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52482711 No.52482711 [Reply] [Original]

How is eth any different, if not worse, from just a regular shitcoin now? Did the eth merge fuck everything up?

>> No.52482819

surprise surprise everything "toxic" bitcoin maximalists said would happen is happening.

there's no way to build a decentralized, trustless network when the culture has never existed in the first place. decentralization never follows, it has to be there from inception

>> No.52482855

So far nothing has been censored
It has a reason every big hacker immiduately tries to get all in to eth

>> No.52482931

Every Ethereum OG is an ex-Bitcoiner who moved because of the limit of the orange coin. A fully decentralized world is not possible without smart contracts. Your stupid coin is useless without a centralized counterparty, so is not going to change the world for the better. Ethereum is actually the best shot we have in the industry

>> No.52482939
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>every big hacker immiduately tries to get all in to eth


>> No.52482959

I hold ETH and I hope you shut the fuck up
Shitting on bitcoin is one of the dumbest things and ETH holder can do. ETH only goes up when Bitcoin does. We need Bitcoin to pump our bags and your retarded form of shilling actually hurts our wallet
Grow up idiot
Crypto is open sourced, it’s not stocks or sportsball

>> No.52482978

>Ftx hacker holding $250m of eth and $0 of monero
There's no way to buy your memebags on-chain lmao

>> No.52483543

To mix on Ethereum use 0xMonero

>> No.52483590

No and no.

Worst case scenario, the chain is 99.99% compromised and you have to wait up to 12 seconds for your transaction. That said, they're currently engineering more robust censorship avoidance (i.e. "the Scourge") to further protect non compliant network users.

>> No.52483600
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>> No.52483729

Too illiquid for big hacks

>> No.52483817

explain this ofac meme please

>> No.52483977

>ETH goes up when BTC does
Clearly not understanding of ETH/BTC ratio and offer/demand dinamics.
Projecting on other anon his lack of IQ.
>Bag holder detected
Sorry anon, you are not going to make it.

>> No.52483978

>Did the eth merge fuck everythin
yes but it's not like you had several years to see it coming

>> No.52484080

With Proof of stake validators can delegate the block production to MEV bots and gain extra yeld. MEV bots are centralized entity who are easy to coerce. Since the tornado cash happening a lot of mev bot are censoring the transactions related to tornado cash because of USA law enforcement. OP posted a graph where red line represent a percentage of blocks validated by MEV bots who are censoring. Still, Ethereum is not censored. You can still use tornado cash, the only problem right now is waiting for a block who is not censored to be validated (the green line represent the percentage of good blocks)

>> No.52484110

you must be on meth
all cryptos follow bitcoin
stupid newfag

>> No.52484139

>all cryptos follow bitcoin
many times during the bull, btc was following avax

>> No.52484923

"toxic" bitcoin maximalists said the merge would never happen
...but it hapn :O

>> No.52484957
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Few understand.

>> No.52485000 [DELETED] 

Play in only the trusted casinos! Like Bspin.

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>> No.52485208

>Every Ethereum OG is an ex-Bitcoiner
Its mainly newfags that don't understand that PoW is a commodity & the rest is unregistered securities.

>> No.52485300

How do you know a block is "OFAC compliant" and its not just that there wasn't any OFAC transactions happening at that time?

>> No.52485911

they are, the difference is every og bitcoiner that "moved" to ethereum doesn't believe in it long-term. only the late arrivals got taken in by the marketing that much.

the early eth adopters use it for building true decentralized finance, something only really possible on ethereum's base layer. the problem is when said defi gets ignored (censored) by the majority of stakers because the culture around ethereum is that of corporate "builders" and not cypherpunks.

you're part of the latter crowd, the crowd that couldn't understand why bitcoin is unique and needed a more plain, corporate, tech company-esque representation of "blockchain" to get you interested. unfortunately none of those things actually need blockchains or their own tokens outside of raising lots and lots of money.

those are the kind of "maximalists" that are as delusional as the ethmaxis that think it's going to "kill" bitcoin. both sides of the hyper-emotional investor coin.

>> No.52485919

Ethereum is a scam. Have you realized it yet?

>> No.52485977

my bastard they said that about the swift system untill burgers did and started fucking everything up

>> No.52485983

much like almost all ethereum users outsource their node access to third parties, the super majority of all stakers don't actually build their own blocks, they just grab a block from a service and use that. those services themselves state if they're censoring transactions based on arbitrary american legislation.

the equivalent similar to pool mining, but worse because staking isn't fungible while hash power is. imagine 75% of all bitcoin miners running off of a mining pool. that's basically equivalent to how proof of stake turned out, and was predicted by mostly everyone not taken in by all the ESG propaganda.

