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52440733 No.52440733 [Reply] [Original]

How does one earn money in the cybersecurity field?

>> No.52441018



>> No.52441021

>get certs
its really that easy.

>> No.52441027

which ones? I got the Sec+ and studying now for CASP, maybe later CISSP

>> No.52441044

Never has a first post been so best.

>> No.52441055


Again, sales. If you haven't been coding since 16, don't even bother. Sure, you won't be coding but you will be up against people who are. You will make more money in sales. Unironically.

T. Sales exec at Okta ~ 200k + 70k kpi bonus

>> No.52441105

hmm what's a good strategy for this? i have a bachelors in IT

>> No.52441115
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find 0-days and sell them

look up zerodium for a reference of potential payouts. selling to others besides zerodium (won't name who but should be obvious who would buy them) could pay more depending on their needs.

>> No.52441148

Really, then apply now! You'd be ahead of most applicants I see come through the door. Don't be discouraged by starting salary (probably 60-80k USD) you will climb the ranks fast and earn great commission after 6 months to a year. You want to work FOR a vendor, not WITH a vendor (i.e a reseller) That's my advice

>> No.52441154

I’m a Security Director, but have thought about Sales. How stressful is it?

>> No.52441157

blackmail seems to be most immediately lucrative atm.
however, when engaged in such business, it is not impossible to find yourself committing suicide with 2 in the back of the head.
so another option is to buy kneepads, and spend your days working as a server tech. the kneepads help you move those lower CAT cables without too much pain.

>> No.52441169

Very stressful until you reach the golder state of flow, when you build your pitch and get comfortable with your peers

>> No.52441194

Literally every company has been hiring security like crazy for 10 years. If you don't have a job you are retarded and not hirable. Certs are a meme.

>> No.52441200

Thanks, I’ve heard similar.

>> No.52441235

Yeah not ever think it's not possible to get into sales, it's not hard.. you just have to speak with people HONESTLY. Don't go full cutthroat for the sale.. it never works. Be a consultant with a solution and only follow up a MAXIMUM of three times.

>> No.52441272

Retard take
>just find an 0day!
The hardest part is writing a reliable weaponised exploit getting over modern exploit mitigations. Which you'll need for a max payout. A juicy crashdump will maybe get you 3%

>> No.52441301

>retard take
wat. weaponizing is the easiest part once you have the 0-day. what are you on about?

>> No.52441377

>weaponizing is the easiest part once you have the 0-day
Its also not an 0day until you've proven exploitation. Go larp somewhere else hackerman

>> No.52441408
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lol. lmao even

>> No.52441733

Western Governors Uni, get certs and degree, profit