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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 118 KB, 1600x900, FTM-MS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52486793 No.52486793 [Reply] [Original]

Morphswap has been under development over the past 8 months, but it was only soft launched 2 months ago and they've been on stealth mode since, slowly organically growing and implementing several other blockchains than the original three (BNB-Polygon-ETH).

This decentralized cross-chain AMM protocol allows users to pair any token with any other token, regardless of the blockchain the tokens are in, and now FTM cross chain swaps are implemented.

This project was first announced here on biz because the founder is an autist like you and me, and he wanted to make morphswap a biz-first protocol before getting adopted. I guess he wanted to give something back to the place he lurks in for years now.

>> No.52486803

based, fantom chads keep winning Just kidding literally no idea what this is

>> No.52486805

For those who don't want to read the white paper - something I strongly advice you to do at morphswap(dot)io/whitepaper - the "quick rundown" is that it communicates meta-transaction (a conceptual way to think of a composite of multiple related transactions involved in an action, where each will be executed in a predetermined fashion) constituent hexdata to the relevant chains, with the data being both requested and received by Chainlink Operator nodes via a segmented JSON-RPC API mesh, and the requested data is served by the RPC making a call to a non-state-modifying function on the overall contract of the chain possessing the relevant meta-transaction data.

The protocol has no whale money yet, no dirty VCs with agendas, no institutional money, only biztard money and word of mouth marketing so far, so it it still at a very early stage and the native token (MD) is still at an entry price that allows you to dolphin out with a few k's, while the cross-chain Liquidity Pools still have massive yields if you don't feel like buying MS and just going in with your stables and test the waters, which is something that will definitely help the project grow as more liquidity enables bigger swaps and this will eventually attract whale money.

>> No.52486857

On of the main purpose of the protocol is to get rid of the middle man and allow users to swap tokens across different chains using LPs of said tokens, effectively killing the idea of bridging assets or using wrapped versions of any token, swaps at a native level between chains, read the whitepaper amigo.

>> No.52486876

Last but not least, they have Bitcoin implementation coming soon and after that, Monero. For those who've been in the space for a while now, implementing BTC on a cross chain swap at a native level is the holy grail, and then implementing XMR will bring whale money at volumes only centralized bridges like uniswap have at the moment.

If you have any questions, or want to learn more, I'll be here for a while.

>> No.52486878

I'm cautiously optimistic. Is there any audits or anything to give it some credence? I had reasonable confidence in Gainsfarmv2 since certik regularly audited it.

>> No.52486979

Shellboxes is doing a protocol audit as I write this and it should be out somewhere around next month

>> No.52487019

maybe i jump on it. I'm already betting hugely on the new SolidlyETH launch and can't exactly back out anymore kek

>> No.52487063

What the fuck that whitepaper actually looks legit. Might throw some bnb and get a bag especially if btc and monero will be implemented soon. Imagine swapping eth to monero in seconds

>> No.52487109

Audit is paid for and underway

T. Core team member

>> No.52487302

Wtf man that's so fast, just swapped BNB to Matic in 1 minute. LP seems interesting toi i will check that

>> No.52487859

Is there a token address on FTM yet to trade?

>> No.52487927

There is not native MS on Fantom, what got added is the blockchain to enable FTM based token swaps to any of the other blockchains. The governance token (MS) is only on bsc, eth and polygon.

>> No.52488095

One question I have is will they implement CCIP when that gets released

>> No.52488271

The team predicts the solution used by MS is more economical and lower time-to-finality. And if it's not, the current agreement with chainlink node operators and the system architecture will allow CCIP to easily be integrated into the data-transfer module, which, even in that case where the data-transmission module is made redundant, it would have a head start on liquidity accumulation on all the likely coming copycats. But MS' team predicts their solution is cheaper and faster as it's been specially engineered for this use case, for example the re-org protection delay CCIP will have to have for each chain.

>> No.52488450

I guess this makes sense since we don’t even know how many chains CCIP will initially support

>> No.52488460

Looks legit, I bought a small bag.

>> No.52488686

I have a bag of it, a tremendous cross-chain project. ALPHA!

>> No.52490185

Hey man this is a great question. I am not one of the engineers but I am on the team and have been talking to our founder about this specifically.

If you follow Chainlink you'll see they made some noise about us on Twitter recently. This is a result of contact we've had with CLL. Our founder went to Smart Con and talked to the head of CCIP.

TO quote
"Well on top of that, he had said he believes our inter-chain communication module is actually better for our purposes (quick asset swaps) than CCIP will be, since we've been able to fine-tune it to our needs, and CCIP is gonna be a one-size fits all solution."

>> No.52490328

What's their social media links?

>> No.52490337

Slightly sophisticated curry thread. Still reeks of streetshitters.

>> No.52490432
File: 227 KB, 900x1200, d1f65c_3ff15515c4154d31b07abe7362176026_mv2_d_3024_4032_s_4_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inorganic thread. Scam alert. For newfags, if every reply is:
>wow bought a bag
>white paper looks legit
>actually good project
It is a pajeet thread or discord trannies

>> No.52490500

it was actually shilled by Chainlink on twitter though.

>> No.52490603

What the fuck does that even mean faggot.. go read the original morphswap thread the dev made himself a few months back on warosu....this is about as authentic and a native biz project you are going to get you nigger.

>> No.52490606

>shilled by Chainlink on twitter
even more so a SCAM

>> No.52491181

just pamp it, we all got hookers to pay for.

kek wills it

>> No.52491557
File: 92 KB, 560x517, 1614418777163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52492428

twitter is @morphswap

this is a thread of folks sharing the word about a piece of innovative technology

>> No.52492492

Or you could read the whitepaper and see there might be other people who actually see the potential without questioning the thread niggerlover

>> No.52492965

he's not meant to succed, don't worry

>> No.52493166

It’s the beginning guys ! Last chance to buy at this price !

>> No.52493260

Are there any plans to revamp the site, it honestly doesn't look very nice. Also they really should let liquidity rewards be released by the block, instead of distributing them all out once a week. It's not a problem atm because very few people are there, but it's just asking for trouble once you get bigger wallets involved.

>> No.52493286

>Morphswap has been under development over the past 8 months, but it was only soft launched 2 months ago and they've been on stealth mode since, slowly organically growing and implementing several other blockchains than the original three (BNB-Polygon-ETH).
>This decentralized cross-chain AMM protocol allows users to pair any token with any other token, regardless of the blockchain the tokens are in, and now FTM cross chain swaps are implemented.
>This project was first announced here on biz because the founder is an autist like you and me, and he wanted to make morphswap a biz-first protocol before getting adopted. I guess he wanted to give something back to the place he lurks in for years now.

>> No.52493470

The accepted vernacular is personofcolorlover.
This is very problematic language and does NOT reflect well on the team.

>> No.52494972

There is a fucking grammar error in the first sentence. Kys Ranjeet