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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52485379 No.52485379 [Reply] [Original]

This is the guy who restructured Enron, top fucking kek

>> No.52485425


>> No.52485448

Makes sense since Enron was a calculated and controlled fraud and FTX is just college kids

>> No.52485505

this has the same document number but i dont see that little quip in there

>> No.52485550
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>> No.52485682

>such a complete absence of trustworthy financial information

Well duh, it's supposed to be trustlesa, this is the future of finance

>> No.52485727


>> No.52485950
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what a shit show

>> No.52486036
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liquidation for thee but not for me

>> No.52486175
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>> No.52486215

Words, words, words.
All this effort to try to justify your antisemetism and bring down someone poor innocent soul who just happens to be one of the chosen people. Shame on you.

>> No.52486221

Enron despite its faults was a real company and actually had some assets and some real business.

FTX is much more like Madoff so they should have appointed the guy who untangled that mess.

>> No.52486545

Madoff underwent Chapter 7 liquidation. They're gonna try to restructure this turd under Chapter 11 cause it could be a company worth $100,000 in annual revenue, you never know.

>> No.52486569


You gonna buy the dip?

>> No.52486644

>Auto deleting business decisions
Holy shit take notes anons this level of kikery comes only every few centuries

>> No.52486778

Imagine shorting the company after it leaves Chapter 11 to $0.
Seriously, what is there left to save from this shit?
FTX is radioactive and no one will ever want to touch it again.

Can they not switch it to Chapter 7 instead and just end this catastrophe?
Why keep alive the avatar of absolute Jewish corruption?

>> No.52486846

This is far worse than madoff. Almost 90% of funds investors actually put in were recovered from madoff, because he just put the money into a bank. He didn't actually lose it all. Most of the loses were paper gains the clients supposedly had but didn't withdraw. And those that did withdrawal, a lot was clawed back.

In this case, there is nearly $14bn in liabilities, most USD and "real" crypto like BTC, against less than $10bn in assets, a big chunk of which are FTX minted shitcoins where they hold 90% of the supply, and many billions of completely illiquid VC investments.

FTX users will be lucky to get 20-30 cents on the dollar.

>> No.52486901 [DELETED] 

WOW, ya're stupid af! Try Bspin. it is easy even for you.
>Online Casino with Bitcoin main currency
>Players deposit, play and withdraw BTC without any additional conversion.
>Many different deposit methods.

>> No.52486909

They're trying to salvage SBF's reputation and blame CZ for everything.

>> No.52486916

Why are these rats so damn stupid, where's their fabled IQ

>> No.52486917

>FTX users will be lucky to get 20-30 cents on the dollar.
You mean FTT holders also? I converted 6 figures in crypto to stake in FTT on FTX to winter bear market

>> No.52486923

10c if theyre lucky, i thinking zero realistically

>> No.52486964
File: 170 KB, 360x346, aaaaaaahahahahhaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean FTT holders also? I converted 6 figures in crypto to stake in FTT on FTX to winter bear market

>> No.52486976

Looks like they really do have more assets than liabilities, 9 billion more according to those numbers. Could people actually be made whole?

>> No.52486981

It’s gone lol

>> No.52486998


Rip your portfolio bro

>> No.52487032

>illiquid shitcoin valuations
It's why they were insolvent in the first place.

>> No.52487033

And they don't even seem overexposed to crypto, it's mostly on Alameda's balance sheet and they have about the same amount of crypto liabilities. If their crypto assets as all FTT, that's just -4 billion, still 5 billion more than needed to cover liabilities

>> No.52487065

I mean anyone who had an FTX intl account, all balances of USD, crypto, or otherwise will likely lose most of it.

