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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5247095 No.5247095 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5247123

how do u find these posts

>> No.5247171

what is he implying here? thats hes gonna take down coinbase?

>> No.5247172

on the internet

>> No.5247225

It's literally "My uncle works at Nintendo and..."

>> No.5247255

Get wrecked losers

>> No.5247264


>> No.5247337

I dont hold in coinbase so i could care less. The high predatory fees alone make me wish to see blood. God damn imagine it...you work there and then you have a whole 8 hours to make your master move. Bullshit.

>> No.5247398
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one the one hand: very funny. On the other hand: let's be real here; they fucking new such a thing would happen, and they'll use it to regulate the shit out of crypto. Screencap this!

>> No.5247414

Wtf I'm new to crypto and I just bought my first portion of btc on coinbase. What can I do to make sure it's safe. I don't want to sell it or anything, but I won't lose it in all of this drama right?

>> No.5247464

Imagine being a grown man and still making my dad works at nintendo posts.

>> No.5247476

I hold the master wallet. Send it to me i will keep it safe sir.

>> No.5247496

>take down coinbase
>say goodbye to normie bux propping up our bubble

Good plan Steve.

>> No.5247507
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How low will corecucks go? Crying for help to the government? God damn you guys are fags.

>> No.5247519

this. you can trust him. He's also managing my coins. Easy, always friendly and super safe.

>> No.5247522

My dad also works at bitcoin.

>> No.5247591

Seriously this.

>> No.5247598

Literally who?

>> No.5247606
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The Virgin Coinbase vs The Chad Gemini

>> No.5247641


No, but his dad works at Nintendo and will ban Coinbases account if they dont stop HACKING!!!!

>> No.5247648


were fucked

>> No.5247654

You didn't buy BZC yet anon? Kek

>> No.5247685

>0 replies
>submitted 8 minutes ago
Nigga, no one cares about your FUD

>> No.5247738


>> No.5247747

My dad works at Bitcoin and bcashies let me tell you, he is NOT happy.

>> No.5247748

It's not going to be "corecuks" that get the government involved. It's going to be big institutional money and boomers. I'm frankly not happy that this Coinbase is literally engaging in insider trading with the "brand confusion" BCH because it hurts the whole crypto market and gets regulators on all our backs at least at the exchange level.

>> No.5247762

Lmao but seriously is there somewhere I can go to learn about all of this shit. I feel like a fucking idiot trying understand these threads. But I feel like crypto is going to blow up in a big way in the near future and I want to jump on before the normal fags and Jews fuck up my chances

>> No.5247768


i think youve been on biz too long. thats not me and its nto fud. that shit is for everyone using coinbase to see, nothing to do with buying or selling bitcoin. i bet youre a sweaty pajeet who thinks he controls the markets with his shitty biz threads

>> No.5247804

>It's not going to be "corecuks" that get the government involved. It's going to be big institutional money and boomers.
one and the same, at least in mentality

>> No.5247808

It's literally the [NO2X] croud reeeeing that Bitcoin Cash keeps gaining acceptance.

>> No.5247810


start there i guess? i dunno just lurk moar

>> No.5247840

Lurking and https://coinmarketcap.com

>> No.5247846

> Welcome to Bitcoin where entitlement gets ya nothing!


>> No.5247850

go back to plebbit
PS I downvoted your post

>> No.5247851

doesn't seem like it's the only one: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/7kwllo/stop_giving_lies_and_false_hope_with_up_to_3_days/
but sure enough, might be an orchestrated thing by some unhappy corefaggots, which, considering ocams razor, is the most likely thing.

>> No.5247878
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this is true. Then again, sooner or later they're going to regulated the shit out of crypto anyways.

>> No.5247882

Which is which?

>> No.5247886

>old money assholes complaining

go back to regular stox if u cant handle the heat pussies

>> No.5247888

Eh plebbit does have a way of writing good beginner FAQs I suppose. I just want to grab a couple of alternative things like ripple and stuff and then shove it in a paper wallet? But I don't know how to do that and now my 100 bucks of btc is locked in coinbase lol

>> No.5247889

>I bet against the market and lost. Now i'm going to bitch about it.
The post.

