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52455697 No.52455697 [Reply] [Original]

What's up NIGGERS, I have AVAX!

>> No.52455749

Me too cunt

>> No.52455832
File: 463 KB, 619x460, doncz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive given in after all these threads, i now do too, my nigger

>> No.52456546


>> No.52457283

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster tthan you can say dounle spend.

>> No.52457311
File: 235 KB, 1124x1137, avax camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello AVAX cuck
How is the Turkish Lira doing? is the $200/month that Emin is paying still enough to cover living expenses?

my personal advice for you is to sell your AVAX and buy some MATIC instead. Polygon has the superior technology, the funding and building teams that AVAX lacks so badly

Also move out of Turkey while you still can or else you'll end up having to serve overpriced Shawarma and Sujuk sandwiches to tourists who you hate

>> No.52457355
File: 323 KB, 1710x1132, TOP KEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhhh AVAX bros?
im not feeling so good
why is MATIC so far ahead of us? arent we supposed to be better? this is what I've always read from you guys

>> No.52457380

>be AVAX
>claim to be scaling solution
>somehow manage to fuck up so bad and send gas fees to $14 cause of a fucking crab game

Polygon was face with the same situation but still managed to keep gas fees way below $1

>> No.52457396
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Yes sirs Matic good coin buy for moon

>> No.52457429

>be AFAGS holder
>no more arguments available to FUD Polygon
>let me use racism hehehe
>feel good
>AVAX still dumping
>MATIC still pumping

>> No.52457447

one word: multisig

>> No.52457465

the introduction of supernets made this arguement completely irrelevant
multisig doesnt affect supernets

>> No.52457486

you niggers literally stole supernets from Avalanche lol
YOUR argument is irrelevant

>> No.52457494

yeah and we made it better lol
what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

>> No.52457519
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>> No.52457571
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Fucking stealing shitskins

>> No.52457577

Aside from that fact that this was obviously written by a disgusting Matic holder, he kinda has a point
Why the fuck are we dumping so hard and why aren't we even doing anything about it
>muh bear market
fuck all yall. these motherfuckers at Polygon are doing the most right now, even during a bear market. Whats stopping us from doing the same?
Their biz dev is unblievable. They just signed some shit with Nike too

I hate to say all of this, but we're on our way out of the top 20 guys. We need to wake up and do something already fuck

>> No.52457595
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>> No.52457614
File: 216 KB, 1072x1234, cope & seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe harder for me anon

>> No.52457619

Absolutely not, Avalanche is still miles ahead of your centralized pajeet shitcoin

>> No.52457645

the MATIC fuckers are absolutley handling this thread anon
Emin wont be paying you the standard 5 Lira for this sadly

>> No.52457676
File: 190 KB, 420x1096, Screen Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its far alright
just not ahead kek

>> No.52457700

I have USDC.e on AVAX nigger

>> No.52457762

I also have avax NIGGERS

>> No.52457821

Yes sirs Matic good token! Moon buy sir

>> No.52458549

plz sir I hate that image
what's with the use of the n word bro
I now will buy about $600 worth a month while it's cheap

>> No.52458563

Shut the fuck up, you dirty VAXcattle.

>> No.52458590

I DCA'd 7k between $18 and $15 should I sell now and buy back when it's $5 next month?

>> No.52458655

I have no idea how much more it can dump. Avax dumps are fcking brutal.

>> No.52459008

lmao, if i wanted to flex anything i would flex holding matic that flipped avax, tron, dai, dot, shib, and sol in market cap. polygon in the top 3 is imminent

>> No.52459102
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>> No.52459514

Why do the brownhanded MATIC holders always have to come into the AVAX threads and smell the place up? Go make your own thread. It really communicates a lot about MATIC and how threatened they are by tech that actually works.

>> No.52459537

I'll buy some avax just to make sure it dies. I also never sell.

>> No.52459740
File: 92 KB, 748x678, 1656995890455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's eternal asspain because Emin brutally rekt their shitskin thief leader. Notice how the brown guy has the exact same low IQ arguments (Avalanche has high gas).

>> No.52460214
File: 69 KB, 587x505, polycuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poos aren't used to facing honest criticism so lose their shit when blunt autists like Emin call them out directly and succinctly.

Indian culture, especially of the lower castes from which Sandeep is from, is based on flattery and sycophancy. It's how they have survived against neighboring martial cultures where they would otherwise have been wiped out long ago.

>> No.52461168

I feel that the more AVAX underperforms, the harder the cope from the roaches. Nothing makes me happier than seeing something like LTC climb higher in market cap while all the retards from the latest cycle kept bashing it, saying that it is dead. Meanwhile it manages to hold up better than the VC backed roach coin which used to be (and still very much is) the darling of all newfags LMAO. Not to mention that it is propped up by an insane amount of money similar to how Sam propped up the Solana ecosystem.

It relied on new money coming in from retarded noobs but I am afraid that the party has ended. Now you will get to witness funds strapped for cash unwind their positions while the supply also increases. Happy times!

And don't worry Polyjeets, your time is coming as well. Everything I said about AVAX applies to that shitskin vaporware token too.

>> No.52461268

>Meanwhile it manages to hold up better than the VC backed roach coin
Backed by which VC?

>> No.52461361

3AC needs to unwind their positions bro. Believe me bro. They couldn’t do it because of reasons I can’t reveal bro. AVAX needed all new money bro. LTC is the way to go bro. AVAX roaches are dead.

>> No.52461686

Trust me bro, buy roach coin bro. No no no, double spend was fun bro. Nooo bro it does not rely on new money from midwits bro. No broo it is not underperforming even though it was one of the trendiest L1 from this cycle. Muh usage bro, it's not like the roach founder did some incredibly shady shit behind closed doors, including that lawyer faggot. Funny how that got buried bro. Nah bro it is not a glorified start-up which raises funding through the sale of worthless tokens bro. It's decentralized bro, trust me.

>> No.52461798

>almost 2023
>still parroting the low IQ double spend FUD
>acting like not fucking everything is underperforming right now in a fat bear market
>low IQ lawsuit FUD
>startup FUD
Fucking cringe

>> No.52461947

Alright now that you have the REEEE out of your system, we can have a normal conversation. Based on your stance you only like ETH and BTC? Let’s hear it.

>> No.52461987
File: 57 KB, 1051x243, AVAX0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX to $0
ICP to $0
MATIC to $0

Roach infested trash, all of it

>> No.52462015

Wtf?! Why are more people not talking about this?! First time I’ve seen it in mentioned on BIZ.