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File: 76 KB, 748x890, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5248062 No.5248062 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5248118

but they do have a weak dev team?

this corecuck meme has run its course

>> No.5248123

You BCH faggots better not have killed coinbase or you fucked the whole market.

I swear if you retards put us in a 3-year bear market I'll find and kill you

>> No.5248135

he's not wrong though


>> No.5248137

Boomers get out reee

>> No.5248145

>want to hear a joke

>> No.5248167

Why? I got it for free newfag

>> No.5248170

btc bugmen army is invading

>> No.5248180

mcafee better run back to belize

>> No.5248181

uhhh yeah he is
it's literally FUD

>> No.5248194

fucking this.

All of shit bullshit because of fucking psychopath roger ver and people's delusion of thinking they could literally copy bitcoin and take over it's place.

It's honestly sad. This shit is going to stare normies away from crypto AND bring in heavy gov regulations.

>> No.5248225
File: 251 KB, 808x805, pinkwojak26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its painfully obvious when the word "corecuck" becomes preventable, its when people are dumping BCH and bags need to be sold

>> No.5248235

>AND bring in heavy gov regulations.

I mean with regulation comes legitimacy in the eyes of the unwashed masses, so at least there's that. Also plus would be killing off everything named Bitcoin entirely due to this shitshow so something better can take over

>> No.5248237

>when you finally see through the meme and realize that lightning network, segwit, and core are all trash

I am enlightened anons. Bitcoin Cash, Monero, and Etherum are truly the future.

>> No.5248244

I pray to the sweet lords above that there is another huge bear market because of this war.
I refuse to buy any coins at current or higher prices.

If this is the new normal, or if the market is now mature enough that alts can soak up BTC's fall, then I will see all of you guys in hell.

>> No.5248255

what is really funny is when they try to sell they literally can't. you played yourselves, you fucking retards. your store of value is worth ZERO if you can't sell

>> No.5248259

coinbase fucked up bigtime the way they rolled this shit out. what the fuck were those dumbfucks even thinking. they cant handle traffic in the first place.

>> No.5248268

Fuck you, you think regular people are so dumb they won't do five minutes of research and find out the bullshit disaster that is Bitcoin Core. I'm laughing at you retards.

>> No.5248276

>Bitcoin Cash
>the future

BCH just kicks BTC's problems further down the road. It's less shit than BTC, but it's still shit

>> No.5248277

Monero is run by a corecuck. It has hype now but BCH will swallow it down the line once it catches up technically.

>> No.5248304

How fucking autistic are you? seriously?

>> No.5248313
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Really makes you think....

>> No.5248314

Kicking a problem down the road (which isn't what they are doing) is still much better than creating new ones that are even worse.

>> No.5248315

>you think regular people are so dumb they won't do five minutes of research and find out the bullshit disaster that is Bitcoin Core.

Wait you think people research coins before buying them? Not even people here do that


BCH isn't built to be and will never be an anonymous coin retard

>> No.5248322

You cant regulate crypto, arbitrage will still happen you fucking retarded faggots

>> No.5248341

Have you not met like, literally any people?

No, they won't do the research you idiot. They literally do what they're told, and when that becomes too confusing they get scared and leave.

>> No.5248353

This is the best that corecucks can do
I'll see you all at 100k BCH.
Very soon.

>> No.5248358

If anything they will do research that leads them to believe BCH is a scam coin and will stay away from it.

>> No.5248359
File: 80 KB, 800x600, pAStYO4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine unironically being in any version of bitcoin arguing about better tech.

Fight amongst yourselves while ETH gets ready to eat your dysfunctional lunch.

>> No.5248367

>Monero is run by a corecuck. It has hype now but BCH will swallow it down the line once it catches up technically.

Is monero really a core cuck coin

>> No.5248374

>This is the best that corecucks can do

I hate BTC to you retard

>> No.5248380

except for all the times when that better tech has fucked over users
eth locked up in buggy smart contracts

>> No.5248384

Yes, even people on fucking INSTAGRAM are laughing at you now, sharing memes about how retarded bitcoin is

>> No.5248411

why bitcoin anything tho?

maybe bitcoin everything should go away

>> No.5248414

I was reading reddit /bitcoin, I go there to smirk at the circle jerks. I seen a post today where people were like "we need lightning network now so we can kill fucking BCASH the trash imposter coin, i hate it!!"

