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52427035 No.52427035 [Reply] [Original]

I would genuinely be absolutely thrilled to have $50K

>> No.52427062

That was me 2 years ago
1 year ago i had it
Well was nice
Cashed out 10k over time and the rest still is 20k

>> No.52427090

I have double that atm and im 90% down

>> No.52427126

There are 62,483 millionaires in the world. All you have to do is ask for $1.20 from each one

>> No.52427128

That's what I am trying to say. 90% of the board would be embarrassed to only have $50K, but I am unlike you in that I would be thrilled to find myself in that situation.

>> No.52427127

i had 70k in cash in may 2017, now I have $400 give or take, and even 1k would feel like a life changing amount of money to me.

never get into a relationship with a crazy woman
>b-but I wanna have sex and I feel lonely
you'll regret it trust me

>> No.52427171

I have $150k as well as daily suicidal ideations.

>> No.52427174

storytime, pal

>> No.52427203

99% of women are money spenders, crazy or not. If you get with a woman you're accepting the fact you'll be spending a ton of money

Inbefore the Copers post

>aggggtually mr incel, my wife and i spend it on our mortgage aggggtually!!!

Yeah, a mortgage for a house your wife wanted, a mortgage that could of been 1/3rd the size if you bought where and what you should of bought, but you had to go with her choice and her "le dream house" she has, which now has you spending tons of every month on mortgage repayments

>> No.52427226

there are way more millionaires in the world than that

>Worldwide, 5.2 million people became millionaires in 2021, according to the Global Wealth Report 2022, an annual release published by Credit Suisse. Including those 5.2 million, 2.5 million of whom are in the U.S., the total number of millionaires globally increased to 62.5 million at the end of 2021.

>> No.52427233

seconding this>>52427203

>> No.52427248

I have $500k but it feels like nothing, because if I quit my job it wouldn't last forever.

>> No.52427258

I have $200k in assets and that’s not much. I can’t really do much with that.

>> No.52427272

Doesn't seem to be true in my experience. My brother found a girl who was as frugal as him (they even went collecting bottles together lmao) and after saving for a few years they've bought his dream house (which now she is also very happy with).
Very happy for them seeing as both are low-paid jobs (they work with pre-kindergarden kids) yet still live in a nicer place than most.

>> No.52427302
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Perhaps, or just don't be fucking poor so you don't need to be lonely.

The first step is to stop wasting time on shitty internet magic coins.

>> No.52427303

Again, that's my point. I would be happy with $50K unlike all you people who have much more.
>inb4 you wouldn't
I would

>> No.52427322
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You would for a few weeks, maybe a few months at the very most.

50k is nothing, I have just over 500k like some other anons posted & it is not enough to live on, but not enough to generate decent income from (unless u wanna bet it all on garbage like FTX)

>> No.52427324

And what exactly would you do with this $50k?

>> No.52427348

right, and instead invest it in clothes and trips

>> No.52427353

>meet girl off dating app
>things are going well, she seems normal enough
>get a call one day shes outside my apartment with a bunch of bags
>says she got kicked out needs to move in with me
>says my apartment is a mess and needs repairs, furniture, appliances
>we go out and start buying these things
>she has depression and can't work
>sometimes she gets angry and starts crying and breaking things
>i try to calm her down
>she puts me in these situations where i look like an asshole if I don't give her what she wants
>transfer her money, help her pay her debts, buy her stuff
>says she wants to go on vacation
>im busy at work and cant
>she makes me confront my boss and demand a vacation
>go on vacation, get back, says there a long weekend coming up and wants to go again

not writing a novel here so im going to make this short, she had some kind of psychotic break and i broke up with her a few months ago, Im going to spend the next couple of years paying off debt and eating rice

>> No.52427381

>50k is nothing
It would be enough for me.
invest some, travel some, buy some things. Be happy knowing I have some money in reserve for when I'm all out of money

>> No.52427403
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People on this board are delusional and have an extremely distorted view of wealth. Because all of the ill-minded zoomers on this board that keep saying $50,000 is like nothing, it digs into people's minds and they eventually start thinking this themselves. Do not let this board distort your view on money. $50,000 dollars is a lot of money, for most people around the world. I'm glad there's people like you that still realize and appreciate this.

