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52487791 No.52487791 [Reply] [Original]

>was comprised entirely of high IQ ivy league STEM grads
>had knowledge of ALL FUTURE TOKEN LISTINGS on the second most popular cryptocurrency exchange
>had BILLIONS of dollars of customer funds to backstop losses
>used a steady supply of stimulants to ensure peak mental performance
...and still managed to evaporate an 11 figure trading firm.
What the FUCK went wrong?

>> No.52487834

Nothing went wrong, everything went exactly as planned. Alameda and SBF are Mossad assets tasked with suppressing the crypto markets and causing chaos to be used as an excuse to implement regulations.

>> No.52487858

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

>> No.52487895

this. sbf and his troop didn't even run the fucking company. they were just the characters selected for the role. imagine believing any of what you're being told about this story is real kek

>> No.52487896

> What the FUCK went wrong?

>> No.52489297

Ignoring the meme answers and conspiracy bs:

The truth is that there probably weren't that many people actively trading on FTX for Alameda to countertrade against. Particularly once the market turned. There was only so much money coming in for them to extract. SBF was throwing around far more money than he could possibly extract from his limited customer base, and so they had to do increasingly risky shit to match it

>> No.52489518

Everything else is just stories.

>> No.52489541
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they partied too hard

>> No.52489547

> What the FUCK went wrong?
ironically, low IQ (as in midwit)

>> No.52489605
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>When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.” (Ezekiel 23:18-21)

>> No.52489646

what went wrong was they stole the money
this wasn't incompetence. it was literally thievery
not that complicated

>> No.52490416

>High IQ
Nigger did you actually say that? Just to let you know going to an Ivy League has nothing to do with intellect anymore. Are you so retarded you conveniently forgot that multiple celebrities and other wealthy types went to jail for buying their little shit stain children into Ivy League and other prestigious Universities? Some of them were even on collegiate sports squads even though they never played the fucking sport!
Fuck nigger do you work for the New York Times or the JDIF, which is it?

>> No.52491327

going to an ivy league school doesnt mean theyre high iq, just means theyre jewish. anyways even if they were high iq. everybody at the top was basically SBF and his friends, trabucco was his childhood friend and caroline was his ex gf etc. these were like their second jobs out of university. no one had any experience. basically he only got as far as he did because of jewish priviledge

>> No.52491397

nepotism =/ intelligence

>> No.52491546

they were trading against wall street

>> No.52491579

Not your keys not your coins.

>> No.52492074

>What the FUCK went wrong?
isn't there a script for this? mistakes were made, we were sloppy, no one could predict what happened, etc.

>> No.52492307

This ain't a damn football game.

>> No.52492747

They were invested into illiquid shit, everything was good as long as the market was busy which gave enough liquidity for their games, they got greedy and forgot for make actual reserves for times like these

>> No.52492802

End of discussion. If you don’t see this by now there is no hope for you.

>> No.52493032
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>> No.52493043

Gambling addiction

>> No.52493069

>What the FUCK went wrong?
They are thieves. They weren't honest at any point. They were probably paying-off loans with user deposits from the start. Expanded too rapidly. Then, as soon as they were profitable on-paper, they extracted as much as they could as quickly as they could. Some of the money may get clawed-back but I wouldn't count on much. I also imagine they used elaborate ways to make money 'disappear' into untraceable personal stashes too. Do we still believe that the Wormhole hack/bailout was legit, for example, or was it a way to take $350M?

>> No.52493099
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>da jooooz
>da jooooz
>da jooooz

>> No.52493131

>high IQ Ivy league
The Ivy league student base is 20-25% jewish and 35-40% non-jewish white.
That means a 15x overrepresentation of jews.
Jews don't go to Ivy League because they're smart. They go to Ivy League because they're jewish and can then pretend to be smart.

>> No.52493310

This. I went to Harvard. So many fucking jews and so many dumb, aggressive black women. Also lots of chinks, but they pretty much openly hate the jews and the wokists. You really haven't lived until you've seen Chinese guys just calmly deny the word games.

t. All-American White Man, GSAS

>> No.52493439

>destroy the space
>extract max liquidity at the same time
If not for CZ (not that he's the good guy) they'd stolen a couple billion more before they would've pulled the rug.

>> No.52493532

Who mentioned da jooz? You schizos are desperate.

>> No.52493556

Ezekiel, both a good book and a good submission

>> No.52493624

I don't get it, did the Bible describe some random whore fucking men with horse cocks?

>> No.52493704

i'm beginning to feel like the nepotism isn't just a meme. it's just like kanye said.

>> No.52494250

I wish I could execute every tranny schizoid like you

>> No.52494388

>>used a steady supply of stimulants to ensure peak mental performance
>stimulants to ensure peak mental performance
>methheads are peak mental performance
You sure about that, champ?

>> No.52495046

it's always the jews, pleaze pay attention.

>> No.52495111

Ok so what can we do about it? Crypto is dead, what’s the play?

>> No.52495179

that's correct

>> No.52495196
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>> No.52495254

>it's just like kanye said
It really is. All these Ivy League schools are controlled by Jewish money and the only other places you'd find a higher proportion of Jewish people is at a synagogue or on the boards of a S&P 500 company.
Kanye was also right about them hating whites and using their influence to destroy / end the white race/

>> No.52495289

> ivy league
> high IQ
Let's please do away with this myth. All an Ivy League degree means is that their parents are wealthy.

>> No.52495647


>> No.52495824

how do people that ugly even get laid?!

