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File: 103 KB, 794x531, signal-2022-11-15-20-57-15-812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52447065 No.52447065 [Reply] [Original]

No matter how much wealth you have it has no value to you after you die.

>> No.52447091
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Correct. Most people in paradise will be the poor (most people in hell will be women, kek)

>> No.52447119
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Elon is more based now.

>> No.52447126

The fuck? I thought he was going for a power ranger or some shit. I guess he's just another demon worshiper

>> No.52447145

Bro. His mother did all the one eye hand signs...

Also outside the Church there is no salvation. There has not been a pope for at least 64 years, vatican 2 is an invalid council.

>> No.52447178
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See >>52447119
You christcucks are literally retarded.

>> No.52447188

Also do not reply to the seething anti Christs in this thread.

>> No.52447205
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Good. Pic related is research made by an anon showing more proof that jews shill christkikery. This time by ywhw loves you, aka Caroline.

>> No.52447226

To you, no.
To the family you would be leaving behind so they can survive in this world comfortably, yes.

>> No.52447243

Anon think about life after death. The instruments of the devil are prideful about their allegiance. Just look at my Op pic and of course the covid vaccines....

It's either heaven or hell. The purpose of marriage is to raise children up to God.

>> No.52447293

If anyone wants to know the true details om covid/vax read parts 1 through 12 of this substack.

>> No.52447299

God will judge the trees by their fruit. Hateful, spiteful christians who have never done a single good thing for another person will all go to hell. Autistic billionaires wearing edgy halloween costumes, who have made the world a better place and donated to the poor will go to heaven.

>> No.52447312

You have no idea what you're talking about. Please go read "faith of the early fathers" the 3 volume set.

>> No.52447321

No thanks, I don't believe in what you baal / moloch worshippers are preaching.

>> No.52447330

Ah ok you're a bad actor. I won't be replying to you any more.

>> No.52447488

> God is love
> Jesus is love
> Torture and burn people on stakes in the name of this love
> Abuse little children in the name of this love
> No punishment for the perps
> Muh "they will be punished after death"
A religion literally made for sheep. Don't ask, don't intervene because "god will take care of it after they die. Couldn't even come up with a better religion for sheep if you tried.
You are even referred to as sheep since Jesus is supposed to be the shepherd

>> No.52447537

>Head canon
Try learning history and reading the bible.

>> No.52447540
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Anon that wasn't really god
That wasn't really jesus
Those weren't real christians
Don't question, have faith
god acts in mysterious ways

>> No.52447722

I did. Especially the old testament.
> Leviticus 14
> The "cure to leprosy"
> Get 2 chickens, chop off the head of one of them
> Sprinkle the chickens blood on the other chicken and the man with leprosy
> ???
> Profit
Yeah definitely "gods love" at work here

>> No.52447829

Yeah you definitely did not read the bible.

>> No.52447873

Look at this Moshe motherfucker here. Running out of wells to poison rabbi, everything has a price.

>> No.52447911
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Don't know what fake Chinese copy you are using, here's the actual text just for you

>> No.52447923
File: 148 KB, 1036x1151, 685B7199-04A5-42A0-8DFA-515FA618DF61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep seething kikes. GOD IS KING

>> No.52447955

the problem is the current elon won't make it to mars

>> No.52447962

1And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 2This is the rite of a leper, when he is to be cleansed: he shall be brought to the priest: 3Who going out of the camp when he shall And that the leprosy is cleansed, 4Shall command him that is to be purified, to offer for himself two living sparrows, which it is lawful to eat, and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop. 5And he shall command one of the sparrows to be immolated in an earthen vessel over living waters: 6But the other that is alive he shall dip, with the cedar wood, and the scarlet and the hyssop, in the blood of the sparrow that is immolated: 7Wherewith he shall sprinkle him that is to be cleansed seven times, that he may be rightly purified: and he shall let go the living sparrow, that it may fly into the field. 8And when the man hath washed his clothes, he shall shave all the hair of his body, and shall be washed with water: and being purified, he shall enter into the camp, yet so that he tarry without his own tent seven days: 9And on the seventh day he shall shave the hair of his head, and his beard and his eyebrows, and the hair of all his body. And having washed again his clothes, and his body,

Use a good translation. If God says sacrifice sparrows as part of the old law you sacrifice sparrows.

