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52435831 No.52435831 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please explain how DFINITY is decentralized when the DFINITY Foundation controls most of the voting power and node creation is centralized? I don’t understand honestly. I’ll buy 250 ICP right now if someone can dispel this FUD for me. Link to the thread here: https://forum.dfinity.org/t/80-of-icps-nodes-are-held-by-just-8-separate-node-provider-entities/14241/6

>> No.52435851
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>> No.52435890

monman scam finnaly getting revealed

>> No.52435919

every fucking coin has extreme points of centralization you moron. how new are you to think any of that actually matters? just buy what has a big community and ecosystem and hype.

>> No.52435940


>> No.52435954

I've been telling you retards about this for months and nobody listens.

To figure out if a coin is a shitcoin one of the best test one can do is to try to run a node. 99% of the time you can't run a node because it's centralized garbage. ICP definitely fails this test.

>> No.52435998

Have fun wondering why you stay poor.

>> No.52436025

What projects do you hold? Which ones are truly decentralized?

>> No.52436030

bitcoin wins again

>> No.52436054

btc and eth have had some of the best returns and both are extremely centralized... snap out of your unrealistic fantasy. the only utility anything here has is how much money you can make, not how decentralized the technology that powers overleveraged ponzi schemes is

>> No.52436108

The foundation of the project should be supported by reliable node providers therefore there is a kyc process to verify every node provider. Also the tech required to become a node provider is at least $25k depending on what gen you use. They have over 100 nodes ready to be deployed from more independent vendors but this isn’t required yet since the platform hasn’t hit the maximum capacity for the current set of nodes. There is a huge waitlist as well but yes the current state of the project centralized but it is still its own infrastructure that is not relying on web2 to exist

>> No.52436173
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Nice FUD. You can check the dashboard https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org
We now have 1236 nodes far from the 513 displayed on the screenshot.
Of course the project is still at the beginning don't expect ultra decentralization right at the start.

Dfinity is still building the network, they will soon open the blockchain to new nodes and you wont need any KYC like before.

The internet computer will grow to millions of nodes within 10 years. Mark my words.

>> No.52436223
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All in cardano. Cardano is probably the most truly decentralized

>> No.52436265

Kek all you have is Charles and his amazing speaking skills which might actually be all you need to succeed in this unregulated mess of shitcoins

>> No.52436283
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69% of ETH nodes run on cloud providers. 52% of them run on AWS. what does this tell you about decentralization OP?


>> No.52436348

Wasn’t really FUD and my main concern is with how not everyone can make one if they wanted to.
Anyone can run an Eth node if they have the money.

>> No.52436407

They can. You’re just on the a fucking waitlist and need the required equipment. Yeah the first people who hopped and became node providers are obviously people that helped build the project.
If you think you’re gonna be able to run a node on your shitty computer then that’s then gonna happen until badlands is ever released

>> No.52436510

If they have to be put on a waitlist that doesn’t mean anyone can make a node. Also a list implies that they can be blocked from hosting. I get that Dfinity is trying to avoid getting attacked while in it’s infancy but how can you say it is decentralized when the OG operators are essentially handpicked. I appreciate the dialogue though, gonna go ask around some ICP related Discords for more info

>> No.52436767

we’re at centralized point of early adopters. If you want to become a node provider get the $25k worth of equipment and have a reserved space and go apply. It will take years with how long the waitlist is. You have to get approved but anybody can get approved but they’re specifically looking for nodes to be host SEA now. So yeah there’s limitations but you’re misunderstanding and thinking that nobody else except the original 8 can become node provider. Anybody can but you must meet the requirements and have a desired location. ICP nodes are completely different than every other blockchains and shouldn’t be held to the same standard. They get paid $4000 worth of icp a month if icp doesn’t need the extra nodes at the current capacity there’s no point in paying them $4000 a month which is the reason there is a waitlist

>> No.52437297

For decentralization, Bitcoin and Monero. Those are the only coins that I trust with my life savings.
I also gamble on shitcoins (meme coins mostly) I just don't do it with my life savings.

>> No.52437313

>Nice FUD.
>We now have 1236 nodes



>> No.52437325


>> No.52437358

We includes those who have a stake in an organization.

>> No.52437497

>gets mad when I call him out

>> No.52437526

It's the same as link whereas it starts of centralised and gradually becomes decentralised

>> No.52437585

They all say that. "We're working hard on decentralization, just trust us. We only need to work out a few kinks in the protocol and then we will be able to stop running the whole thing on a single node". Fast forward a few years and they still run the whole thing on a single node. Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.52437648
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Imagine doubting these chads.

>> No.52437705

pajeet seething about buying at the top like a fool. did you spend 3 months salary on 1 ICP and expect it to just keep going up forever?

>> No.52438137
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pol brainlets btfo ok

>> No.52438280

Anon, you should probably seek rehab for your homosexuality. You allows go on about your highschool lover who were name Chad.

>> No.52438308

5,200 tps
1,200 nodes
fudders can't win

>> No.52438351

oh, and that's not 5,200 tps as a theoretical... that's right now

did I mention infinite scaling at web speed?

>> No.52438468

My dear ESL-kun, did you really think that was real? It is obviously some icp bagholder trying and failing to meme

>> No.52439004
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icp/btc chart

>> No.52439024


>> No.52439196

Major breakout incoming, hold on to your tits fud niggers

>> No.52439218

Dom here, basically you're a retard and no one cares about your 4 month old post. If I see your sandwich in the fridge it's mine anon and I will fire your pregnant wife.

>> No.52439241

>don't question all these ponzis just buy one!!!!

>> No.52439281
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Mmmm I can't wait
>rubs butter all over my balls

>> No.52441440

2 more weeks?

>> No.52441478
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Probably 2 more years

>> No.52441576

BTC integration was promised at the end of last year. Then for Q1 2022. Then Q2... Q3... Q4 now?

>> No.52441631

It is centralized. They plan to eventually move off of the waitlist model eventually though. There is a plan to add nodes without needing DFinity approval but that isn't here yet, because a successful implementation is likely difficult.

I imagine when a node joins a subnet it will need to process messages within a certain timeframe/demonstrate capabilities to the network to be fully inducted.

But you're right. It's not here yet.

>> No.52441651

This tweet was in response to people calling Dom a scammer for charging the people who bought in to the second round of the ICO $4 or 133x what he charged inthe first round, 3c.

>> No.52441717

> Also a list implies that they can be blocked from hosting
Yes, but not forever. It’s a permissionless protocol, it just makes sense to seed it with known friendly actors. Like all permissionless protocols, it becomes harder to sabotage or game once it reaches a certain critical mass.
The point is that the protocol handles scaling into a permissionless protocol. Frankly, Dfinity vetting nodes will only scale so far, and they are building to get beyond that.

>> No.52441769

It isn't permission-less because it is proof of stake, but I understand where you are coming from. The problem is that once it reaches a certain "critical mass" outside actors will almost have no way to influence how the chain operates without purchasing ICP. Dominic has talked about "people parties" before where everyone would potential get one vote regardless of status/holdings so hopefully he pulls through with that (And Badlands)

>> No.52442576

I know I'm replying to a dumb jeet fudder but for smart anons it's important to know that BTC integration was estimated for Q1 2022 only in testnet, and the team has been working since to make sure there are no gaps. If you think really really hard about it for one second it makes sense since they are just about to integrate a 300b mc network into it. If it didn't work as expected, would you considering moving funds from your cold storage into it? Probably not

>> No.52443606

They have 23% of voting power. You can see it right on their dashboard.

>> No.52443697

You’re right we should add 1M nodes to the network and have them doing nothing just to hyperinflate the token supply. Great idea kid

>> No.52443706

Increasing nodes increases inflation? So if they stop being centralised they go into a death spiral lmao.

>> No.52443882

>doesn't know the tokenomics will lead to a deflationary ICP

>> No.52444010

>Just need to replace the entire internet first bro

>> No.52444653

Dom strong arming the guy in the middle. Gun pointed at the guy in the lefts back. Sniper off camera aiming at the two on the right

>> No.52446329

>Anyone that doesn't blindly follow crypto leaders are jeets!!!1

>> No.52446962

That's LITERALLY more decentralized than BTC.

>> No.52446974

Bitcoin is one of the most centralized coins there is moron.
Literally. Top wallets hold 95%+ of tokens. Top miners do 95%+ of the hr.
You are LITERALLY holding a government coin and bragging about it.

>> No.52446993

we've known this for a long time; i've been telling people this. every time i do, ICP copers just fucking obfuscate the fact.

>> No.52448222

Increasing nodes that have no use to the network increase inflation, yes. Add more nodes as the network grows and requires more capacity.

>> No.52449999


ICP is literally a permissioned protocol kek, go read your own white paper.

>> No.52450067

Kek, seethe. You had 13 years.

>> No.52450893

I had btc at $2-3.
I've been around forever.
BTC is a centralized glowing scam.
Benefits no one.

>> No.52452986
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