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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52453036 No.52453036 [Reply] [Original]

My worst financial mistake was being born in 1998

>> No.52453051
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I was born in that same year in the month of September

>> No.52453056

right here with you anon

>> No.52453168

That's crazy, I was born on 2551st of September 1993

>> No.52453354
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Idk what 2551st means but based September birthday chad

>> No.52453398


You are young and already on /biz. 100% gonna make it.

>> No.52453423

wtf toddlers on my /biz/?

>> No.52453455
File: 26 KB, 402x402, EDEAA882-85A4-469F-A75F-610221364BF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> too young for millennial soi faggotry
> too old to be a no cap no cap zoomer
> graduates college in 2020
> recession in 2022
1998 bros had it rough…

>> No.52453518
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>Born in 87
>Just in time to get skullfucked by 9/11 and the GFC once I got out of college
You can do it, anon. I believe in you.

>> No.52453542

Every birth year from the early 90s on is just further into the degen modern American lifestyle

I'm trying to imagine inflation making houses go from $600k to $800k while I'm working a college summer job. I at least had a few years to accummulate


>> No.52453580
File: 48 KB, 700x393, 1498859410-83de4f55bde8438a726f9337e98604b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are 24 though

>> No.52453594

There are people who bought houses before 2020 and then there are the modern serfs. The prior group can raise a family stocking shelves at Walmart, the latter group needs a STEM degree to rent a room

>> No.52453607

I was born in 87. 2008 financial crash happened just as I was entering the workforce. We were all fucked by greedy boomers.

>> No.52453616

The same zoomer reddit faggots who ruined it.

>> No.52453649

‘96. Feels weird knowing I’ll be entering my late ‘20 next year bt ai’m doing great, can’t complain. Still feel the same I did when I was 18 though

>> No.52453662

fellow september 1998 chad

>> No.52453680

Toddlers ruining biz

>> No.52455596

i feel like my life just vanished once i got my first job. i used to have so much fun and free time, now i'm just an overthinking piece of shit that lives to work
worst part is there is no alternative
still young enough to do pretty much anything, but i'm getting older and emptier each day

>> No.52455658
File: 238 KB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 25347 azumanga_daioh kasuga_ayumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the important question, where you born on the 16th of September?

>> No.52455690

Trust me frog bro, we don't have it that bad. the generations born from ~2015 onward are the ones who are REALLY going to have to deal with this shit in the future.

>> No.52455706

i was born july 1998

i missed the 2017 bull run by buying drugs on the deep web and not saving anything

i made it last bullrun but in my euphoria unironically made the worst trades possible and lost all my money before the crash even happened

my first btw buy was ~$300 and i have no money to my name

>> No.52455712

>feeling bad
>imagine myself being born later
>feeling not so bad
its that easy

>> No.52455713

when you were 8 I was posting on this website

>> No.52455723

I have learned a lot though, won’t lose out again, only up from here

>> No.52455732
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If I might ask, what kind of work do you do? The right job helps. I definitely felt like you, I used to work financial trading and some investment banking, I was making 6 figures but wanted to kill myself since I knew everything I was doing was LITERALLY make believe. That McCoughnahey line in Wolf is unironically true. It's all imaginary.

I have never been happier than now, with my job managing a McDonalds, and no, I'm not kidding. I make the same money and run an entire building, it's a blast. It was rought at first but once I got the right people inside the building working for me after a month or two, the thing basically runs itself.

pic related: my physique since the change, now that I have the time and energy to work out again.

>> No.52455740

*my first btc but was at ~$300

>> No.52455774

2551st of September 1993 is the 25th of August 2000

>> No.52455810

Stfu faggot I wish I was 8 years younger, fucking zoomie cunt faggot.

>> No.52455825

I was born in 96. No worry little one, you can make it. Just be curious, find stocks the normies aren't thinking about.

>> No.52455860

shut down followed by recession
aren't we such fucking lucky people

>> No.52456192

i work in an IT staffing company, used to be a support desk technician, wanted to get more relevant experience so i recently changed jobs, but it seems it's pretty lame and i'm not sure if i made the right choice or a mistake. but that's besides the point, point is i thought i would enjoy working in tech, and sometimes it's true, but i'm just tolerating it at this point. well at least i work from home and help my parents financially, but that's it. i'm considering a career change but honestly i don't have a degree or any particular interest outside of tech, maybe something like helping people but it's vague. sadly being a manager doesn't fit me, i don't think i'd like it but i'm glad it works for you

the depressing part is that i have no way to relax or have fun in my free time, i only work, browse 4chan and sleep. what's the point of living like this?

>> No.52456277

shut the fuck up you cringe fuck and go buy some matic for cheap if you want to fix your financial mistake.

you're welcome for the tip, fag