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File: 227 KB, 828x1393, 38651171-B9BF-4D76-BA45-EA5D029ABB84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52490483 No.52490483 [Reply] [Original]

Goooooooood morning basterds
It’s another cold chilly morning, fuck winter but it gives me the excuse to order out some fresh warm bagels
It’s also a bit rainy too, so it’s wet outside
I can’t imagine anyone working with these conditions
What makes the wagie work like this? It can’t be the tip right? What if someone don’t tip em? What do?
Well, I’m not going to tip because you know… it’s not my problem… AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHA
>inb4 fat
>inb4 goyslop
Cope seethe and dilate
To keep this on topic, when line go up?

>> No.52490499

Are you a jew or gentile? The consumption of bagels would imply judaism. Just curious. This comment is not intended in any racist way.

>> No.52490532

I’m not a Jew rat if that’s what you’re implying
I just like breakfast bagels, especially when they’re made by third world shitskins
Their despair is just icing on the cake

>> No.52490543

If you have 40 bucks to spend on that you should just go pick it up, I don’t agree with tipping either but the amount of faggots complaining about no getting a tip they definitely will do shit to your food eventually.

>> No.52490575

Yeah no
As I said, it’s wet and cold
Miss me with that disparity I’d rather have someone deliver it to me
They want a tip? They better make me cum

>> No.52490630

Yeah that’s why you have a woman your fucking do it for free, also it’s even worst because Uber eat faggots are essentially door dash rejects, you know if a Wagie gets your no tip order their seething mad as fuck where as door dash is like a game or incentive to get all and any orders

>> No.52490693


>> No.52490709

>get a woman
>in 2022
I couldn’t care less what happens to my food
As long as I get it idgaf
Let them seethe these grown babies don’t deserve more than they ask

>> No.52490710

>t. yuropoor
are you afraid that you cannot afford the meal?

>> No.52490764

Wdym I bought it
Eta is like ten minutes
Don’t worry, I always post results ;)

>> No.52490824

nobody eats bagels in europe
also the prices are in $

>> No.52490954
File: 693 KB, 1576x2100, 71D2C056-3633-4487-AE16-5C848D2F9B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast has arrived
I’m going to enjoy this to the fullest with the wagies tears

>> No.52491047
File: 969 KB, 1125x2124, B959C7B1-6C3C-428F-8394-3DBFAE5E3B24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that OP is a faggot

>> No.52491065
File: 13 KB, 291x141, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no proof of no tipping though and food delivery is gay
but based for no tipping if real

europoor here, show us what the baggels look like

>> No.52491090

How to get wagie spit in your food

>> No.52491096
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, 5A6C6DEC-9871-438C-935F-CA5D9C0704C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what you’re trying to prove here
Pic related
Pretty good
My fourth one
I also made some warm coffee too :)

>> No.52491119

that you eat cum and also don’t tip

>> No.52491133

To be fair it’s MY cum that I’ve eaten so it’s not gay
Did you deliver my food?
Thanks wagie:)
Enjoy your no tip

>> No.52491152


>> No.52491169

Stay mad whore
I will never tip you
The bags btw is fucking fantastic on my fifth one rn

>> No.52491201

You're just eating five bagels on a random Thursday afternoon? Holy shit you must be a fat fuck.

>> No.52491223

Six actually
And not random it’s breakfast
And to be fair, I did just workout on an empty stomach I need to replenish somehow
To keep the thread on topic, when do I buy? I want to accumulate more grt and link lads
That is the future ya know

>> No.52491232

they probably sneeze on your food when they see no tip. btw if you can't make eggs and put it on a bagel then I sincerely see you as subhuman no matter what you've done in life.

>> No.52491239

lol you’re a gay retard

>> No.52491255

I can I’d just rather not
Stay mad whore

>> No.52491268

btw just thought of an evil idea that seems right up your alley op, just keep ordering tons of food with no tip and try to force them to get pissed and spit in your food or something. basically egg them on to do it. then since that was your plan all along, inspect your food every time you get it until you see spit or a booger or something then sue them!

>> No.52491307

Food quality is so fucking bad I don’t eat out anymore anyway. Saving tons of money cooking at home. Fuck these entitled jerkoffs demanding tips for putting a bagel in a bag.

>> No.52491342

I did find a bug in my Chinese food earlier this week
Got the whole thing refunded
And yes I still ate my food :)
These entitled fucks don’t deserve a cent

>> No.52491424

Well boys I am satisfied
Currently washing down my food with some kaffee
Might go on a walk momentarily
Will be lurking and responding to further hate and advice

>> No.52491443
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x3024, 8687906D-873E-49B1-9C37-D8B5C67B4396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic