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52429537 No.52429537 [Reply] [Original]

>never had a woman looking at me this way

>> No.52429555

>4 figs
>never had a woman look at me in anything other than disgust

>> No.52429561

Thats because you're not a tasty kebab, and because women have not had always had six pints of lager when they see/smell you grilling away.

>> No.52429576
File: 2.92 MB, 730x1080, package.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to sell kebab.

>> No.52429582

Why the fuck do you give a shit what women think about you? Do you know how stupid and emotional the average woman's brain is? I'll give you a hint. Women are not worth your time and they fucking know it. None of them. Take one, fuck her when you want. Thats about it.

>> No.52429593

I have but she kinda looked like Caroline so...

>> No.52429599

4 figs, my wife looks at me like that.
You incels need to pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.

>> No.52429604

i have this happen like everyday OP. women are for fun, don't take them seriously. they have intelligence of children.

>> No.52429623


which country is this woman from? I need to know for Science.

>> No.52429630

Based sex realist

>> No.52429640

they hang too low and are too round/firm.
most likely saggy titties held by an improper-low-hanging bra or fake.

>> No.52429663


>> No.52429704

Get a food truck, then.

>> No.52429798

Because it's genetics (looks) that make a woman look at you this way, no money, status or any other cope

>> No.52429814

>i will never have a balding woman look at me like that

>> No.52429817

6 figs is not that much desu

>> No.52429824
File: 20 KB, 427x420, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they hang too low and are too round/firm.
>most likely saggy titties held by an improper-low-hanging bra or fake.

>> No.52429835

That's a man

>> No.52429859

I'm balding too.

>> No.52429866

how do I get to mongolia

>> No.52429874

Women don't want your figs. Show them diamonds or someshit.

>> No.52431093

They scan dudes in 3 seconds.
1,2,3, beeep...'Approved. Or...beeep 'Avoid'.

>> No.52431154

god i wish women would even look at me at all
t. ghost

>> No.52431383

webm please, didn't saved it :(
With sound please. Thanks

>> No.52431384

You will never receive this look from a woman for your money. They care about you being a man that other women want to fuck, and other men want to be. If she's with you strictly for the money, she'll never lust you the way she lusts chad. You can't buy genuine desire.

>> No.52431442

it means nothing when they do. Women who look at you like that also look at everyone else like that.

>> No.52431514

sauce pls

>> No.52431524

Why’d you dox your face, anon?

>> No.52431585

Someone posted her info before. Not actually that hot I think she’s gotten fat since the video was taken. I think she’s from brazil

>> No.52431656

i did and i treated her like shit
it has been almost three years since we broke up and i havent been with anyone else cos im afraid id do it again

>> No.52431693

Women are overrated.

>> No.52431776

This. I tried to open many women by showing my blockfolio (when it was still impressive) and they all looked at me in indifference. Even tried to explain nakamoto consensus and the flaws of the probabilistic iota consensus and they just laughed. All women are whores. But only for 10/10 chads, us normal dudes are barred from having sex forever

>> No.52431818

Those boobs are obscene

>> No.52431844

this chick behind the gas station counter just looked at me like that
I probably could have fucked her right there, i could feel the waves of lustful energy

>> No.52431871

Notice this spamming faggot is a lazy faggot all his filenames are always less than 5 letters long it's the same nigger who spammed the catalog with powerball threads nonstop and now he's doing the caroline shit.
He's got complete control of this board and samefags his threads as well you niggers replying to any of his threads need to unironically kill yourselves.
You might be wealthy but you're just dumb poor niggers with no IQ.

>> No.52431873

Unemployed, cream pie twenty year old puss on the reg.
Sorry bud, better luck next time ;p

>> No.52431943

don’t you fear child support?

>> No.52431976

They are wonderful low hangers.

>> No.52431993

Just be yourself lmoa

>> No.52432011
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