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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52485836 No.52485836 [Reply] [Original]

>Sergey doomps on his cult for half the time crypto has even existed
>Partners with a scam that steals everyone's money and asks Alex Mashinsky to speak at Smart CON
>Celsius shorts LINK actively and hosts Sergey's treasury for a while
>Works closely with the Bancor scam artists and features them on website, tweets, events
>Bancor gives back 50 cents on the dollar after scam goes moneybelly up
>Gives Sam Bankman-Fried top billing at Smart CON and Sam shows up on Zoom high as fuck
>Delivers address on December 31st, 2021 promising a bunch of shit
>Doesn't deliver on any of it in 2022 while the price falls 90% from ATH
>We are spreading FUD!

>> No.52485882

holy based
shit. if i had known sergey was this fucking based i wouldn't have been shitting on him all these years.
he's earned my respect.
fuck jannies
fuck linkies
fuck sbf
and most of all
fuck linkies

>> No.52486048

>Smart CON
damn they is literally playing with us

>> No.52486205

He's based in the sense that he's ending a cult of losers and neets with no future

>> No.52486236

More like DUMB con, right guys?

>> No.52486266

>He's based in the sense that he's ending a cult of losers and neets with no future
Not only that, but he's also the object of your obsession.
Absolutely based.

>> No.52486404

>/biz/ has shit up this board with Sergey the angel memes for 6 years
>Exit scams on cult

Yeah I am OBSESSED with this man

>> No.52486421

>Yeah I am OBSESSED with this man

>> No.52486999

You don't get to spam the board relentlessly and beg for mercy after failure

>> No.52487025

inb4 60 posts by this ID

>> No.52487056

>you spammed the board with Chainlink
>so now I'm going to spam the board with Chainlink

>> No.52487085

Cope and distract tactics don't work anymore, LINKcels

>> No.52487570

Distract from what? Your seething?