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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52462010 No.52462010 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn't he in police custody yet?

>> No.52462033

He should probably stop tweeting

>> No.52462061

Does he not have a lawyer that's telling him to shut the fuck up?

>> No.52462080

the last 50 tweets were all lies who does he think he is fooling anymore

>> No.52462107

I think he thinks he can convince people to put in enough cash for him to achieve liquidity. I've played board games with people like this. They are brilliant and stubborn, they never give up and are always scheming, and they hate losing more than anything. I don't know if he understands how badly he fucked up or even if this is real.

>> No.52462111

he's one of the (((untouchables)))

>> No.52462157
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he and his whole posse are never not on meth

>> No.52462187


Epstein's estate money was Wexman's to give to Bankman.

Wexman is the key!

>> No.52462244

>FTX's book-keeping system was built on bespoke software
lmao he really did go down the list of all the shit thats illegal to do with regular securities and implemented every one of them

Unfortunately that does not in itself ensure profitability, or immunity from prosecution

>> No.52462269 [DELETED] 

is there a hitman that can start a fundraiser?
if governments can't touch this nigger, we should take matters in our own hands. start a fundraiser and i'll be the first person to pay

>> No.52462282

It was illegal for him to gamble with user assets, simple as that. Even if the numbers added up, which the don't.

>> No.52462319

I thought someone hacked ftx and ran away with all the crypto a few days ago??

>> No.52462320

is the $3.5 Billion in FTT Tokens?

>> No.52462349

>down the list of all the shit thats illegal
You think on purpose? Or was he coaxed into doing so because he is a retarded patsy?

>> No.52462358

Little of both, probably

>> No.52462362

This is amazing.

>> No.52462384


>> No.52462420 [DELETED] 

kek baggie

>> No.52462450

I suspect the entire 9 billion is FTT and similar shit

>> No.52462452 [DELETED] 

Get a load of this hothead incel.

>> No.52462487

The funny thing is that he is gonna get away with it.

>> No.52462504

He's jewish, he could (and probably has) rape a baby and still get away with it.

>> No.52462545


Anyone with a third grade comprehension of numbers realizes he is literally just making numbers up based on a valuation of his own fucking worthless token. Yeah, your FTX token used to be worth way more because your ponzi wasn't exposed. It's worth shit now, volume is low. The second you try and liquidate any of that it's worth 1 cent if you're lucky

>> No.52462563

>Be so autistic you’re deemed unfit to stand trial.

Interesting legal strategy. We’ll see how it plays out

>> No.52462664

No he's a coddled "elite" jew who benefits from a system of institutional Jewish privilege.

>> No.52462674 [DELETED] 

Google 'Anthony Kyle Welch'. He was a scammer that got brutally murdered while living in the Bahamas, in what was clearly a hit job that wasn't done by locals. I don't think his murder was ever solved
I'm seriously starting to wonder if SBF might suffer the same fate

>> No.52462684

Craig Wright been attempting this approach. It hasn't ended well thus far.

>> No.52462690

He stole 10 billion and fled the country he can smoke whatever he wants.

Wow he is literally me if I was a fat ugly jew with billionaire glownigger parents.

>> No.52462733

Yeah, him
>oy vey goyim I wish there was some way to give your money back! I totally want to! Oh well

>> No.52462896
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People have noticed he's purging old tweets.
He's trying to keep track of it and then make as many new tweets as possible to "balance it out" so people won't notice on socialblade and be able to use it as proof of destruction of evidence, but I am sure Elon has it alllllllll backed up.

>> No.52462923

it's an FTT marginalized long with $1.75 as liquidation price. hence why they can't close it because starting to close it would make it collapse immediately.

>> No.52462940

His meth addiction is serious.


>> No.52462961
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Exhibit A

>> No.52462975
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>> No.52463011

why isnt he in prison yet

>> No.52463034

Holy shit thats next level degen taking parkisons meds. What a retard

>> No.52463055


>> No.52463064



>> No.52463526

> We owe customers $2bn in Bitcoin
> But we got $2bn illiquid in Analtoken200
> Yeah the market cap of Analtoken200 is only $50mn but last month it was $4bn

>> No.52463573

serious tweaking

>> No.52463588

dude getting high off parkinson's and depression medication lol

>> No.52463593
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his endorphin receptors must be fried from constant drug use morning noon and night

>> No.52463679

kek'd at that graph on his screen

>> No.52463684

>Is this kike still smoking meth?
I'd like a little to forget that I made a bitch move and sold all my dext bags before they pumped

>> No.52463694
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>> No.52463711

Couple o' billy here, couple o' billy there.... I mean.... CAM ARRRRRRRRN! what's the big deal!?!?!
>seinfield theme

>> No.52464209
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Goblin up the Meth.

>> No.52464234

were madoff, epstein and weinstein also untouchables?