>> No.52485999

It means ETH is worthless, kek. Just use a database bro.

>> No.52486129

yet it is ethereum that has defi, and bitcoin doesn't.

ethereum does care about censorship, the idea is to move to proposer/builder separation to remove ability to censor. might take some time, but bitcoin is still on PoW...

But this is not a problem as long as there is still at least some that run independently?

Pool mining concentration is a lot worse. An eth validator can only censor tx in blocks they propose they can't refuse to accept another block that has sanctioned txs in it. While a dominant btc mining pool can straight up exclude any block from being in the chain at all.

doesn't the same problem exist in btc its just btc doesn't have defi that can provide privacy where ofac really cares about censorship, they can just follow the money. If btc did have something like tornado then it could have txs censored too.

>> No.52486143

first reply meant to reply to >>52485911

>> No.52486538

Also it seems like flashbots its working on a decentralized, encrypted privacy mempool "SUAVE" so it won't need to censor anymore, while eth is working on separating block building a proposing.

People act like ETH is ok with the censorship, but they are addressing it. And BTC is not. BTC just doesn't have defi and so BTC doesn't have MEV so this hasn't become a problem yet for BTC. But there is nothing BTC has to prevent this same problem.

>> No.52488358

it's a problem because it shows the fundamental weakness of non-fungible mining, which is how ethereum's proof of stake operates, vs fungible mining which is bitcoin's and basically every other proof of work security system.

pool mining is not worse, not even close. no block has any identifying information, unlike proof of stake. block rewards can go to any addresses given at the time in any number of denominations, unlike proof of stake, and if a miner does try to play games all the individual hash rate simply goes to mine elsewhere immediately, impossible in proof of stake.

>> No.52488434

bitcoin being on proof of work is it's strength given that so far no other system has shown to be as decentralized and secure. ethereum is currently proving why non-fungible systems are at best an imitation of proof of work, with any supposed benefits only existing because the illusion falls apart when you remove things like being able to fork the chain, or immediately stake and unstake your coins, or batch together a single entity's "work" into a unified producer of blocks.

the only benefit of proof of stake is that you don't have to compete on a level playing field with everyone else. you can artificially restrict who can participate, and artificially target individuals that wouldn't be possible in a fungible mining system.

>> No.52488444

TL;DR no refunds ETH trannies

>> No.52489298

how is bitcoin mining more "fungible"? The coinbase tx identifies the miner right? Its an address, same with eth staking.

pool mining is worse. because a pool of miners, if they mine a censored fork, that becomes the real bitcoin. While on eth, even if most of validators make a censored fork, its not the real eth, the real eth continues by the protocol with massive slashing penalties to the validators who try to fork.

and you haven't described how the exact same censorship problem doesn't apply to bitcoin. A centralized service could be used to choose txs like on eth, there just isn't an incentive now because there is no defi on bitcoin so no MEV. its like thinking a chain is faster because no one uses it. Bitcoin doesn't have this problem yet because no one uses bitcoin for defi.

like, yeah It is a problem, but PoW or bitcoin do nothing to prevent it. And the eth ecosystem is working towards designs to remove the censorship.

>> No.52489393
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what is your opinion on the scourge?
eths recently announced upgrades set to fix the issue op pointed out

>>According to the Ethereum roadmap, the goal of the Scourge is to “ensure reliable and credibly neutral transaction inclusion and to avoid centralization and other protocol risks from MEV.”

might this fix the issue or do you think they're just bullshitting us?

>> No.52489498

Run by pedophile monsters on unicorns.
Not good.

>> No.52490989




Kys or go back to being a Bitcoin maxi, obviously you don't believe Eth like the rest of us. We need to decouple as much as possible from btc

>> No.52491109

because your graph is a meaningless metric until it reaches 96%+ levels, and then your ridiculous claim would only appear at 99%+ level

surprise surprise but the ethereum pos algorithm took this all in mind when it was designed

the misleading thing your graph implies would only happen if those validators would also reject previously correct blocks that have bad transactions.

this graph is also the way it is because there aren't many OFAC sanctioned transactions going on. this is literally the case of "nobody except for a few people sent sanctioned transactions, that means everyone is censoring those transactions." which is not the case. this is like saying that bitcoin is 100% censoring its transactions because sanctioned addresses have not been using it lately because most (60%+ of the hashate) mining companies comply with sanctions, which is a whole other story that braindead maxis don't even know about.

this is a retarded metric

>> No.52491313

>its OK that transactions are being censored

>> No.52491474

I like crypto and I like spaghetti. Anons told Ethereum is like spaghetti. So I chose ETH as my crypto.
Wtf are you all here talking about? Just follow your gut

>> No.52491550
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