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52473794 No.52473794 [Reply] [Original]

what did he mean by this
also what is a "shibboleth" it sounds jewish

>> No.52473796
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>> No.52473836

full convo here, keep in mind that Vox is pozzed and this may very likely be a genuine attempt by feds to make him look likable

>> No.52473862

I'd be surprised if someone doesn't get a hold of him, in minecraft

>> No.52473892

>a genuine attempt by feds to make him look likable
The feds want him to look guilty, dumbass. Much easier to get a jury to convict him that way.

>> No.52473926

but this doesnt make him likeable, it makes him look like a complete sociopath

>> No.52473930

imagine being this stupid
go away and never post here again

>> No.52473941

the jews are still backing him

>> No.52474037
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Vox isn't merely "pozzed", it's poz incarnate, but thank you.

>> No.52474042

op is a paid shill

>> No.52474056

damn he is actually really based
the people seethe just lost money lmao gg

>> No.52474082

SBF-fuck the goyim.

>> No.52474092

but he is the only one of the 2022 cohort that will go to jail

>> No.52474111

I was trying to say that Vox is so disconnected from actual internet culture that I wouldn't be surprised if this was their attempt to make him likable
it's possible they did good reporting for once, article fails to mention any of the connections to MIT/SEC and weird sex stuff

>> No.52474127
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>jew with the name bankman
>serving 1 day in prison
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.52474157

Shibboleth was a password for jews to detect Ephraimites back in the Bible. The Ephraimites pronounced the word shibboleth in a strange and noticeable way. If you got stopped at a checkpoint and pronounced it incorrectly you would be killed.

>> No.52474177

i haven't trusted him since i first heard about him and alamedas fuckery, but it sounds like he's telling the truth here. maybe with a few twists to try to weasel his way out of prosecution, but most of it sounds like what everyone who doubted the little goblin has already thought for 2 years

>> No.52474182

this board is so fucking brain dead rn

>> No.52474186
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>> No.52474201

Lol retard

>> No.52474207

Now this right here, is chutzpah.

>> No.52474237

are you being serious?

>> No.52474243

What part is incorrect, exactly?
Seeing the truth spoken openly must be incredibly torturous to Jews.

>> No.52474264

i think it basically just means a sacred cow or unifying principle for a society or group of people
ex. "democracy is good" or "all humans are created equal"

>> No.52474265

Fuck off m*ssad this shit is fake and gay as fuck

>> No.52474266

See for yourself >>52474243

>> No.52474273

I wouldn't be surprised at Vox or other wonky media outlet trying to make him look good. SBF is very much 'one of them' in terms of mind set. But prosecutors don't give a shit about any of that; they are only interested in nailing him.

>> No.52474290
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>> No.52474298

>Jew steaks billions of dollars in tax payer and retail investor money
>Pays third worlders to post Jewish history lessons about his Snapchat story tier "leaked dms" from a company his cousin owns

I just wanted to play video games

>> No.52474303
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Oof, swing and a miss. Judaism folks, not even once.

>> No.52474306
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lots of anons here larping as not having lost money on ftx
you can post about le jews as hard as you want he is not giving it back