>> No.52495855

yeah the investigation will be really interesting
i always wondered re number of actual users/traders

>> No.52495891

ask your mother

>> No.52495917

yeah it's jews

>> No.52495934

caroline is catholic according to her blog

>> No.52495953

Obviously FTX is a glowop, but that doesn't mean CZ trashing it on behalf of the CCP was part of the plan.

>> No.52495964

>Chinese guys just calmly deny the word games.
>In reality they just literally didn't understand enough English.

>> No.52495994

>high IQ ivy league STEM
Well, maybe not so much.

>> No.52496011

I think I was the only non-Jew, straight, white, male in my PhD cohort of 30 at Harvard.

>> No.52496263

Is that JewemSpewem?

That bish has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked her raw in a Bahamas Air BnB. That shit had to be the loosest, hairiest, sloppiest Khazar Khunt I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wunderkind's labia while going fist deep into her shitter. I had JewemSpewem screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That Jewess frotted my cock until she squirted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That bitch JewemSpewem and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. She does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" JewemSpewem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch her milkers, get on ya knees, and buy some shitcoins. She doesn't play around with no pansy-ass goys either. She likes her men jewy, and his dick shrivelled from stimulant abuse. Pasty skin, 5'5 is the maximum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That bitch JewemSpewem stole my money and drank my sneed.

>> No.52496408


>> No.52498305

I guess a new copy pasta just dropped

>> No.52498408

there's more whites with genius >130 iq in the US than there are jews at all so if it went by merit whites would be dominating the demographics

>> No.52498487

They were affirmative action students, groomed into positions created for them, and managed to divert billions into their controller's pockets.
>Everything went according to plan.

>> No.52498537

Read long term capital management. It's always the smartest guy in the room that manages to fuck everything up, because no one has ever beat there ass senseless. They are the product of coddle elite lifestyles where they think themselves God's. Then God mushroom stamps them right in the fucking eye.

>> No.52498629

fpbp, was obvious a year ago

>> No.52498635

god not real crucify all christ fags 2022

>> No.52498655

Truly a goddess among women

>> No.52498679

So you do get it

>> No.52498684

I would kill to have a woman like Caroline

>> No.52498738

As soon as I heard a ridiculous name like Sam Bankman Fried, I already knew what was going to happen.

Turns out he's a part of a SJW cult called "Effective Altruism". I think he plans on donating the billions of dollars to charity before going off into prison (although his friends will bail him out in 6 months and he'll get away with it). He will justify stealing billions in the name of "saving the world", and he'll be forgiven for doing so.

>> No.52498789

>frotted my cock
wait what

>> No.52498970

>high IQ and blew it all even with cheat codes
Yeah nah. It was full of brainless, you don't need to be high IQ for ivy league anymore, just jewish or filling some virtue signaling racist quota

>> No.52499831

FTX, the DNC, and Ukrainian elites are involved in one of the most exposed money laundering schemes in the history of modern finance, they KNEW they would be caught.
Biden got president because of Bankman's billion dollar contributions, and they put the very disposable Biden up because he's the fall guy.
Then when the dust clears the federal gov puts intense regulations not only on cryptocurrency, but any hardware capable of mining it. Graphics cards will soon be restricted, as will algorithms and AI. Only those with gov clearance will be allowed to own them, and all your entertainment will be streamed to you by "reliable sources."
Independence kills governments.
Decentralization kills governments.
Freedom kills governments.
Governments therefore must destroy these things to continue existing.
Welcome to the last world war.

>> No.52499897

Terra Luna crashing started a chain reaction across crypto. Its been happening quietly and noticed by a few but most refused to accept what was habbening.

>> No.52500682

>What the FUCK went wrong?
One word: Jews.

>> No.52500686

This has to be one of the most stupid things I've ever read. They can't have been this dumb. They must have been planning for the scam all along.

>> No.52500693

Money, anon.

>> No.52500846



The verse goes to show that the Bible is LITERALLY never out of date.

>> No.52500886


>> No.52501005

>>was comprised entirely of high IQ ivy league STEM grads
Their entire claim to fame was finding an arbitrage opportunity. They failed in actual trading.

>> No.52501041

To be honest, I am starting to think that maybe the FTX guys weren't s bright, and instead had their rich parents buy their way into the ivy leagues.

>> No.52501516

It was a different time.

>> No.52501573
File: 33 KB, 549x559, images - 2022-05-31T064956.281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is not dead anon. This indicates that you have the chance to purchase while the intelligent people debate the FTX and Alameda issue. I'm getting geeq as blockchain technology unlocks practical solutions. You fool, be wise.

>> No.52501590 [DELETED] 

Gosh, u're stupid af! Try Bspin. it's easy even for ya.
>Online Casino with Bitcoin main currency.
>Players deposit, play and withdraw Bitcoin without any additional conversion.
>Many different deposit methods

>> No.52501626

fpbp. CZ just detonated the leaky dam while Sam was too busy fucking the goblin chipmunk to notice the giant tsunami wave

>> No.52501636

Sorry bucko, but your troon jewjanny just ACK itself

>> No.52501657
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>Lends money from FTX to Alameda without FTX investors knowledge
>Lends money from Alameda to himself
>Just doesn't pay it back and lets the companies go bankrupt
That is what happened

>> No.52501659

A mix of meth and goblin J_wboys having very low standards

>> No.52501690

Silly question. Ability to get laid is really just a question of having access to a vagina, which women are born with.