>> No.52487074
File: 179 KB, 555x1221, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the document. Alameda Silo is the big one and crypto is just a fraction of it

>> No.52487114

Oh wait, that's still unaudited, those are just claims made by SBF

>> No.52487116

>9 billion
in fully diluted ftt and serum and other sol garbage mostly, kek

>> No.52487202
File: 136 KB, 1080x944, 1656092711511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls be joking

>> No.52487229

And also that was recorded in September by SBF himself. Essentially irrelevant now.

>> No.52487248

>amount shown in thousands of U.S. Dollars
Truly incomprehensible numbers..

>> No.52487283

means 13 billions

>> No.52487289

USA has no jurisdiction to restructure the company. It was founded and ran out of the Bahamas.

>> No.52487316

Where are you getting that number? By the leaked balance sheets its seems like 9-something bn assets vs 8-somthing bn liability BEFORE they "found" the -8bn customer deposits. But also, they don't seem to know how much cash they actually have
>Because of historical cash management failures, the Debtors do not yet
know the exact amount of cash that the FTX Group held as of the Petition Date
Maybe they'll "find" another account with $8bn in it that they "forgot" about. If you used FTX I guess you still have some hope.

>> No.52487370

The USA can basically do whatever it wants.

>> No.52487383 [DELETED] 

peeps, throw away yar ideas. They're shit. take part in Bspin.

> Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency.
> Huge Giveaway with 15,000$ Prize pool.
> Fast deposits with variety ways.

>> No.52487405

Those numbers date back to September way before CZ launched his broadside, and the filing explicitly warns to not trust those numbers as they have a very good chance of being fudged.

>> No.52487429

They don't, it was ftx that chose to file bankruptcy in the US

>> No.52487488

The pdf
It's broken into 3 "silos" there, just add them up. Although this is self-reported and from September so not important

>> No.52487730

it also doesn't seem to reflect the customer deposit hole
>The Dotcom Silo Debtors may have significant liabilities to customers through the FTX.com platform. However, such liabilities are not reflected in the financial statements prepared by these companies while they were under the control of Mr. Bankman-Fried

>> No.52487749

lol, lmao even

>> No.52487783

Yeah this is being run as a criminal enterprise. The auditing firm SBF used is about to face fraud charges as well I assume. The felony count is off the charts and this guy's dad is a fucking Stanford law professor!?!? Ross Ulbricht is doing life in prison for 1/10,000th of SBF's crimes.

>> No.52487823

Well mtgox btc are getting disbursed, 10 years later. I think you're in for a long wait and should operate under that assumption.

>> No.52487946

why wouldnt a govt appointed liquidator go in there and put more blame on immature clueless crypto culture as the reason for the failure? This guy is basically saying everything was put in a paper shredder, crypto is a scam, nothing to see here.

>> No.52488006

Does he say much about crypto? All the stuff seems to be classic fraud/embezzlement stuff, nothing to do with crypto like
>I understand that corporate funds of the FTX Group were used to purchase homes and other personal items for employees and advisors. I understand that there does not appear to be documentation for certain of these transactions as loans, and that certain real estate was recorded in the personal name of these employees and advisors on the records of the Bahamas

>> No.52488060

Both Enron and Madoff were fairly meticulous in their fraudulent record keeping. FTX is more reminiscent of Mt Gox in its complete lack of basic internal controls and accounting systems. However, unlike Karpelès, it appears that SBF was intent on committing fraud from day one. There have been many small-time investment advisors who gambled away client funds, but nothing at the magnitude of a $32 billion corporation with Superbowl ads. This sort of sloppy, blatant fraud has rarely been executed at such a massive scale.

>> No.52488087

How have they not had a hack for so long?

There was one recently apparently, but still.

>> No.52488102


>> No.52488147

yeah lol imagine if you worked there and had access to those keys. I would have low key stolen those day one and been thinking how to pull off a heist.

>> No.52488235

I'm curious how this works. Who appointed this guy John J Ray III? If it was SBF & co then that makes it even more hilarious.

