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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52461621 No.52461621 [Reply] [Original]

>bro, just lay out carpets or work on hotass roofs and fuck up your body for the rest of your life!
>Learning how to code or taking college courses is so cucked!
Take your trades bullshit and show it up your asses, only the serfs (aka mexicans) should be subject to this type of torture.
Even being a retail wagie is less of a death sentence than risking being electrocuted by shitty wiring or having a wetback light up a match and blowing your ass up just because you fell for the plumbing meme

>> No.52461642

Is this a merchant?

>> No.52461670
File: 7 KB, 248x249, 1665628535488389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you think the tech bubble will last forever, right?

>> No.52461677

The meme that trades people all end up disabled with destroyed bodies is such a joke, the truth is office fags who sit in for the of a computer all day have the most health problems. I am a muscle bound chad and make more cash then you code niggers. Easily pull $2k on a good day. The key is to just pick a trade and start your own business. There is so much demand for most trades that you’ll get work and can charge $100-$200 and he for it.

>> No.52461701

>There is so much demand for most trades that you’ll get work and can charge $100-$200 and he for it.
Mexicans can do it for less than half and twice as fast. Being a tradecuck is absolutely pointless because of this.

>> No.52461729

roofing, painting, and laying out carpets aren’t really skilled trades
being a tradie is probably much more rewarding than being an office drone, especially if you’re capable of running your own business. i think the downfall of 95% of tradies is alcoholism and a general culture that is “anti intellectual”, if not outright stupid

>> No.52461766

I do, yes.. along with the real estate, gasoline and food bubbles.

>> No.52461818

I live in a country where tradcucks earn 100k plus depending on their trade and how smart they are. they can earn way more once they start their own businesses. 18-19 year old dudes buying 70k utes (trucks) in their second years now. it's crazy. office faggots struggling and suffering from home. realising they're getting cabin fever and techneck.

>> No.52462843

>Juan undercuts the blue collar tradies
>Pajeet undercuts the "white" collar computer boys

>> No.52462887

Cool pic and spot on op.

>Easily pull $2k on a good day
By slaving in the sun for an extra 10 hours.

Aussie? Doesn't count when everything else is double what it costs in America.

>> No.52462903

Juan will build the same flimsy macmansion as John. Rakesh is not going to write the same code as Randy.

>> No.52462922


My man, white collar workers are billing $200-400+/hr... I'm billing out to a client at $270/hr right now and know a guy billing $450. Lawyers can go into 1000s. I mean white collar shit is on another level. Wagies boast about having multimillion dollar companies with like 10% margin...

>> No.52463009

Please anon, enlighten me.
When in the next 100 years do you see computers going out of fashion?
OH! You don't you say?
Well, sounds like tech jobs are the new, I don't know, communication industry?
The communication industry before the 1900s was, well, it barely existed, now look at it.
Would you say the communication industry experienced a bubble? Sure did.
But did it go anywhere? No. Is it gone? No.
That's tech, sure it's in a bubble. But the industry isn't going anywhere. Corporations will play defense for a bit and be a bit less aggressive with spending. But there will never not be a need for tech workers.

>> No.52463105

Uhm, sweaty, is that really YOUR client or your employer's client?

>> No.52463122

I can't believe this is that one picture of a jew. My eyes are not deceiving me right?

>> No.52463135

yeah it is, but it's just stable diffusion. not an actual house.

>> No.52463152

Kek so true. I fell for the trade meme hard when I was 18 and was like "lmfaoo fuck college! why would I go to college when I can earn money now".
Well that was good and all but then by the time youre 26, people who went to college are already out earning you and they dont have to deal with all the other bullshit that comes along with trade work (especially if you get involved in contracting, what a fucking scam that is).

Thankfully for the last 6 years I've been working in a part of the construction industry (telecommunications) that will allow me to easily pivot into to a full tech industry position.
Comfy ass job where I earn twice as much and have half the responsibility is right around the corner and I will never have to wear disgusting ass hi-vis clothing again.

>> No.52463177

He probably is yeah. He also forgets to mention that its 100k before taxes, which most contractors dont pay (so they will enjoy a surprise bill from the taxman), and they also have to bust their ass for 60 hours a week to earn that much.
And hes full of shit because an apprentice can never afford a 70k vehicle on apprentice wages.

>> No.52463188

lmfao some one put this on redfin

>> No.52463407

Folks.... Hear me out here..... Both are MASSIVE Scams.... Democrat jobs, folks.... These people - - nasty nasty people behind the contracting and software company, guys I hate to brake it to you.... They're laughing all the way to the bank. I'll let you in on a secret, tell you how it's done. They find a sucker, well that's what they are suckers, let's call him Jim okay? and they say HEY JIM... Jim... JIM I got a job for you. Fifty BUCKS an hour. Money like hes never seen before. thinks it's great... but it's not. Cause I'll tell you what they do to with poor Jim. Work em like a dog. Woof woof. Bing Bing Bing banging nails or click click click, doesn't matter. Builds something for em, big beautiful house, just terrific, of makes an app, im sure you've heard of Apple. Tim Apple... NASTY guy. anyways.. they make millions off that house, and software, get this, billions with a B and they barely throw ol Jim a bone. it's a shame really, a real shame. he's out there working his ass, fifty bucks an hour, can you believe it? they get millions and billions and jims gets some pocket change. Democrat deal, Democrat jobs and they got themselves a Democrat voter. the saddest part, they don't care about em. The H1B? they'll find someone, not even an American, to do what he does for a buck, one dollar, an hour, can you believe it?

