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52468290 No.52468290 [Reply] [Original]

Was a big believer in Sergey the past 5.5 years but "durr I'm selling". Only it's not a joke, I am selling and diversifying out of LINK. I made $1.2 million but had $13 million at the top. Sergey talked the talk but could never walk to walk. Here is why, and no it's not refutable

>Missed a great chance to become more involved in AP calling elections

They had a HUGE opportunity to sell the benefits of election data on chain with Associated Press and didn't blitz the media on it. Adelyn was fired sure, but they had a chance to truly show innovation in elections and on-chain data

>Pivoted from TVL to TVE after their TVL dropped 70%

Self-explanatory, really embarrassing and reminds me of companies making up "EBITDA"

>Announced staking, ccip, enterprise abstraction layer on Dec 31st 2021

It's November 16th 2022 and all they do is tweet about coding and the latest NFT scam game

>Invited Sam Bankman-Fried and Alex Mashinsky back-to-back to headline SmartCon

So they're retarded when it comes to vetting people and companies, why would I trust they've developed or hired the right people for their own company?

>> No.52468310
File: 45 KB, 526x506, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, LINK is not new tech, a hidden gem, or a coming 10-100x. LINK is mainstream and is in Twitter roasties bios. It’s a corporate entity now, so Sergey has to dump another 750k LINK to hire talent managers and diversity officers. LINK hasn’t been the biz token for over 2 years now. Just sell anons... i-i-iit’s over. It was a good ride.

>> No.52468316


>> No.52468319

didn't read

>> No.52468320

>the WEF project with ties to the UN
>free and fair elections
uh huh, you pick ONE sir

>> No.52468344

the issue is chainlink is building tools for others to use. The problem is the only people who know how valuable the network is and can leverage link to make good dapps is link fags who are to poor atm. its a catch 22

>> No.52468370

>Keep pivoting to whatever is trendy and looking more and more desperate

They started with DeFi, pivoted to climate change and weather insurance for 3rd world farmers, then proceeded to jump to NFT's, then when that failed they started pumping up blockchain gaming. Nothing about use cases with trillions in potential value like DECO powering your drivers license or CCIP enabling Fidelity to transfer assets

>Marketing head was backdoor fired for failing to market

Yet they put her in charge of "ecosystem growth" when she marketed like a retard for the past 5 years? Bad move, another sign Sergey has no balls

>Can't convince a single exchange to use PoR after the industry imploded for lack of transparency

Isn't it odd that they can't get anyone to show they're legit? Their sales and product teams are failing at actually getting any companies to use their shit

>Appeared on Mad Money as a scam by Jim Cramer

Embarrassing and Sergey should've been on the phone with Jim that night explaining why he's wrong

>> No.52468425

You didn't make as much as me on LINK and you will lose another 70% from here

>At one point held company treasury on Celsius

Self explanatory, they can't vet for shit. See earlier point about Sam and Alex

>Staking is limited to one job

What the fuck is Sergey doing? v1 should be in December, v0.1 should've been at SmartCon. This fat ass has shown he has no discipline or competence and the best leaders and executives are never fat, so we should've seen the signs earlier. No self control, no discipline, and no output

>> No.52469075

Congrats on figuring out what we already knew. It’s $6, and that’s still too much

>> No.52469091

didn't read

>> No.52469219

>Comes back in thread

Yeah, you did. How does it feel to be in a cult?

>> No.52469249

Why don't you tell us, fellow OG Linker?

>> No.52469445

I am out. Why would I stay in a project that literally hasn't delivered what was promised? This is a cult and the lack of ability for holders to see that is why no one but /biz/ and fags on twitter like chainlinkgod hold it

>> No.52469467

It all really comes down to Sergey's massive ego. I keep thinking about that quote from the Ergo guy from back in the day when him and Steve Ellis had to lecture Sergey to stop saying crazy shit to investors. He's an idea guy that needs to be reigned in by a realistic businessman. He's also not a leader and has no balls. Sergey has no business running a billion dollar company. And at this point it's clear he took nothing away from the Eric Schmidt talk.

>> No.52469519

Daily reminder: every single day for the past 3 years we've heard about OG Link marines 'finally capitulating' and selling their bags. That's 1096 days OGs selling their bags, which. OP here also talks about having 13M at the top, so that must be ~200k LINK.

Now 200k*1096 days means 219M LINK has been sold by LINK OGs in the past three years, which is 78M more than what sergey dumped. Could it potentially be that it were actually these OGs capitulating that was the real sell pressure?

>> No.52469610

kek those OGs just keep bailing and yet my wallet rank just keeps dropping

>> No.52469629

Well said

>> No.52469992

Gay thread
You hold link
See you tomorrow

>> No.52470152

>Can't refute anything said in thread

Link bagholders are genuinely retarded

>> No.52470363

You're right, it can't be refuted. That means you should sell and never think of Chainlink again.

>> No.52471069

didn’t read

>> No.52471094
File: 270 KB, 1170x1145, 272D3E43-147F-40F1-A775-8F4FD0017B0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was a big believer in Sergey the past 5.5 years but "durr I'm selling". Only it's not a joke, I am selling and diversifying out of LINK. I made $1.2 million but had $13 million at the top. Sergey talked the talk but could never walk to walk. Here is why, and no it's not refutable

>> No.52471191
File: 366 KB, 739x629, 1637865870398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight:
Instead of selling and moving on like a man, you're making Link threads on biz because...?

I've sold stocks at a loss more than once and I've never felt the need go on some weird diatribe about how bad the company is.
The truth is Link is going to end up being the best investment any of us will ever make, but it's going to take time.
If you need the cash or if you can't handle the market volatility, then sell.
Just don't act like a bitchy faggot and cry about it.
That's pathetic.

>> No.52471234

>six years
thats way past the point of cope

>> No.52471277

>The truth is Link is going to end up being the best investment any of us will ever make, but it's going to take time.

kek you are retarded and this is peak cope. It didn't take this long for ETH, BTC, LTC, hell even fucking SHIB to show actual gains. We are down from 1 year ago and 2 years ago, where most shitcoins are still higher. If you had sold before there were ever any SmartCons or scam announcements from the team, you'd be up (LINK was $20 before the first SmartCon ever took place)

You're either a gullible newfag or a retarded coping poorfag

>> No.52471360

Thanks for the great info fellow white man. I'm market selling my 80k Link at this very moment. Thanks for saving me from this bad investment!

>> No.52471367

Link isn't some meta crypto pump and dump bullshit like all the crap you mentioned.
It's the first project that's seriously working on bringing blockchain into the real world, which nothing has bothered to do before.
You already know this, but you're just being a petulant, impatient little child about your investments.

Honestly, if you're really sitting there with a straight face comparing Link with fucking SHIB, then selling your link and moving on is probably the right move for you.

>> No.52471389
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>> No.52471403
File: 331 KB, 582x483, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly, if you're really sitting there with a straight face comparing Link with fucking SHIB