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File: 149 KB, 750x928, 3B5E130A-4426-45E0-A9F0-41D89822E93A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52461226 No.52461226 [Reply] [Original]

MTV was my only hope.

>> No.52461233

Yeah remember when MTV played bangers in the morning before school that sure were the days

>> No.52461247

headbangers ball

>> No.52461256

Kek this is a soft exit scam

>> No.52461265

Is this a joke? You idiots shilled this so hard last year.

>> No.52461276

Why should they work on it when the market conditions are so poor?

>> No.52461360

The fuck does that have to do with anything. This is a rug.

>> No.52461379

imagine trusting a project where Cathy the chink is the representative

>> No.52461400

what's a multivac? i already have 2 vacuum cleaners so i don't have to carry them up and down stairs.

>> No.52461443

I don't think good projects care about market conditions much all. I don't see why that's relevant. You make good tech, put it out there. You don't wait until people's bags are blowing up.
Glad I unstaked and swapped for LUNC

>> No.52461466

bruh that fallout boy song w/ the deer boi was on point

>> No.52461488
File: 483 KB, 861x478, 44RT34F34TGY345T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its over. goodnight 'multivac'

>> No.52461738
File: 9 KB, 1067x125, rugged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking dumped $1,300 into this when it was being shilled as the "L1 that hasn't pumped yet" and literally bought the top. It is now worth $40. It's literally not even worth selling at this point. I just start at it in awe in my wallet. Fuck you faggots who shilled this as a "Kucoin lowcap gem" fuck fuck fuck

>> No.52461804
File: 123 KB, 720x720, 1659315859109974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't invest more than you can afford to lose
>you haven't lost until you sell!
lol I lost about $2k on this and then I swapped it out for lunc. I think I lost about $1k but oh well, lesson learned.
What would you put that money in now, anon? If you got it back today?

>> No.52461838

you think you have it bad? I dumped 20k in and i have 1k now

>> No.52461845

Yeah lesson fucking learned. I usually do my DD on tokens like this but it was peak euphoria here on /biz/ and I felt like I was missing out on a big win. I sort of just threw money at it without an exit plan. Honestly, I've been burnt on so many alts that I'd probably just keep DCAing into BTC/ETH. I think I'm going to sell my $40 worth and buy my son a Lego City set for Christmas. Fuck chinks and fuck crypto this whole space is a fucking cesspool and I can't wait to leave here forever.

>> No.52461862

should've bought kade-ACK

>> No.52461896

sorry, anon. I was in the MTV threads back in November last year when the first Dex released on the chain. I was going into the hospital for the birth of my second son and couldn't be bothered to meticulously monitor my crypto investments, before I knew it I was 50% down, and felt like it wasn't worth selling at that point. It's just hilarious to look at a token I invested in that's over 95% down. It's a reminder how this whole space is a fucking scam.

>> No.52461959

>buy a scam
>all crypto is a scam
You were just stupid bro

>> No.52461964

I narrowly avoided it (thank christ) but still lost half of all my money this cycle.

>> No.52461989

I had $4000 in MTV like 5 million of them still holding that bag. Oops.

>> No.52461991

Buy the dip faggots, Kadena trannies can’t win. It’s not a scam, MTV has the most legit tech and hard working developers.

>> No.52462006


get into FRIN (fringe) you dummy

>> No.52462030

It was relentlessly shilled by arrogant /pol/ tourists, whom you should always counter-trade.

PROTIP: same lot also shill ICP. Hint hint.

>> No.52462055

>Kadena trannies can’t win.
They won't. They'll lose to KAS chads.

You both get rekt. Thanks for playing.

>> No.52462138
File: 543 KB, 1644x3326, MTVbaggycope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing to come out of MTV is reading the cope in the TG chat. Shawn has literally done nothing all year and they all make assumptions and think its bullish LMAO sad

>> No.52462246

>due to the market conditions
I wish I could use this excuse at work. "Hey boss, I'm not coming in for the next 6 months, my shit coins are down!"

>> No.52462538

>bagholder discords and tgs develop stockholm syndrome

>> No.52462605

holy fuck I remember those MTV threads last year with those shillfags
They were all coordinating and shit too, glad they lost their fucking money, I hope they stay poor and fat and mad

>> No.52462660

FUCKING LOL glad I sold this piece of shit
>umm we cant make money off our shitcoin so we give up, but next bullrun we might come back to try and scam you out of your money!

>> No.52462692

It's a slow rug.

>> No.52462775

They don't even play music anymore

>> No.52462808

Still can't believe that people baghold this chink scam lel

>> No.52462830


>> No.52462837

>This is a rug.
>not releasing new developments/ expanding the eco-system in a bear market when there is no hype and everyone is demoralized is a rug.
I mean, I don't have high hopes for this coin, but it's common and a lot of projects wait to release until sentiment and morale improves

>> No.52462877

They won't even say what the developments are.
>Hey guys we did stuff but we can't say what and we won't do anything with the stuff we did until number go up.

>> No.52462884

isnt this what ambrosus did and then all the devs left and never came back