>> No.52488349

yes, when you declare bankruptcy to get creditors off your back and trying to sue you in the mean time while you liquidate. But once you do it you give up complete autonomy over your company, because chapter 11 involves a trustee assuming management and control of the estate. So SBF could have not declared bankruptcy and resigned, but then all the people trying to get their money out could start suing him, and they'd have to defend, or eventually get court judgements against them and assets seized. that's why you declare bankruptcy

>> No.52488668

Not surprising, considering he made his wealth by cooking the books on his failing company and unloaded the dog turd on Mattel. It is still considered one of the worst acquisitions in business history.

>> No.52488731

This whole thing basically proves that the engineers on /g/ don’t know shit about business. They always shit on accounting and finance. Guess what? If they had a halfway decent accounting and internal audit department, this probably wouldn’t have been such a shitshow.

>muh automation
>muh Python script can replace your accounting job

Tell that in court.

>> No.52489525

Why would they do that when SBF himself is shitting on them on twitter now and stole user funds with his "hack" after that bankruptcy?
There is nothing to salvage.
He deserves a quick death penalty.

>> No.52489593

literally every compliancy law the jew hoisted on us has been broken by these scum.

>> No.52489614

the only ones that will walk away with any type of money will be the jew VCs.

>> No.52489632

/g/ is engineers, they would never this cluster fuck like secret keys managed by an open admin account passed around.

This is a company run by academics who are all about theory, math, and not implementation combined with some extremist "effective altruism" world view, which is all about achieving maximum wealth so that when you are a trillionaire then you give it away, and this justifies any immoral means in the short term to achieve more personal wealth.

>> No.52489871

>Almost 90% of funds investors actually put in were recovered from madoff
Not true kike. Madoff victims only received about 10% of their invested money, not the "gains" that was accounted for over the years.
So if a couple put in $100,000, and the account had a "value" of $1,000,000 ten years later, they MAY have had about $10,000 returned to them.
90-100% losses in most of Madoff's victims.

>> No.52489979

this is where I got my figure:
>In this distribution, payments will be sent to 27,219 victims across the globe, bringing their total recovery to 88.35%

but the madoff ponzi ran for decades so if you put in $100k or something you may have had like a mil in paper gains that wasn't recovered.

>> No.52490255

Okay, I agree with that. The total fraud had a value of $65 Billion, and $4 Billion was recovered.
It's why Kevin Bacon is still pumping out as many movies and TV shows as he can:


>> No.52490318

If you're not joking, you will be getting much less than 1 cent on the dollar, not 20

>> No.52490361 [DELETED] 

LOL. I can't believe the top product in this WORLD! So-called Bspin.

>Strong casino with a BTC as the playing currency
>On going giveaway with $15,000 prize pool.
>Huge amount of partnerships and funders.

>> No.52490424
File: 220 KB, 848x602, FhyYDLFXgAMm0wH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me if pic related means SBF gave himself 1b of customer funds?

>> No.52490739

Yes. Took the money out and when the trustee asked him wtf is going on, he said "it's a loan I just forgot to write down".

>> No.52490743

Seems like it. Alameda was loaned customer funds from FTX with FTT as collateral, and then with that capital loaned SBF a cool billion dollars. We don't if this loan to SBF was with real or monopoly money, though.

>> No.52491733

How the fuck are these people all not in jail right now?
>inb4 jewish + democrat donators + nepotism
Once upon a time people like this would be dragged out through the streets, stoned, and executed in public, deservedly so I might add.

>> No.52492144

MRK makes Ebola stuff

>> No.52492264

Jew just broke the jew pact of secrecy, and got excommunicated.

>> No.52492351

>He deserves a quick death penalty.
But he is a jew.
They will find a way to jew his condemn, and change it for a lesser "bad-boy" pet. As long as from here he accepts to play whatever the higher ones say him to do.
But one thing is true. They will seek the destruction of cz for shooting down a jew member at his own game. They will never forgive this sacrilege.