Its so bizarre, I cant tell if theyre really angry or if they just mimic the other users. They want their coin to have less tx fees, not because it makes logical sense, but because they think it will help them defeat another coin.

>> No.5248434

Actually, yeah, normies are practically fucking rocks.

Kys faggot

>> No.5248443

>why bitcoin anything tho?
>maybe bitcoin everything should go away

This is a smart man

>> No.5248460

I didn't save the picture or the thread it was posted in but the guy who runs Monero now (who isn't the creator) is buddy buddy with Blockstream execs and talks up LN and Segwit.
Looking at that I had to wonder if Monero wasn't a hostile takeover from Bytecoin done by the same people who run Bitcoin Core.

Makes you wonder at the very least.
I don't trust it anymore, I don't trust that it is actually private and secure. I bet it has a backdoor (meaning a way to link addresses that only the devs know).

BCH/ETH are the only coins I trust.

>> No.5248493

More delusional corecucks
>oh no BCH is winning
>lets push the idea that bitcoin in general should go away
>yeah that'll catch on!

>> No.5248518
File: 33 KB, 850x478, fake bitcoiners best friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Cash fags are gonna kill crypto at this rate

Fuck you

>> No.5248523

kill yourself bugman

>> No.5248531

How does BCH have bugs when it's just BTC with a few lines changed? Are bitcoiners contradicting themselves?

>> No.5248550

It's a purge of scum fucks like you who tried to control what you had no chance of controlling.

>> No.5248558

Think about it, ((they)) never lose control. We've had our revolution, the direction is set and they have the helm once again. bcore is the future bcash won't catch up in time.

>> No.5248561
File: 15 KB, 600x372, bitcoincashfailiure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcash is never going to happen

>> No.5248583

The only people killing crypto are the altcoin scamcoins.

Fuck off with your shitcoin scams.

>> No.5248585

fuck off datadash

>> No.5248598

I trust that it's private and secure but I don't trust the devs

Agreed on eth and Bitcoin Cash tho

>> No.5248602

you don't get it everything ethereum and monero can do bitcoin cash can do

the alt market was a bubble created by btc's arbitrary block limit

>> No.5248603

>Are bitcoiners contradicting themselves?

I mean it does roll back to pre-segwit so there is that


Boy you sure are attached to old dinosaur tech that will never get the significant upgrades and updates they need

>> No.5248617
File: 62 KB, 1076x498, bchusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So stupid
BTC artificial pump via tether was only thing keeping it alive
It will die

>> No.5248623

BCH isnt helping the market tho. I agree with the fact that btc core needs to get their shit together cuz at this rate theyre both not helping. w.e tho, this is crypto and assholes like Ver are going to stroke their ego as long and as much as they can

>> No.5248627

>having to use the term corecuck

Dude you guys are so incredibly sad. Like I WANT to see a coin take over specifically for everyday use and general purpose transactions. But everything about bitcoin cash is scammy as fuck. From ver, to the name, to the awful shilling here.

>> No.5248630

post them here kek

>> No.5248649

Etherum is fundamentally different from bitcoin cash

Bitcoin cash will never be private like monero is

>> No.5248657

this, blockstream shills and retards are so transparent

>> No.5248677

BCH upgrades are ongoing right now
you just don't hear about it because the devs went underground to avoid idiots like you

>ver is a bad guy
>craig wright is a scammer
cry some more faggots,
reality is approaching.

>> No.5248689

>BTC artificial pump via tether was only thing keeping it alive

You know you can buy BCH with Tether, right?

>> No.5248692

How can you call bitcoin cash shady when bitcoin core is literally funded by blockstream which is funded by banks

>> No.5248717
File: 2.38 MB, 2918x2901, 1513224490210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever someone calles Ver a scammer or a felon it's 100% proof the poster is eithe a paid shill or literally retarded

>> No.5248725


LTC will reign

>> No.5248733

And you know that it wasn't used in that way
Isn't is suspicious that BTC started PUMPING L IKE FUCKING CRAZY right after the fork?
You know why right?

BTC was artifically pumped in order to try and kill BCH.
It's that simple.
You guys tried everything you could to win and you still lost.
Just go away already, you're done.