Of course you should read the new testament. It reveals that the jews needed these things not God. The jews were a stiffnecked people who did not know God".
>My people have never known me

>> No.52447969

it's almost like the elite circle jerk meetings they have brought up a topic of needing an evil villain and Elon volunteered to play the bad guy. until he starts naming Jews he's one of them

>> No.52447988

Jesus was a Jew kikelover

>> No.52447993
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this is you

>> No.52448041

>research made by an anon
Sounds totally legit.

tldr; ftx circus is a completely fake and gay psyop, you can tell by the amount of shills that came out

>> No.52448046
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>> No.52448100

You literally worship a Jew.

>> No.52448123

And He's also God.

>> No.52448159

Duuude it's just a metaphor bro what he actually meant is like don't use social media and like participate in your community brooo

>> No.52448204

i literarry thought this quote like minutes ago as someone said this to me the other day but thts were ur wrong this is how generational wealth happens u pass it on to ur kids or loved ones

>> No.52448249

> Blood sacrifice of sparrows instead of blood sacrifice of chickens
> This makes a difference

>> No.52448253

It has value to my offspring, bozo. I live for them.

>> No.52448265

You're ignoring the why. And why it's no longer done.

>> No.52448274
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>> No.52448547

I have grown up around a lot of Christians, and they all subscribe to the idea that earthly works do not matter to God, and that the only thing that does matter is accepting Jesus. What is the biblical evidence for your opposing idea?

>> No.52448601

it says right in the text you provided that this is meant as a ceremony for someone who has already been cured. it's not a 'cure to leprosy'.

>> No.52448607

>Yes we are protesting the pope, no we are not Protestants

When are you going to stop coping and admit Martin Luther was right?

>> No.52448657

Glad to see that business and finance is still alive and well here

>> No.52448686
File: 476 KB, 545x720, Xian-Golem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't worship Jews you must be an ugly person wearing a fedora
No, but you're proof that christcucks are dumb people who believe the most stupid things.

>> No.52448756
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>if you don't worship Jews you are a jew
You're an idiot and probably jewish. The most active christcucks are always Jews. Today's conservative that decent christkikery are Jews ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager, just to name an example but this has happened all throughout history. Of course as evident as the truth can be christcucks (actually Jews) they will always deny it.

>> No.52448822
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You have seen what the Jews did recently with FTX. The Jews have done it with Christianity for two thousands of years.
It's not time to cry, it's time to expose them

>> No.52448863
File: 267 KB, 720x458, 1648281282302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today's conservative that decent christkikery are Jews ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager,

>> No.52448880

>No matter how much wealth you have it has no value to you after you die.

Wealth itself has no value if there is no food or energy.

You would exchange 1,000 kilos of gold for a day's food if there was no food available.

Food and energy are the only real wealth.

>> No.52449215

I don't believe the accepted history of Christianity, I believe Jesus was born in the Caucus and his story (HISstory) spread south and reverberated first gaining ground in Greece and manifesting as the story of Dionysus, this began the creation of the mystery schools and the uprising of "Babylon" (which was really just Turkish Khazar pagans gypsies) who invaded SERBIA (see: Solumein the magnificent and his temple, Solumein = Solomon)

Christ was crucified near the Bosporus and Orthodox Christianity existed before Judaism

>> No.52449239

fun fact: Da Vinci is referencing this in the Mona Lisa
the environment in the background is represenation of Bosporus and "Mona" is Mary Magdalene

>> No.52449241
File: 98 KB, 350x600, 7F673C9A-D42F-4C37-B125-B581C6122A84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it does, my kids will inherit it after i die, and their kids afterwards. Only antinatalists retards think that way

>> No.52449395

and you'll have no wealth while you're alive and dead, op.
whats your point?

