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52458087 No.52458087 [Reply] [Original]

Can the US populace sustain paying $100 for an oil change, financially speaking?

>> No.52458124
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Why does this image make amerimutts seethe so much and whine about communism?
A walkable city is not a leftist-exclusive thought.

>> No.52458136

i'm not sure why that matters. changing your own oil is easy.

>> No.52458153
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>Muh walkable city
Stop ticking the Goyim Moshe

>> No.52458194

Lmao USA calls themselves first world yet doesn't even have working public transport. EVEN VENEZUELA HAS THAT AHAHAHA

>> No.52458197

Human cattle momento

>> No.52458245
File: 2.42 MB, 480x848, pol-152.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you even use public transportation in Venezuela? I thought the place was full of niggers and having a car was the only way to avoid it

>> No.52458278

they do have public transport but they also have niggers

>> No.52458303

New York City is the second times first largest travel destination on the globe it’s also the most expensive place to live in America constantly competing with San Francisco, everyone uses the transport, the only country I heads with actual good public transportation is Japan.

>> No.52458321


>> No.52458333

Where in the US does it cost $100 for an oil change? Commiefornia?


There's public transport, but only poor people who can't afford cars use it.

>> No.52458484

But batteries don’t have oil

>> No.52458496

build one then.

>> No.52458499
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I’m in MA but it was full synthetic on my Chevy sedan, it used to cost half that

>> No.52458511

Pepe is literally a globohomo meme the frogbots work for them

>> No.52458540

batteries also aren't going to move anyone or anything any useful distance, except for middle-aged liberal women who need to get across town to cuck their bald foureyes husbands

>> No.52458574

>Where in the US does it cost $100 for an oil change?
ironic, you can't afford a good car, but here you are shitting on still poorer people.

>> No.52458663

Why do cars and with them the ability to travel several miles or even thousands of miles confuse and scare the Eurocuck? Is it because your countries are the size of US states?

PS Walkable cities are fine but who would want to be confined to only the area they can travel on foot or bike? That sounds gay af

>> No.52458690

density is less of an issue if you have fewer niggers

>> No.52458693

we left that age long ago, boomer

>> No.52458712

If you're paying 100$ for an oil change you either live in a big shitty and are just used to getting raped at every turn, or you have something that's a nice enough vehicle for it to be worth engineering it in a manner that makes doing the oil change more difficult and expensive and thus don't care.
>Wanting to use public transport
Not even in Japan. Using communal objects is gross.

>> No.52458790

There’s not much wrong with cars themselves, they are very useful for travels that would take hours on foot.
There is something very wrong with car-dependency and designing cities around cars. The least congested cities in the world happens to be the most walkable ones as well accounted for population density.

>> No.52458813

Based. If only they had been inside cars. Got the gookette getting crushed?

>> No.52458887

That's an issue that has more to do with retarded and ineffectual zoning laws than anything else.

>> No.52460332

I'm not sure why the US hasn't created better long distance trains for travel. I understand the size of USA is massive, but it would create many trickledown jobs and stimulate the economy. All while increasing the quality of life. I suppose GM fills the pockets of politicians, so it doesn't happen.

>> No.52461807
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In the US almost all the rail lines are privately owned. The rail companies abandoned passenger rail decades ago, as it is a giant money pit, while freight rail makes them plenty of money. (Do note that the US probably has the best freight rail system in the world) The federal government did take over some passenger rail with Amtrak, but it requires large subsidies to operate, on the order of ten times as much per passenger mile as the subsides roads or airlines receive.

In Europe most of the rail lines are owned by governments; politicians choose to run passenger rail for popularity points, despite the high subsidies required; that's why they have such high fuel taxes in Europe, they decided to make car drivers pay for the trains. This also stunted the use of freight rail in Europe, as the passenger trains take up space on the rail.

It should also be noted that the locations in the US were the public does want passenger rail are incredibly corrupt, which makes building stuff stupid expensive & time consuming. Just look at California's shitshow of a high speed rail project they have been "working" on for the last decade. California had originally hired the French national railroad company to assist with the project, but they gave up & decided that working with the less corrupt Morocco government on a HSR project was easier.

>> No.52462001

Just change the oil yourself. Simple as.

>> No.52462954

I live in the woods. If I walked to work it would take 20 hours to get there.