>> No.5248741

>devs went underground to avoid idiots like you

The devs (at least Craig's) decided to patent a bunch of shit like faggots, effectively destroying the main purpose of crypto which is to try and build the best cryptocurrency possible to escape the banks and government. Blockstream's a bunch of idiots for a lot of reasons, but the one good thing they do is free sharing of tech

>> No.5248747

nucoiner retard

>> No.5248763

What does Ver have to do with Bitcoin Core being a shit product?

They intentionally gimped it to have control over your coins.

>> No.5248766

It's just so transparent how hard you faggots are shilling lol.
you know you're only fooling retards right?

>> No.5248768

Anything that hurts BTC dominance without completely killing t he market is fine by me. I don't care if BCH takes the lead, actually I hope it doesn't. There shouldn't be a king coin.

>> No.5248782

I own BTC....i can‘t come to terms changing this to BCH. I will stay with the king, i just don‘t see it in BCH but if BTC goes down at least i own the original. I do believe BTC has strong comeback powers and is better than BCH. I also believe Core Devs will find a solution to the huge amount of unconfirmed transactions + the LN will relieve some load in the near future too.

I will stay with BTC, BCH is not for me.

>> No.5248810

BTC isn’t the original.

BCH is the original.

Are you dense?

>> No.5248836

>patent a bunch of shit like faggots, effectively destroying the main purpose of crypto which is to try and build the best cryptocurrency possible to escape the banks and government
non sequitur you fucking brainlet

>> No.5248857
File: 492 KB, 1024x760, eDF6MSHpmqo_JP3kPYD3kLKh1rFVKFG4rrRNOAQpBn4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh corecuck technology

>> No.5248882

I see both sides of the argument and just wanted to point out a third option; fedoracoin.

>> No.5248885

> BCH being the original

Straight out lies, well i shouldn‘t have come to /biz/ for serious talking in the first place.

>> No.5248900
File: 12 KB, 250x250, AN ACTUAL ANON COIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile,slowly creeping...

>> No.5248913

None of those are the original.

There were like 10 projects that eventually led to bitcoin.

BCH is just deluded into believing they are the "original vision" which is some pseudo-religious bullshit that crypto does not fucking need right now.

>> No.5248944

>muh corecuck technology
part 2.


>> No.5248964

That's just his opinion, man.

>> No.5248972


I like how you're avoiding actually acknowledging the principal of what was said, free sharing of information to build the best things possible

>> No.5248977

Why do you have more confidence in core devs over cash devs? Cash devs went with a straightforward approach to the transaction problem, scale blocks bigger. Core devs decided to take an off chain approach, which requires loads more dev and testing to scale.

>> No.5249004

The patents will be open
go concern troll somewhere else
Look into what tesla did with their patents, same idea.

If corecucks actually wanted to build the best things possible they wouldn't have crippled BTC. You guys are dead men walking.

>> No.5249040

>BCH is just deluded into believing they are the "original vision" which is some pseudo-religious bullshit that crypto does not fucking need right now
Good luck trying to stop them though. It's like talking a fundamentalist out of their religion. If you look at Ver in interview he is 100% convinced and goes back to canned talking points like lines of scripture. His clarity and repetition is classic propaganda/sales technique and it has been very effective at brainwashing those who want to believe. Even if it drops to .01 BCH will never go away as a remnant of true believers will always remain loyal.

>> No.5249046


BCH = Satoshi Protocol
BTC = Segwit Protocol

Now fuck off.

>> No.5249049

>copy bitcoin
bitcoin can't copy bitcoin, faggot. I guarantee you Ver and wu were in bitcoin long before a SINGLE blockstream soyboy

>> No.5249077

Literally blockstream kekekekeke

>> No.5249088

>no scalability as no lightning
it scales by larger blocks sizes, that's all you fucking need with bitcoin. you don't need Goldman Sachs Lightning Channel you stupid corecucks

>> No.5249091

>The patents will be open

Every other BCH thread I've been in people (BCH supporters) have told me they're going to control them to fuck over BTC and any competitors that try and challenge them

>> No.5249122

He is right you Mongoloid

>> No.5249129

LN is just a cleaner approach than increasing the blocksize.

