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52427281 No.52427281 [Reply] [Original]

>Sold his apartment
>for $1 million
>Jobless, homeless
>invested it all in Bitcoin


>> No.52427329

Yea this isn't aging well since the Bankman fallout

>> No.52427347

Maybe he is good cop and Bankman bad cop

>> No.52427361

>homeless with $1 million

>> No.52427418
File: 879 KB, 1600x1067, the-right-side-of-history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good guys in crypto are 2 White Anglos Saxon Protestant (WASP) Harvard graduate Chads with hot as fuck model wives. Beautiful people are full of honor. Ugly creepy nerds like (((Zuck))), (((SBF))) and CZ are sniveling sociopathic liars, weasels and rats.

>> No.52427446

He's propped up by the CCP and anyone who believes his story is a total retard

>> No.52427473

Also this. If you can't see this you're a retard.

>> No.52427515

Why would the CCP prop up crypto

Its openly against it

>> No.52427533

The btc part yes i believe it. But majority of his wealth came from the binance casino and he also did a lot of shady deals to get to where he is today

>> No.52427549
File: 47 KB, 537x525, E96ED10C-AE51-49A7-A0D9-8B7A3990042C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Winklevii grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut and attended the Greenwich Country Day School, alma matter of CIA top dog George H.W. Bush.
What’s curious about the Winklevii is that they’re Jewish, but it’s not admitted anywhere – not even on ethnicelebs.com. Their Wikipedia page only mentions who their father is, which is odd, and geni.com has both parents listed as <private>, which is even more curious.
We find out through other sources that their mother is Carol Leonard. At ethnicelebs.com and genealogy.com we find last names like Weinland/Weiland, Lotz, and Meyer.
Those are all Jewish names. See lobbyist and philanthropist Dick Weiland, who started the Weiland Security Endowment Fund to Protect the Jewish Community and Combat Antisemitism, in response to a rash of faked anti-Semitic attacks around Cincinnati.
Also Scott Weiland, lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots who recently died, and who was actually born Scott Kline (another Jewish name).
For Lotz, we have evangelist Ann Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, both Jewish.
The Lotzes were a prominent Jewish family in Eastern Europe. In the Winklevoss family tree we also find the names Zilinskas and Palefsky.
More Jewish names. At wikitree.com we find the names Wimer and Morrison. More Jewish names.
Even their mother’s maiden name, Leonard, is a name commonly adopted by Jews see comedian Jack Leonard (born Lebitsky), TV producer and writer Sheldon Leonard (born Bershad), and adult film star Gloria Leonard (born Klinetsky).
The name Winklevoss also sounds pretty Jewish, doesn’t it?
According to forebears.io, there are only 33 Winklevosses in the entire world.
If we search the variant spelling Winkelvoss, there are still only 217.
The closest common name I can think of is Winkler, which is Jewish – think Henry Winkler – or Finkel, of which there are many famous Jews.
So why is no one admitting the Winklevoss twins are Jewish?

>> No.52427551 [DELETED] 
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>> No.52427556

You sweet summer child

>> No.52427575


It's called "controlled opposition", not a meme phrase, what great powers constantly do. It's easier to capture and subvert threats than to declare open war on them.

>> No.52427589
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>> No.52427590

Because they're not dumb and they realize it's the future and is now a pandora's box that has already been opened so there's no going back

Controlling the largest global exchange by funding it guarantees them some sort of leverage on the market.

>> No.52427592
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Based MM poaster

>> No.52427605

You anglos have lost this century. It's over. I'm learning mandarin for the good.

>> No.52427609

He’s probably the China side of this war. If he was such a threat to China he would already be dead.

>> No.52427634

bitcoin it's the perfect coin for a totalitarian state.

>> No.52427637
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>> No.52427678


They know crypto is dangerous for the stability of the domestic currency, which is why they limit their own people in crypto. But they're perfectly happy to own and prop up the world's largest crypto exchange so they can subvert, destabilize, and control everyone else. They do the exact same shit with other sock puppet Chinese tech monopolies.

>> No.52427714

Yea they dont look Anglo

>> No.52427743

Troll Jews

>> No.52427756

to scam westoids?

>> No.52427770

Good take. Like the TikTok thing to dumb down the west while doing the opposite at home. The whole transgender / pronouns stuff is part of it too. It would be nice if they weaponized bitcoin against our governments.

>> No.52427957

Right, chinks are playing their cards.

>> No.52428035

Those narrow eyes, they look Turkic to me.

>> No.52428105
File: 758 KB, 702x650, Sandeep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the most humble crypto billionaire. CEX owners are rats.

>Verification not required

>> No.52428951

>if it's a magical overnight success, it's state backed

>> No.52430335
File: 10 KB, 388x256, American-psycho-patrick-bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure bro

>> No.52430353

the spirit of capitalism is to be greedy and screw everyone else out of financial stability. just muscle memory for them at this point.