>> No.52449494

>The central figure of Christianity, Jesus: Jewish
>The twelve apostles and canonical authors of the New Testament: Jewish
>The first pope, Peter: Jewish
Seems to be an awfully Jewish religion christcucks

>> No.52450203
File: 136 KB, 865x487, jesus-wrath-of-god-king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and vatican1pilled. also Zephaniah 1:18

>> No.52450313

Worshipping the dark lord is not based but neither is worshipping a jew

>> No.52450489

Then you're just a retard
How about instead of believing infographics created by that spamming getman turkroach on /pol/, you actually do some research into any of the retarded clams you're saying

For one, the story of Dionysus and other related Proto-Indo-European descended gods is much older than rabbi yeshua by many thousands of years

>> No.52450677
File: 1.21 MB, 300x300, D5F68E99-0B1B-4344-82CE-85D8596842CD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know.

>> No.52450814

there is zero proof that the story of Dionysus existed before Jesus
read Fomenko theory

>> No.52451538

>he still thinks modern jews are the same as old testament jews
>he doesn't know that all old testament jews were killed by emperor hadrian
>he doesn't know that modern jews have no genetic ties to Israel and are actually irano-turko-slavic
>he doesn't know that revelations prophesied this - 2:9 "...I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Verification not required

>> No.52452226

>We was the real jooz
Nice copium christcuck

>> No.52452668

>accepting Jesus.
Protestantism is cancer of the devil.
A heretic cannot be pope. Luther encouraged people to sin and out Islam on a pedestal. Also his 75 thesis still said to obey the pope.

>> No.52452695

You are an anti Christ.

>> No.52452741

>God picks israel as His people
>Israel repeated reject Him and worships false Gods.
>He still keeps His promises and saves them
>They reject the saviour and out Him to death
>Jews constantly seething about Jesus even 2000+ years later
Really makes you think

>> No.52452775

Based. Vatican 1 is extremely important to understand the current situation in the Church.

>> No.52453127
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your pope is the anti christ and they put it in plain view for you to see
the Templars knew this and created the symbol of Baphomet to represent him

>> No.52453142
File: 53 KB, 638x587, 1665933765581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have been cucked into a submissive perverted rite of the devil

>> No.52455261

>doesn't refute any of my points
>defeats strawman and takes a victory lap

>> No.52455430

Exactly the foundation of your religion is Judaism. Argue they went off course fine but you still worship Jews. Also the Old Testament is vile so have fun with that.

You’re some weird schizo Christian identity retard there’s no point. Please share your infographics “proving” that modern Jews and historical Jews have no connection. It’s fun watching christcucks desperately attempt to uncouple their religion from its Jewish foundation.

>> No.52455457

>this entire thread
christian debates lately glows in the dark harder than ukraine war

>> No.52455496
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>the Templars knew this and created the symbol of Baphomet to represent him
Except the templars we litteraly the precursor to freemasonry. To elaborate, they didn't start this way, but after fighting the Muslims in Spain who were in cahoots with Jews, they translated the Kabbalah and started practicing Jewish mysticism. This is why they were eventually disbanded. It's worth noting that the other name for the templars was the Order of Solomon's Temple. Where do we see Solomon's temple in modern societies? That's right, freemasonry. Pic rel, the pillars represents the entrance to solomon's temple.

>> No.52455504

Why is the point of this shit is it just a centuries long LARP to feel cool?

>> No.52455650

The man will not be called "Elon" but "the Elon" according to the source (German is my mother tongue). As long as Musks name is not a title, it is actually rubbish.

>> No.52455662

From what I've gathered, they believe to live beyond your current life you have to increase your karma by doing good deeds within your community and memorizing rituals.