>> No.52464238


Oh wow, another anti-semitic thread - real original stuff. But /biz/ isn't a Nazi site, huh?

Yeah, I now unironically associate antisemitism with low IQ. Openly hating kikes is retarded sheep NPC behavior that for some reason all of /biz/ thinks is le based and redpilled. How much further from the truth could that be? There once was a time when criticizing Jews actually meant something, but that movement has since been hijacked by actual retards who think they're smart yet have nothing to say other than "dajooz" or "shalom" when someone says something that doesn't fit their worldview. Pathetic.

I'm starting to root for the Jews just to piss you normies off. I'm greatly enjoying it too.

I grew up shit kicking you little Hitler wannabes one Doc to the face at a time. These manchildren would quite literally piss themselves in fear. Anyone that brings fascism, sexism, bigotry, and hatred for the fellow man is going to have their teeth forcibly ejected out of their face via fist.

>> No.52464295

>reddit spacing
go back

>> No.52464342

>Why isn't he in police custody yet?

Clearly not going to jail. He hasnt broken Bahamas law.

>> No.52464360

Elizabeth Holmes is still walking free. We've got years of this fuck tweeting out crap and running shitcoin scams before we even get near sentencing. The tribe will run it out as long as needed before everyone forgets and he quietly gets a slap on the wrist.

>> No.52464396

Wasn’t FTX hacked?

>> No.52464403

Yes I know, “hacked”
But why would anyone deposit money on it ever?

>> No.52464404

>But /biz/ isn't a Nazi site, huh?
That's where you're wrong, rabbi

>> No.52464426

Epstein was pretty much untouchable. He was under investigation for like 10 years but never got convicted of anything despite lots of evidence. When it got out that he himself would actually start talking to the cops about what he knew and who were involved, he was elminated by the jews, not by our legal system.

Tldt he got killed because he ”betrayed” the jews, he didnt get killed because he ran a mossad pedo blackmail ring

>> No.52464433

didn't you mean
>counter-semitic? :^)
kinda biggoted, transphobic, ableistic, anti-bizist, racist, antiracist and absurdist by you. im literally shaking

>> No.52464472


>> No.52464531
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Kek at these delusional morons not realizing they have NOTHING.

>> No.52464695

What kind of semi liquid is this if he can't get it liquid in a week. Sounds illiquid to me

>> No.52464764

It's the nature of the jew to run his grift until he absolutely cannot anymore. And by "cannot" I don't mean the point at which there isn't a realistic chance it can succeed. I mean the last possible second as he's literally being hauled off

>> No.52464784
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>> No.52464827

and you wonder why jews consider goyim subhuman lol

>> No.52465015

No, he's just a retarded jew who has never faced a consequence once in his life so thinks nothing of throwing out bullshit. His worldview literally does not include a fear of reprisal in framing any of his actions.

>> No.52465018

Being a cuck is a way of life, it's all about altruism and all that jazz, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.52465051

lol bet those twitter fags wish they sold to algod for 10 cents on the dollar now

>> No.52465512

Checked and correct
You can’t prosecute this crime without unwinding the absolute corrupt rats nest of financial transactions going on behind the scenes. The amount of blackmail SBF holds with hard receipts makes him untouchable.

>> No.52466270

He is both Jewish and a democratic donor so he would only get a slap on the wrist at worst. Probably a stayed sentence. And he knows it.

>> No.52466291

By the ftx and Alameda team, retard. Cmon use your fucking brain

>> No.52466322

looking at Krakens involvement in the hack and their cso protetcting the hacker, could be a white hat trying to secure funds

>> No.52466334

Yes, for decades.

>> No.52466413

> Brilliant
And yet he can be bothered to eat properly and exercise to avoid bitch tits.
Face it, he's a lazy piece of shot who isn't smart, who tricked tards.

>> No.52466925

>tricks goyim
>they fall for it
>trolls twitter
>they fall for it

>> No.52467319
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that's where 'pinning the weasel' comes in

>> No.52467328

his father flew to the bahamas, of course he's counseling him

>> No.52468615

Has Bankman even addressed the fact that FTX was hacked? Where did that go? I haven't been on the internet in 2 days, but I come back and see nobody talking about it, was it a nothing burger? Where's the chipmunk?
Any link to a 6 paragraph blog post (not a book) rundown?

>> No.52468738

Is he trying to stay alive?

>> No.52468819
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>fellow man


>> No.52468914

He is a pathological liar, he’s making it up as he goes. He’s playing with everyone, look here, not HERE. Like using a laser pointer with a cat

>> No.52469050

>Elizabeth Holmes
SRM, OXY. Tokens with a market cun in the 100millions with 95% of the supply not circulating but held by FTX (hence a fully diluted valuation in the billions). They claim is semi-liquind but it's really worse than illiquid. It's non-existent because the moment they make it liquid it will crash to zero.

