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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52441322 No.52441322 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically is this a buy right now? It's cheap and the ftx fud has already climaxed.

>> No.52441496


>> No.52441541


I know it's a shitcoin I'm just trying to make some money

>> No.52441578

It depends on if the FTX selling kills the project. If it survives the dump, it may fly again.

>> No.52441586

solana lolana it was all a trollbana

>> No.52441592

>ftx fud has already climaxed.
not until the trial is over
it hasnt even started

>> No.52441618

Not as safe a buy as RBC im afraid.

>> No.52441632

Have they finished dumping it? No? Then it's not over.

>> No.52441643

any pump is an opportunity to add to shorts

>> No.52441673


They still have lots of projects built on it even if they are mostly worthless NFT shit. Moreso than other layer1s can say.

>> No.52441760

Lol. Just wait till the bankruptcy proceedings start.

>> No.52441792

you should buy Cel tokens. clearly bottomed. Sol still hasn't bottomed

>> No.52441799

>is this a buy right now?

it goes below $5
your subtle shilling it on /biz/ won't change it's destiny lmao

>> No.52441871

Buy when the wagies are fearful, OP.

>> No.52442096

No, it goes much lower. But it will be a buy under $3.

>> No.52442136

FTX owns the majority of the supply at pennies and they will have to dump them in the next year or so

>> No.52443651
File: 187 KB, 1125x1157, 78FDBCCD-DA09-4513-B3F9-189CF5AB0FFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck anything centralized
we’re only going pic related

>> No.52443745

nah, move onto Algorand

>> No.52443811

Almaeda owns a fuckton which they will dump. coin is basically dead, will go into pennies and eventually zero

>> No.52444041

Red pill me on this

>> No.52444148

Dead centralized shitchain that keeps failing. Now they don't have their jew shill pumping it this is over.

>> No.52444343
File: 8 KB, 192x173, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah let's buy the scammer project now that their scam is explosed
If you bought SOL at at point in time or plan to buy some you are pic rel
(you) gullibe faggot are the reason (((they))) build scamcoin
(you) are the reason there are bear market
(you) deserve to stay poor
(you) are part of the problem

>> No.52444515

Based on the little research that I just did, the solana network crashed multiple times and devs were able to "restart" it only because the pool of validators was very small.

Tokenomics wise, the network is "centralized" because early investors have the most leverage but this isn't uncommon in a lot of coins honestly.

From a network infrastructure perspective it actually seems pretty decentralized.

Read this if you care(its from the guy who developed solana):

Apparently its not uncommon networks to go down though.
Eth got DDoSed a few times and went down so, there's that.
Eth also forked too, which is kinda fucked.

I think any fast and cheap layer 1 is better than slow expensive shit like BTC and ETH being at the top. I'll never forget sending thousands of USDC instantly for fractions of a cent on solana.

Stable coins on these fast layer 1s is the real killer app if transactions can be made very cheap.

Micro transactions, remittances will be huge. I'd say buy a bag if you can. I'd put my money in any fast cheap layer 1 (solana,algo,avax,etc) .

I think ETH is now proof of stake but I don't know if that fixes the fees. I haven't used ETH in a while though.

thanks for reading my blog

>> No.52444668
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, messari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solana is a VC pump and dump scam coin. i would stay as far away as possible
