Babena

>> No.52494269

Favorite hentai tag?

>> No.52494519

{Kadena Founder}

What is a hentai? I want my money back 0.89?

>> No.52494722
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Every anonie when I open a leverage position

>> No.52494801
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Probably some shitcoin

>> No.52494806 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52495023

i will for $20 USD

>> No.52495649
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Everyone I have an announcement, parts coinfession and parts admission of retardation.
I was wrong about the future of kadena, when making assumptions about what the ecosystem will look like in the next years I assumed we would get the same amount of talent that other, less technically advanced networks have gotten, it seemed like the norm, from garbage like solana to interesting ideas like cosmos and every scam in between the quality of talent was the same. Every website, dapp and every wallet had an excellent user experience and generally was on the cutting edge of what is considered to be status quo when it comes to developing frontends for layer one networks.
The incorrect assumption was that this would apply to kadena. Now to be fair there wasn't a reason why it should be different, if every chain under the sun had great talent working in the ecosystem then why should it be different here, working with multiple chains is really just an incremental step from existing cross chain wallets and dapps anyway.
Yet somehow the only people kadena managed to attract were the most incompetent buffoons in all of crypto and I am not confident that this will change anytime soon. Even worse, the people or person in charge of finding and funding talent have historically been doing their best to prevent ecosystem growth by literally refusing to fund competent developers and instead favoring their friends and cronies to bring us projects like kadcex and lago (which got hacked again for the second time if anyone didn't know).
The biggest dex and wallet on kadena are the most unusable pieces of shit in all crypto and it is beyond me how they could fuck something up that should be elementary to anyone who used crypto once. It really seems like they outsourced all the work to moldavian spice extraction farmers that have never used the internet before.
Not to end on a depressing note though, there are new wallets about to release, and I'm sure the core devs are doing cute things.

>> No.52495800

Blessed Kadena accumulator and fellow Hu Tao enjoying gentleman.

>> No.52496217
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When I make it once kadena is 77 I will make a minecraft server where you can only enter if you own more than a certain number of babena tokens on kadena.

>> No.52496502

can you shut the fuck up you stupid fucking retard fuck you i hate you shui tuut tu up

>> No.52496537 [DELETED] 

Kadena scamdena