>> No.52463429
File: 46 KB, 765x764, 106878527-1620223837055-106748412-1602881184740-biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I approve this message

>> No.52465320

Reddit merchant

>> No.52465365


t. Lazy zoomer


>implying sitting at a desk 8+ hours a day performing repetitive motions doesn't also fuck up your body

>> No.52465394

>He isn't a self-employed motorcycle mechanic in a well vented shop that barely gets dirty


>> No.52465553

>Learning how to code or taking college courses is so cucked
It is when there are thousands of Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, and other coders being dumped onto the market.

>> No.52465603

I have a secret to tell you. An FAA A&P license to fix airplanes is a golden ticket for trades. One of the actual requirements is the ability to write and speak English fluently, meaning I will never be undercut by Mexicans. It’s also required to have someone with an A&P with an inspection authorization to sign off on mandatory annual inspections, meaning again, I will never be replaced by a Mexican.
After 8-10 years of waging, you’ll eventually move to a maintenance control position and supervise and sit in a climate controlled office all day like I do, while making a comfy 6 figures against Union job with baller benefits.
Max comfy because I live in an area with a cost of living well below the national average.

>> No.52465619

It's a house covered in snow schizo

>> No.52465858

All I see are merchants.
Fuck this site and fuck you.

>> No.52465879

I genuinely can't tell if this is supposed to be Trump or Bidenstein, they both sound like this

>> No.52465914


>> No.52466359

>When in the next 100 years do you see computers going out of fashion?

when electricity stops being cheap and available 24/7.

the next 2 to 3 years.

>> No.52466387

Noone trades because they want to. They trade because they have to.

>> No.52467073

Fucking kek

>> No.52468147

trump. the only similarity is biden says folks too. I never said the word folks out of my mouth. it's a weird word if you think about it.

>> No.52468343
File: 741 KB, 576x704, B15ECD77-C2CD-484B-B3DB-6123AD6B6FF6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread didnt turn out to be AI merchant spam fest

>> No.52468478
File: 44 KB, 400x394, 1654488610765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fuckin losin it with these merchants

>> No.52468975

Coding fucks your body too.
I used to have a sixpack.

>> No.52468989

1) the money goes to the boss
2) even if you’re the boss, taxes (that you can’t dodge) and professional expenses are enormous, while regulations can get very annoying

>> No.52469911

That's your fault.

>> No.52469944

I was thinking the same thing xD

>> No.52470087
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>> No.52470422

Don’t forget you’re here forever.

>> No.52470950
File: 35 KB, 640x635, b504121bca959ea94e42e0dc493e4233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>providing real value skills to your community is cucked
>learn to code and make another app for delivering goyslop

These fucking (((guys)))

>> No.52471031
File: 58 KB, 512x512, F6EB07CB-6479-4647-ACC0-B481C72AE5C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white collar jobs already outsourced to pajeets and H1s
>pajeet managers constantly firing whites to replace with their own
>pandemic makes many jobs WFH
>cheap debt fueling non profitable tech companies is over
>economy on verge on massive shit
>Wall St jews will have fiduciary duty to maintain profits
>sorry goys, have to keep the share price up by shipping your jobs overseas
>instant flood of freelancers hit market
>whites push their wages down while paying for ex-wife’s new kids
>ESG and HR Queens in control of hiring once economy recovers

Best path at this point is put yourself in a trade position with Mexicans working below you. Or learn to sell.

>> No.52471986
File: 92 KB, 810x540, queens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real value skills
Yeah. Standing in crews of 3 as the apprentice does all the work is a valuable skill. You got dirty though, so you must've done something productive.

>sorry goys, have to keep the share price up by shipping your jobs overseas
That's not how economics works. There are times when the cheaper labor cost isn't worth the future maintenance costs. Only bottom feeders have to worry about outsourcing.

>> No.52472038

you realize sitting around all day is horrible too

>> No.52472794

Road construction is the most Jewish trade. Contracts are awarded with a set amount of approved hours and no margins on materials so the companies are inclined to use every single hour. They don’t care if people are standing around since those hours are the only way the company makes money.

Also constant maintenance is the original subscription service. The long term costs of electrical vehicles or solar power should kill those industries yet they are constantly shoved down peoples throats as it’s a perpetual consumption cycle.

>> No.52473061

Literally just buy a pullup/dip station and lift dumbells faggot

>> No.52473091


>> No.52473193

Tar monkeys are the literal dregs of construction. Even so, you'd at least need them to stand and hold the sign so you don't get rekt by an out of service road.

>> No.52473357
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>> No.52473473
File: 828 KB, 800x600, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contracts are awarded with a set amount of approved hours and no margins on materials so the companies are inclined to use every single hour
I work for a paving company, and I've never heard of this type of contract. We do a fair amount of public works projects too. What you're talking about must be for a specific city or maybe state that issues the contracts.

>> No.52473813

>dear diary…
Skilled Trades isn’t the problem. The problem is the high amount of estrogen in your system