>> No.52469146

Juiced up on more methamphetamines than downtown Philadelphia!

>> No.52469207
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Perfidiousness in action

>> No.52469339

Anon I salute your meme-jitsu

>> No.52469405
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>> No.52469836

the drained funds are still doing strange swaps on chain. holding the 35th largest eth amount rn
some was saved i think, but yes nobody really knows anything lmao

>> No.52469902

fuck off, that was an inside job. sbf had a backdoor and pinned it on russia through news proxy

>> No.52470120

>Kek at these delusional morons not realizing they have NOTHING.

the money is long gone and probably was never there for more than a few minutes when he credited it

>> No.52472189


Technically he should be getting a Nobel Prize for all the money he stole. He is really one of the kindest human beings in history for doing it. It's called "Effective Altruism," i.e., he is smarter than you at knowing how to give stolen money to help people, so the greatest good for the greatest number of people requires that he steal all of your money. Because the money he steals from you can be used to save at least two or three African children. However, think of it this way. Mathematically, if instead of using the money he steals from you to save two African children, he saves 90% of that money and spends 10% of that money on himself, well, then when he is 95 he will be able to save hundreds of African children because he spent some of your money lowering his stress on the yacht he bought and by giving jobs to his weird looking girlfriends. Even better, if he spends none of his money on African children and gives all of it to his children or his weird looking girlfriends, who give all of it to their children, and so on, then all of the money he steals from you today can be used to save literally billions of African children in hundreds of years. This is a simple matter of mathematics which is why it is so difficult for you to understand. Mathematically he is at least 1.7 times better at charity than you and that means for every dollar he steals, he can spend a large percentage on his weird girlfriends and still be essentially the only truly altruistic person on the planet. And that is why Effective Altruism means that he had no philosophical or moral choice other than to steal money from you and buy a bunch of shit for himself. It's called math and perhaps you don't understand it.

>> No.52472669

>Craig Wright been attempting this approach. It hasn't ended well thus far.

I think it's worked great for wright. He should have faced criminal charges in three cases for perjury so far but no charges were brought (even though the judges determined he purjured himself).

The last time he was convicted for lying in court was in 2003-- ever since he started to claim he was autistic he's been untouchable.

>> No.52473029

Him and the ugly pug being on first name basis with GG does.

>> No.52473114
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What if the illiquidation was FUD by CZ?

>> No.52473430

This, Craig has been able to waste millions of development money in lawsuits which means billions in bitcoin's value was taken, and he didn't even get in trouble.

>> No.52473519
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>> No.52473737

holy shit

>> No.52473839

kys if not a larp

>> No.52473899

Thanks for the big blue circle, I'd be lost without it.

>> No.52474125
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Basic physiognomy check tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.52474256

SBF hasn't mentioned the "hacker" yet right, is he holding onto 300m in ETH as his backup?

>> No.52475357
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he's kicked to the curb for now.

>> No.52475417

you dont have to be ceo to raise funds for an endeavor, that alone isnt a reason to dismiss his attempts at least

>> No.52475605

He’s a member of the protected class so nothing to worry about

>> No.52475673

Only 500 mil supposedly of the billions of supposed assets

>> No.52475739


>> No.52475891

this has been explained. vanishing tweets were retweets from ppl deleting theirs or going locked or w/e

>> No.52475914

You can just say jew. Kanye made it okay to mention them by name.

>> No.52476045
File: 534 KB, 753x505, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what the fuck?
sorry, this just seems weird as fuck. No reason why a mossad agent would have to kill himself

>> No.52476060

Kikes and a large portion of the goy population are made for each other. These people are begging to be abused.

>> No.52476300

Epstein is running around the Caribbean under a new name retard
McAfee as well. SBF buys McAfee bath salts 100%

>> No.52476467

That ND bottle is likely adrafinil, dude was going ham on stims.

>> No.52476630

The bit from that fluff piece where he snaps awake from his "nap" by making direct eye contact with the camera is fucking horrible.

>> No.52476848 [DELETED] 

SBF is jewy enough to start a hit fundraiser on himself and run away with that money too.

>> No.52477695

Weinstein just had 4 of 11 charges dropped today.
In increments.
Its all done in increments. With cooldown periods.
The days go by and people forget.

>> No.52477726

If it was FUD then FTX wouldn't have gone insolvent by someone simply selling 0.5 billion dollars worth of FTT.

>> No.52477808

fucking amazing copypasta

>> No.52478017

dude Jews are legit GOD TIER
your petty goylaws don't apply

>> No.52478084

He knows he's gonna get away with it. Look at all the fucking journalists riding this niggas dick while blaming cz for everything. Kanye was so right it's insane

>> No.52478106
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they might not bother if he only has
> two more weeks

>> No.52478192

Right now in NYC there there are a handful of associates in their late-twenties at Paul Weiss banging their heads against their desk repeatedly.

