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52448493 No.52448493 [Reply] [Original]

About to finish my mobile game app (in 3-4 months). Want to launch a bsc shittoken with it. Looking for advice in tokenomics.

>> No.52448517

Also, how do I make you fuckers buy it.
Thx in advance

>> No.52448632

what kind of game?

i'm no expert by any means but i doubt this thread will get many responses so i might as well offer my unqualified opinion.

as i understand it there are two approaches. the common approach is basically a pump and dump scheme where participants who have to buy into the game are rewarded a token by playing the game which rapidly depreciates in value until it all collapses. but at first its profitable enough to attract attention and investment, see axie infinity for the classic example. a very simple game but really its a degen defi farming scheme with some shitty game kind of tacked on to it.

the other approach is something we haven't really seen in action yet, kind of speculative as to whether its even possible. it involves a decent game that people actually want to play and much lower but sustainable profits. it requires an intelligently planned economy and legitimately compelling gameplay to offset the lower but sustainable profits. in this case the yield isn't just coming from new users buying into the scheme, but from existing users who will continue to buy in not just for profit but for gameplay. but i'll believe its possible when i see it.

there can also be an nft element to the financials, like buying and selling tokenized in game assets

>> No.52448717

>you gotta buy my shit coin to buy a skin.
game developers are dumb as shit.

>> No.52448897

Na, im not adding any sort of nft or coins to my game. The only technical connection will be that 50% of the profits made by the game will directly go into the coin.
Thx for the great amswer. By asking for adive about the tokenamics i was talking about the coin itself.

>> No.52448926

Keep 99% of the coins to yourself and sell everything when people think you're legitimate

>> No.52449060

Just copy paste some other tokens contract. Safemoon is a common one to work from.

>> No.52449107

No intention in scamming ppl.
Looking into it now. Thx Anon

>> No.52449125

can you find any examples of this kind of coin integration in any other projects? not even just games, but i guess the profit of any project. no need to restrict yourself to only doing whats been done in the past in such a new space but if it has been done before then finding some examples could help you learn what to do and what not to do. but i haven't heard of that kind of game.

so if the game sells for 10 dollars and you make a hundred thousand sales then you pump 50 thousand into the market cap by buying your own coins? is that how you want it to work?

also this is clearly a security, i hate to even say it because security laws in crypto is boomer logic. but for the investor there is the expectation of profit based on the work of the person selling the coins. not sure if that matters but there it is. ultimately though anything can be declared a security in this regulatory power grab theres no strict definition thats being adhered to.

>> No.52450314

>No intention in scamming ppl.
ngmi retard

>> No.52450576

You need a marketing guru. DM motherbraindao on Twitter for help. They market on multiple platforms.

>> No.52450615

>I need you 15 people who are all broke to buy my shitcoin
Na should post your IRL address and face though.

>> No.52451451
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Hi, I don't have any valuable advice but would like to keep tabs in your project, there's a way?

>> No.52452129

Will look into it.
Thx for all the affort anon. You helped me a lot.
The idea was to make the game free (prob add some skins) and make profit with adds(while also keeping them on a minimum).
I just made a TG group for this but you would be my first member just sayn ^^.

>> No.52452148

Autocorrect on phone is killing me.