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524364 No.524364 [Reply] [Original]

What is a better investment?

I'm 21 years old, I went straight into the workforce. I make $35k (Will be $40k next year) and then it just goes cost of living from there.

I can continue to work my job and go to CC part time, and graduate by the time I'm 27.

I'll be doing a 1+3 transfer. It will take two years for my first year since I'll be going part time. I also plan on doing a co-op. My question is, would it be better to drag out college part time, or just quit my job move in with my grandparents and go full time?

I'll have to quit my job to go to a real university full time. However, there is a chance I may be allowed to take a leave of absence for education.

Make $35k+$40k for two years and go to CC part time, or make like $5k for a year and go full time.

Fafsa will pay for everything btw.

>> No.524411

>$40k/year at 22 years old

What do you do for a living?

>> No.524424

I work in a factory.

>> No.524434

Blue-Collar wins again.

>> No.524438

Prob is blue collar tops out quick and then you're fucked unless you wanna go management in which case GL unless you started when the plant opened

I love in a low cost of living state and 40k will go far here, but I know I can achieve more. Worst case scenario I work at a factory that pays 50-60k for assembly work (pro tip: the more lucrative the product the higher the pay, think automobiles)