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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52455923 No.52455923 [Reply] [Original]

Community Call in 10 mins.

Hands are getting weak bros, I need hopium. Some autist should ask them about that FTX partnership

>> No.52455983

Did all of the OGs and TS capitulate? I rarely see BAT threads these days.

>> No.52456230

Did the FTX fuckery affect Brave?

>> No.52457458

Holy ded thread.

>> No.52458060

Any news? Did FTX fuck Brave? Worth listening to the rerun?

>> No.52458586

Its a bear market. Things get quiet. What these retards don't know though is that its the best time to keep BAT threads active.

>> No.52458675

Link to the video of it if anyone is interested. Listening to it right now.

>> No.52458982

BAP here. I'm still here. Not using my namefag because Parker will jannie me. He's a fag who hates Khazar milkers and non tranny ass. Hence why TP and I are scarce.

That said, been buying into the crash to get my average price down. Feels good.

>> No.52459056
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>> No.52459060

Ice cream worker, I still have mine.

>> No.52459493

I wish Brendan said something about BAT.

>> No.52459608
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As always, I'm not a jannie. I'm pretty sure this furry is your culprit.

>> No.52459613

Brave is the only sane project in crypto somehow. They don't do shady things

Wait for next bull run. Brave could be a huge winner

>> No.52459649

>They don't do shady things
I used to think like this too, but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.52459788

What shady shit you think they’re doing?

>> No.52459845

Oh yea that asshole jannied me again last week. I know it’s him because I left my real email contenting my 30 day ban over the summer and he replied in his typical Parker way. Quick short Canadian apology and immediate unbanning

>> No.52459855


>> No.52459948

How so?

>> No.52459967

It’s me, I just gotta switch my WiFi on and off because Parker keeps fucking with me

>> No.52460268

Doesnt have to be a bull run. Chainlink did a 20x during a bear market. You control the narrative in a bear market and you control all the liquid capital.

>> No.52460388

Lost 80% of my BAT to Celsius jewry. This year everything is breaking and requiring expensive fixes. Will hopefully buy more next year

>> No.52460404

Lmao, didn't ice cream factory worker anon have like $6 million worth of BAT?

I'm still here since 2018 but I'm largely anonymous

>> No.52460466
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I think the ice cream worker was secretly Mashinsky and he was forced to dump

>> No.52460558
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>I think the ice cream worker was secretly Mashinsky

>> No.52460946
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>> No.52461594

is this a vc scam coin like all the others?
been using brave for years and have a couple thousand bat just never looked into the details

>> No.52461618

Ice cream worker was a larp, it was a joke

I don't post in these threads anymore because the janny situation (parker) literally disgusts me. I still peep the threads here and there though. Hopefully this next cycle BAT will outperform everything. Brave is pretty much at it's make or break it point anyways, so if it doesn't make it this cycle then it's going to be stagnating users, and brave running out of money. Either that, or they do search ads and become profitable and start expanding big.

Everything is kind of up in the air right now so we'll see how it plays out. The team needs to get their shit together and stop fucking around with this Solana garbage

>> No.52461872

No place like home.

>> No.52463189

is this real? this cant be real. $15 million in BAT?

>> No.52463986
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>> No.52464546

just wait till Brave reaches close to 100M users next year
Its going to $5-10B market cap easily with all the hype and Web3 narrative

>> No.52464608

Whats the story here?

>> No.52464998

An ice cream factory worker owns a fuckton of BAT newfag. He said he would give us 10 hour notice before he dumps

>> No.52466056

It’s 100m users end of this year chud

>> No.52466149

bat was a good idea but it has the worst team in crypto behind it

>> No.52466317

>just wait till Brave reaches close to 100M users next year
Remember when we thought the trend would continue and 100M was going to be reached next month? Ahahaha good times. Although I guess the pajeets were flushed out which is nice. Can't build anything lasting on a foundation of streetshit.

>> No.52468007

>Remember when we thought the trend would continue and 100M was going to be reached next month?
Yeah but instead we stagnated and are pretty much flat for the entire year. There has been NOTHING accomplished at this company for literally an entire year, except for some growth on the search engine and adding a few shitcoins to the wallet that nobody uses. Oh and we lost rewards for like every country.

>> No.52468276

This can't be real, lmao

>> No.52469013

They need Carlos to go hard in South America. There’s also opportunities to pick up new users in eastern block nations, Australia, parts of Asia and developed regions of Africa. Most of those places are also cheaper to run traditional ads ie; billboard, buses, TV etc.

>> No.52469729

Are so dumb not to have realised that everywhere gets quiet in the bear? Privacy and safety concerns are utmost at times such as this.