>> No.5249146

they think they bought bitcoin. They bought after the fork. They bought a shitcoin trying to take over bitcoin and to maintain their denial they must accuse all others of doing exactly that.

>> No.5249163

How are you going to scale when we have 1000x of current users? are we going to have 1GB blocks?

>> No.5249173

there's no way this isn't bait

>> No.5249182

LN has no relation to the original Bitcoin design.

Name the coin something else. Core is not Bitcoin.

>> No.5249185

The people who shout BLOCKSTREAM sound just like the Trump idiots who shout DEEP STATE.

I mean...well that actually makes this all make sense.

>> No.5249187

Can we at least admit Core has a serious problem right now?

I remember when Cash launched months ago, it was literally a small cult following and most laughed it off. Now it seems every 1 out of 2 or at least 1 out of 3 posts are in support of Cash. Clearly Blockstream and Core's propaganda efforts have had the opposite effect. They probably never even imagined they'd still be having to debate the existence of Cash going into 2018

>> No.5249202

LN is going to fuck bcash up

>> No.5249208

if blockstream tries something funny again the patents can be used as a defensive tool

>muh 1GB is large
just lol@u senpai desu

>> No.5249228

It makes sense that you’re a SJW and we’re the original libertarians who mined Bitcoin telling you what you think is Bitcoin is not Bitcoin anymore.

Fuck off you shareblue retard.

>> No.5249230

Name one dev

>> No.5249241



>> No.5249249

>the patents can be used as a defensive tool

So you're effectively admitting they wouldn't actually be open in this case

>> No.5249258

And just like Hillary, Blockstream will be discarded and forgotten

>> No.5249266
File: 397 KB, 1536x2048, 8F8D67A8-80E7-48F9-AFE4-0B1F19F3F60F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Core devs

Bunch of retarded looking SJW cucks.

>> No.5249269


>> No.5249293


>> No.5249299
File: 48 KB, 943x407, muhpatents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read and weep faggot

>> No.5249317
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>> No.5249319

The one in the top left is insufferable. Listen to that autistic motherfucker talk sometime

>> No.5249321
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>> No.5249322

Hahahaha oh good, at least now I know I don't have to take things you've said in this thread seriously anymore.

>> No.5249329

holy fuck just sold 100k corecuckcoins

>> No.5249331
File: 7 KB, 255x220, 1448944264895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good devs don't look good. Look at fucking vitalik you moron.

BCH shills have reached peak delusion christ.

>> No.5249337

go back to your plebbit hellhole you deluded fucking bugman

>> No.5249353

better check these digits before you wreck yourselves, corecucks!

>> No.5249358
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>> No.5249363


>> No.5249364
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Literally can't sleep a wink. Tomorrow is going to be crazy lads.

>> No.5249383

Still waiting.

>> No.5249393

Visa has a max of 4.8 Bil Transaction per day

BCH with 8MB BlockSize: 3.200.000
BTC with 1MB BlockSize: 400.000
BTC with 1MB + LN: ~Billions

BCH is a temporary fix to a problem that will eventually get solved in a better way

>> No.5249402

Skelly looks like a stud compared to these fucking faggots

>> No.5249419
File: 176 KB, 1910x1000, viiiitttttaaaaaalllliiiiiiikkkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vitalik has god tier facial bone structure and cranium volume
bow down to superior alien genetics faggot

>> No.5249429

I'm pretty sure what he said means that you are literally incapable of even understanding what we say.

>> No.5249435
File: 138 KB, 268x308, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pic related its me

>> No.5249447

seriously. If vitalik actually ate food and was interested in adult females he would be SLAYING

>> No.5249474


>> No.5249476

Bad good right wrong.... your only job is to find a way to profit. So shut up and work

>> No.5249548


The rise of ETH maximalists is pure cancer. They are as toxic as the core cucks with less of a spine. Don't marry this technology or any particular asset. This game moves fast and has shown many an early grave to those who don't adapt.

Vitalik has made many rich and carved new paths in DLT. That being said he moves quickly to fork ETH when a new hack arises and has publicly espoused socialist/communist views. Keynesian economics are dead and no one is going to migrate to a protocol centralized by developers. Fuck money skelly he has THE WORST BONES.

>> No.5249576
File: 1.19 MB, 1362x799, ytmnd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If BTC adds Willy Wonka's Fantrabulous Lime Lightning Network as a necessary layer, increasing the complexity by a fuckton percent, is *that* still the original?