>> No.5247896

One thing is for absolute sure.... select people knew about the coinbase release prior to actual release. That's why bitcoin lost volume, that's why it tanked, and volume was bulking in BCC wayyy befote the news and pump.

Coinbase is gonna be in some deep shit. Listing on CBOT/CME is big leagues with actual consequences

>> No.5247912

Someone should say
>my dads dead, so you should kill yourself

>> No.5247915

dont listen to this kike


is the real uncensored bitcoin forum

>> No.5247922

kek this... my dad could beat up your dad!

>> No.5248006


Newcoiner gtfo

>> No.5248008

lol bcash pajeets make me laugh so much.

Some people are gonna be convicted hahahaha

>> No.5248013


>> No.5248014
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LOL this faggot actually went to my high school

he was always a spoiled bitch

no surprise hes a normiebase corecuck

>> No.5248016

fucking bullshit. If we wanted rules, we would trade the stock market. Sure I'm holding bags like a lot of others, but that's the risk you take. Some of these safe space cocksuckers need their balls to drop and be men. Nothing is fair in life.

>> No.5248056

ive honestly never had a bad experience with cb/gdax. been there since 2014. lost alot of money because of the eth flash crash and maintenance but it seems to come with the terriotory. also bever waited long for large usd money transfers

>> No.5248058


>act like faggot
>downvote a post revealing cb fucking everyone over like a cuck


>> No.5248079

BCH was pumping on a ridiculous amount of good news already. Coinbase just set it over the top.

>> No.5248087


Youre a retard

>> No.5248141

Gemini is great

>> No.5248158


>> No.5248193


Can you please die stupid pajeet, i can smell your brown iq

>> No.5248873
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Looks pretty cut and dry to me. The word got out and it was orchestrated. Hell you can even see when the bastards bought back into BTC. Pure coincidence right?

>> No.5249009
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does it surprise anyone? But yes, very nice.

>> No.5249076

>pattrens in the market means it's manipulated
hurr durr durp

literally every BCH evangelist knew it was going to be added to coinbase, Roger Ver in an interview yesterday talked about how excited he was for the upcoming addition to coinbase
this is just natural market action

>> No.5249159

>this is just natural market action
if arkies are deluded, I don't know what you are...

>> No.5249192

you are only complaining because you were a fool and lost money

>> No.5249203

You are the normal fag

>> No.5249260

No, my mother asking me if her 70 yr old friend from tennis club should buy one of the itty bitty coins is a normalfag

>> No.5249304
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except I haven't lost anything?

>> No.5249305

Poo goes in the loo, whenever you $1 per day curries roll in everyone knows it's bch pumping time. It's becoming predictable, your bosses must be losing so much btc and Fiat on these runs.

>> No.5249408

Rules don't come because the majority of users want them
They're gonna fuck this shit until the poor can't even legally participate just like they did other investment opportunities

>> No.5249551

Try to sugar-coat it all you want. None of the people that just started dealing in BTC futures are that naive. They're going to start lynching motherfuckers.

>> No.5249596

You ARE a normalfag, only a normalfag would ask such normalfaggy questions. Do some reading or we have to assume you're a hopeless retard.

>> No.5249719

I'm just looking for good sources to read is all. A couple of people linked me to plebbit but I assumed they were joking?

>> No.5249744

fucking pajeet

>> No.5249786


BUY Bancor

>> No.5249858
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>> No.5250157

Holeee FUCK. BCashies fucked the wrong people this time. A Snapshot has been taken, and anyone who has, or has traded in anything over 10K in Bcash is on The List. They will prosecute who they can, and for those who they cant, there will be John Wick style Contracts. I'm going to do quite well this year.

>> No.5250308
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"Black"water id. Checks out.

>> No.5250391
File: 223 KB, 631x703, MERCOP10101010101100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the OG Bcash scam financier. Hung by the balls for all the keys. That is child's play compared to what is coming.

>> No.5250496

tell us more so we can bully him on twotter

>> No.5250721

he...he doesn't deserve that fate anon

>> No.5252069
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Big words for a small boy

>> No.5252289

corecucks were a mistake