>> No.52455696

>You’re some weird schizo Christian identity retard there’s no point. Please share your infographics “proving” that modern Jews and historical Jews have no connection.
Not really a schitzo theory, just a fact
Not that it matters because like a gay retard you'll just deflect any facts that challenge your current world view. I'm sure you could come up with a rebuttal, but you just don't feel like it :'(

>> No.52455745

The Elon-gated schlong dong Don Elon Musk-imol IV of Mars Mission Control 3 delta varient

>> No.52455908

They're gnosticis which is basically a paganised Judaism or jewish mysticism. They try to achieve a state know as 'gnosis' by taking drugs, fucking kids and holding in their pee for long periods of time (no, I'm not joking). A big part of their practices revolve around getting demons to do their bidding, which is supposedly what king Solomon did. Of course, this lead to Solomon being tricked into worshiping moloch, the demon of child sacrifice, the same idol you'll see the Clintons burning effigies to at Bohemian Grove. I wasn't raised catholic, but I couldn't do nothing knowing these people exist and that they're powerful people with authority.

>> No.52456091

no, they tried to preserve the secrets of the Mystery Schools which were being perverted and twisted by jews/Khazars
they sailed to the isles and founded freemasonry, you are correct about that.
but they were based back then, it wasn't until (((The Great Schism))) that freemasonry became luciferian
see: https://theeducator.ca/great-dissesention-schism/

also see:The Secret Destiny of America
and John Q Adams letters about William Morgan/founding of anti-masonic party

>> No.52456128

probably the most pathetic cope I've seen yet

>> No.52456491

The building im your picnwas made in the 60/70s for antipope Paul 6. Which is vatican 2.

>> No.52456511

As far as I'm aware their practices were always heretical regardless of whether they considered themselves a Christian organisation or not. I think it's pretty funny that the Mason's themselves named their infighting the great schism, which im sure is another way of being a dark mirror of the Catholic church which way earlier had the actual great schism between East and west Catholics which lead to the founding of the orthadox Church.

>> No.52456528

>Vatican 2 anti pope
Proving my point
>worship Jews
No we worship God. Stop being disingenuous.
Early church fathers believe the defacto anti Christ would come out of the area where the turkish empire was. That's modern day crimea ukraine

>> No.52456561

This. They also installed a bunch of modern art, and this was around the time the church saw an increase in child molesters on the clergy. Fr. Chad Ripperger talks at length about this.

>> No.52456576

>king Solomon
Solomon never controlled demons. Anyone who has read the bible would know this. It's a jewish larp.

He worshipped false gods in his later life due to women he wasn't supposed to marry.

>> No.52456593

According to one Anon this is fake news, another anon said they weren't children but teenage boys.

>> No.52456602

I know that, I'm just stating what the freemason's believe.

>> No.52456618

> Everything that you thought had meaning: every hope, dream, or moment of happiness. None of it matters as you lie bleeding out on the battlefield. None of it changes what a speeding rock does to a body, we all die. But does that mean our lives are meaningless? Does that mean that there was no point in our being born? Would you say that of our slain comrades? What about their lives? Were they meaningless?... They were not! Their memory serves as an example to us all! The courageous fallen! The anguished fallen! Their lives have meaning because we the living refuse to forget them! And as we ride to certain death, we trust our successors to do the same for us! Because my soldiers do not buckle or yield when faced with the cruelty of this world! My soldiers push forward! My soldiers scream out! My soldiers RAAAAAGE!

>> No.52456707

I haven't read any of the other anons posts, but not sure how you can claim that ALL the molestation was fabricated. Maybe they were teenagers? I don't know. Wither way, it's still really bad. My point is:
a) it's overrepresented in media whilst child abuse in other faiths is largely ignored
b) it was a coordinated attack on the catholic church

>> No.52456769

Listen to this if you haven't already

>> No.52457091

Also apparently masons is even older, going far back as 43ad, called the 'mysterious power' made by tulmudic jews.

>> No.52457110

You are correct. It's a homosexual problem and even teachers are worse than modern (((Catholics)))

>> No.52457341

Not sure it was referred to as masonry before the templars but jewish mysticism has existed since shortly after Chris was crucified.
Child molestation in general is a homosexual problem. Of course if you mention that NPCs have meltdown.

>> No.52457732

Invisible man with a gun to your head.

>> No.52457919

>The fool says in his heart, there is no God