>> No.5249590

I mined BTC back in 2010. My biggest regret is not mining ETH. It is the best coin in the game by far.


>> No.5249600
File: 27 KB, 480x270, soft doot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need a binance referral

>> No.5249658

Who gives a shit about his personal political views, I'm in this to make money, not to back ideological allies. If and when his politics spill over the functioning of the coin I'll gladly dump it for the next best thing.

>> No.5249681

You asking or offering?

>> No.5249732


asking sorry

>> No.5249802


>> No.5249806

Same here. Great coin to mine and ETH has made great moves in 2017. I just don't trust skelly in the long run. Wasn't aware they were trying to build on top of BTC that is a shame it fell through.

Think of it as BTC having a sex change and taking hormones.

That was my point, people are becoming emotional over it. Meta data my friend his love of non-free market ideas can effect the dominance by his actions which can be capitalized on. A week in crypto is a year in regular markets.

>> No.5249817
File: 27 KB, 590x318, 43DB0B194E614C2AA598387749F9E0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect money skelly you fagot. You done crossed the line now. He freed me from Jewish slavery and what you are uttering is propaganda nonsense. Kys. Idiot.

>> No.5249829
File: 32 KB, 500x333, a53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even care that im losing money but the amount of asspain going around is just too good. can't wait to see what happens tomorrow morning, hopefully i can catch some new pink wojacks

>> No.5249862

Mindless cat cucks. He should have left you to rot.

>> No.5249880
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1000, 1512339286447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfucker cocksucker think before you type! ETH will be the clear winner as your two dinosaur coins fight it out. Butthurt satoshi holder jelly of getting ETH at $7. Fuck you.

>> No.5249884

>Wasn't aware they were trying to build on top of BTC that is a shame it fell through.

Yup, people are mad at core now but they have been pulling this shit forever.



>> No.5249891


>> No.5249924
File: 14 KB, 341x294, 1511115175110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody defending very, his chink bottom or richard heart and his Jewish band of thieves is the mindless one

>> No.5249933


>> No.5249957
File: 43 KB, 710x350, rogerver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you hatch a master plan to subvert cryptocoins and it blows up in your face thanks to one lispy boi and his twinky chinky sidekick

>> No.5250005


you mean monero

>> No.5250017
File: 348 KB, 438x768, oMy8VYgbFYxQD6tWEAWT6PAdbn0q2GLDWyHyIFgo7uo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this is the best timeline

>> No.5250077

You fucking newfags need to stop treating these investments like sports teams lmao.

>> No.5250088

Damn, on point. It has been a wild ride already and going to be an interesting 2018.

Anon, not trying to defend Roger Ver I just didn't mention BCH in my first post. I just can't stand the core position right now. As for ETH relax. The value has path straight up and a massive support network it isn't going anywhere. Independent thought is a gift use it and take slightly different opinions to capitalize in these markets. sheesh.

>> No.5250179
File: 74 KB, 480x399, 080115 rogerver main s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally drop my bags

thanks money ver

>> No.5250416
File: 462 KB, 1400x1050, BUGMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait til the Bugmen enter coinbase.

>> No.5250474
File: 17 KB, 500x480, 1513664648372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is about to kill itself in civil war and free way for Ethereum and other cryptos
what a time to be alive

>> No.5250523
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you and your independent thought
Look at this tripfags calling people newfags. Die in hell you queer

>> No.5250630

Spoken like a true nigger.

>> No.5250689

you are the only coon in this thread

>> No.5250750

Sorry to disappoint. It is you who is the darkest nigger on this entire board. People spit when they walk past you.

>> No.5251050


>> No.5251127

back to pol you two subhuman faggots

>> No.5251178

Fuck off nigger we are trying to have a conversation.

>> No.5251401
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1485959541208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corecuck talking about another coin's scaling

>> No.5251403
File: 323 KB, 1489x1062, F583A5F1-7F73-42CB-8714-80B6653FAAB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Trump tweet stalker is a corecuck.

Color me surprised.

>> No.5251508

Bytecoin was 85% premined before being announced to the public

>> No.5251722

They did the right thing then.
Still don't like how cozy pony is with blockstream