>> No.52470228
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>50,000 BAT in gemini

>> No.52470309

get a fucking ledger man

>> No.52471944

Gemini is rugging too?

>> No.52473176

It’s 100% real boss

>> No.52473848

Our browser stacks are safe if we leave em on uphold r-right?

>> No.52475081

>no thots
How the fuck am I supposed to cope with these bags? We need TP back.

>> No.52475130

I have my browser rewards and 27k BAT stuck on Gemini. It’s gone isn’t it?

>> No.52475277

Probably. Their retarded tweets are causing a bank run. Almeida/FTX wasn’t invested in Gemini for what it’s worth. I’m assuming the Winklevoss bros were still fucking around with their customers tokens

>> No.52475325

I think the concern is the earn program that was tied to genesis capital who was tied to ftx. I have 12k BAT in the earn program thats probably gone.

>> No.52475365

Their lending platform genesis is. Depending how bad it is they might also.

>> No.52475384

Gemini is up, what are you talking about?

>> No.52476229

withdraw it now retard. people had days to withdraw their shit from FTX and the lazy fucks didnt do it. get it done now

>> No.52476469

Will do. Comparing Trezor and Ledger models now

>> No.52476549

i have both. get ledger. the nano s plus

>> No.52476696

Thanks for the tip. Only thing I’m worried about is Ledger getting hacked and having huge data breaches

>> No.52476776

the key is stored on your device, ledger doesnt have access. i have never updated my firmware ever

>> No.52477051

Is Exodus good?
Thinking of using it as the cold wallet.

>> No.52477134

Based. Thanks a lot

>> No.52477521

exodus is good i have used it in the past. i prefer a ledger hardware wallet, but if i had to recommend a software wallet to someone it would be exodus

>> No.52477764

Can you use the same wallet on desktop and mobile?

>> No.52477945

Yes but you gotta plug it in as opposed to using the Bluetooth on your mobile

>> No.52477954

I see and as long as I keep my secret phrase I can move it to a new device without issue?

>> No.52478075

Yea the wallet exists online. The key feature is the ledger never produces a seed phrase over the internet. It never leaves the hardware device. Your best bet is to only download the ledger wallet on an old device that is only used for crypto. It’s idiot proof. I have no idea about airgapping or whatever the fuck these nerds do. Ledger is simplistic and safe

>> No.52478098

Oh I was talking about Exodus.
I think you're talking about ledger.

>> No.52478135

Oh ok. Can’t help you there, but you could probably just use the Brave wallet for the same effect

>> No.52478559

literally the only coin with a useful product

>> No.52479288

have you looked at literally every token ever?
didn't think so.

>> No.52480436
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>there is a defi wallet in the browser
>i have to use cex's and kyc myself to withdraw/deposit bat
WHY? Is this supposed to be user friendly? Help me understand this, please

>> No.52481948
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In a few more days it'll mark the 1 year anniversary of my 2.1k worth of basic attention token (ticker: BAT) being worth 5 thousand united states dollars (ticker: usd)
Time to go check on my vast riches, surely my wealth has grown...
>479 dollars
Well at least it's holding 23 cents r-right bros?

>> No.52481976 [DELETED] 

you can put BAT on a ledger?

>> No.52482019
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$45,000 to $6,000 for me

>> No.52482033

curious why you didnt cash out and take the $5k? you could have used it to invest in moar or cashed out and did something with it.

>> No.52482063
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Don't know.
I was on top of the world, I thought it'd stay high forever.
Shit sucks even more than my situation.

>> No.52482082
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Ah that makes sense. I got rekt on my golden child coin shiba inu cuz it'll go up forever... til it suddenly was waaaaaay down and kept going. oof. Understandable anon

>> No.52483634

I simply DCA in the bear, but no new additions. Ocean, Link, Dia and Ore are the recent assets I DCAed into

>> No.52484521
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save this BATbros

>> No.52484655

God, I wish this could be real.
Best case scenario for BAT is pump to $0.5 and dump to $0.2 again.

>> No.52484679

its the 3rd cycle which is usually the biggest just like the $4k to 70k BTC pump in 14 months after covid

>> No.52484720

do people unironically still hold bat

>> No.52485471

I do. It’s the only token with a usable product that I actually use everyday. Seems like a solid alt with all the chaos to hit the market. Are you holding any alts thru the jew apocalypse anon?

Posted from Brave browser

>> No.52487630

wrong. bat will hit $40, not $11

>> No.52488749

Yes, 50k BAT all the way down from the $1.90 peak.