>> No.52478195
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not sure how anons ended up giving him money

>> No.52478281

oh shit! Les Wexner and Mega Group were funneling deep state zionist financial mafia funds to the DNC through ETH and then FTX and that's how they stole the last 2 elections? that's wild

man this is better than any Le Carre book, whoever's writing reality has a really good imagination. clown world. btw i think AI is the antichrist and we are entering revelations, which is also the singularity

>> No.52478321

I hope they kill his fucking ass.

>> No.52478329

Is this your channel fren? If so it's nice, good tldr of infos we gathered here. Too bad you can't explicitely name the tribe, since it ties down all of these dots.

>> No.52478344

what? Do you really believe epstein killed himself you turbonormoid?

>> No.52478410

the fact that they got the Enron guy is just, too good.

>> No.52478434

but, they had to have Gavin Newsom's wife do a fish penis humiliation ritual first. Newsom's apparently related by blood and/or marriage to the Getty family and the Pelosi family as well, go figure.

>> No.52478445

Have you read the 80s jew york magazine article on Les Wexner Whittney Webb recently wrote about? That's some wild shit bruh. MK Monarch induced multiple personalities via satanic/kabbalistic ritual abuse tier of wild shit. I can't believe boomers were so fucking oblivious to it all when jews were themselves gloating about it on magazines. "muh we didn't have internet back then" is 100% fault rejection, the tribe's deeds were ALWAYS in the open.

>> No.52478546

He's basically the second coming of Epstein without the blackmail and prostitution (as far as we know). But I doubt he operated long enough to gather damning information that would warrant something like the Clinton treatment.

>> No.52479627


Who believes this? It's not as if he was sneaking a few thousand out to buy strippers, he moved the entire fucking bankroll. This is like saying Henry Ford secretly moved the entire assembly line out of the factory building and dumped it in the lake and no one noticed.

>> No.52479677

im not stupid retard.
this is biz after all

>> No.52479721

shit im twice as smart as him and have two weeks to raise 50k
good fucking luck. When you out, you out.

>> No.52479941

if the NYtimes is writing like you're some martyr, why would he

>> No.52479960

He's going to use the hacked funds to try and pull of crazy bets.

>> No.52480038

no yo u only get one chance with israli magic that fucker is going to die. If noone else will do it i will 5 years from now.

>> No.52480239
File: 268 KB, 650x365, hzESyF3BD1au8kLx5soz5yMAxb6TO-nnIOKRMh7K8o0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, the fact that he's STILL getting good press after this is making my head spin. Jewish Privilage is on a quantum level

>> No.52481750

The democrat party is a mob and this guy paid a lot for protection.

>> No.52481788

His fiance is the daughter of a professor who personally knew the current chairman of the SEC
He will never be arrested

>> No.52481864

we still don't know jack shit about the extent of two of those individuals crimes kek

>> No.52481888

>>52476060wjere are the fucking mods? No racism outside of /b/ used to be an enforceable rule, guess the jammy is too busy pissing themselves out of anger after dropping xer tendies, also go back to pol fucktards just because your Jewish it does NOT mean you are above the law despite what you retards think this guy does not have legal advice and probably will not lawyer up untill it's too late, how can I tell? The first rule of getting a lawyer is them telling you to not say anything on social media unless you incriminate yourself, but hey guess biz is too retarded to even do a cursory Google search no wonder you cunts are financially down bad if you think this is how the world actually works.


>> No.52482096

I think the word jew should be wordfiltered to white just to make /pol/yps go back to their containment board.

>> No.52482115

that would be kinda funny

>> No.52482779

Kek Okay Bear pfp, he's so down bad

>> No.52482902

No it hasn't, kike.

>> No.52482996

>adrafinil + selegiline + amphetamines
I'm getting palpitations just reading this

>> No.52482997

>just because your Jewish it does NOT mean you are above the law

So why isn't he arrested?

>> No.52483007


Lmao it's as sad as the luna baggies

>> No.52484393

Friend, Zuckerberg was allowed to buy both of his largest competitors, insta and snapchat, creating a social media monopoly. Ticketmaster was allowed to buy Livenation, creating a live music monopoly, You could get into a half dozen other less public industries and see the same patterns with the boards of directors etc all being dominated by a particular type of nepotism. Bitching about racism on 4chan is pretty funny though. Please continue.

>> No.52484537

Finally someone gets it

>> No.52485013

madoff fucked over fellow kikes so he did a no no
weinstein is getting off slowly he had a big blow up so it will take time for him to get off easy
and epstein also blew up big time so much so that they had to silence his ass to cover their own
none really got justice save madoff but again he fucked over fellow jews