>> No.52427405

That's an expensive lesson to learn alright. But maybe now you won't be a doormat in the future. All is good. You will (hopefully) be stronger.

>> No.52427430

kek what a pathetic pushover. never let some ho order you around

>> No.52427499

Holy smokes man, I'd really love to smash your face in. You are a complete retard. Howbeit, hopefully lesson learned. You fools need to get your heart broken before you make money, so you know to save yourself the trouble.

>> No.52427561

well at least you're not a little bitch anymore. kicking her out was good personal growth.

>> No.52427577

The pussy was worth it though I'm sure.

>> No.52427582

How old are you faggot? Didn't you have any male influence, friends in your life? Kek even the females would have disapproved of this.

>> No.52427619

Theres no way he learned his lesson

Guys like him are that way for life

>> No.52427631

kind of. the blowjobs were amazing she gave me one pretty much anytime I asked even multiple times a day. she was really skilled at it, could make me cum in 5 mins. I've gotten bjs from other girls since then and they were fucking terrible, can't compare

>> No.52427668

I won’t make fun of you anon. Im sorry that happened. May you have strength to say no to hoes, fren.

>> No.52427698

anon just experienced the male equivalent to rape.

>> No.52427702

Nah mate, you have a savior complex, end of story.

>> No.52427732
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To be honest, I'm actually jealous that there are some guys with testosterone levels this high.

I mean I can only dream of being this high on testosterone that I would need sex this badly that I would fucking betray everything and everyone I ever believed in just to get sex.

This is sincere. You must blow like 10 rope nuts every minute to be this horny breh.

>> No.52427791

>just don’t believe people
>you learned that lesson
>haha why did you let her in?
>just don’t trust anyone it’s easy
>just fuck her and dump her
>don’t be a doormat next time
>you can easily get the pussy by just turning her away
>just never let anyone in lol
>I’m fat balding and 50 and I fuck 18 year olds on the reg FOR FREE
Yes anon fucked up. Ok boomer.

>> No.52427829

Imagine being some lonely nerd and some BPD bitch rolls up, takes over your life, and cleans you out like Genghis Khan with tits. You know she will just rinse and repeat that fucking pattern because it works for her.

>> No.52428127
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I've lost close to $150k (-26%) since the top. Thought I was going to have the option to retire in a few years, never imagined Biden would tank the economy this much and still be able to get away with it.
The first $100k is the hardest. I worked two jobs for years, saving/investing everything from the second job (and some of the first) until I really started to make decent money.

>> No.52428240

I have 150k (450k ath) and have nothing to my name. No car, no tv, no fucking sofa. What the fuck would anyone do with 50k? It's all or nothing for me. I either become a millionaire in the next few years so I can quit slaving and finally live a quiet, nice life on some island like madeira, or I kill myself.

>> No.52428308

Then you are absolutely a shallow subhuman piece of shit you bum

>> No.52428363


>> No.52428387

I implore you to have sex

>> No.52430019

>There are 62,483 millionaires in the world. All you have to do is ask for $1.20 from each one
Why $1.20? That's 75k. Math is not your strong point, anon.

>> No.52430069

who wouldn't.

>> No.52430089

Simps deserve to get rekt. They exist to give money to women.

>> No.52430092

Well, that's what you get for being a simp without a spine.

>> No.52430097

>>says she got kicked out needs to move in with me
>>says my apartment is a mess and needs repairs, furniture, appliances

You're an idiot

>> No.52430122


>> No.52430205
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I have 60k and Its literally nothing. It just provides me enough security that if I get fired/laid off I wont have to scramble to find work. Other than that it is useless.

>> No.52430247

Just almost made that amount with world cup inu. Sold the profits for eth and got liquidated on ftx

>> No.52430260

I have $9 to my name

>> No.52430293

If you put up with this shit, you're a born cuck, get your T checked

>> No.52430374

Do you live in California or something?

>> No.52430537

All men are natural cucks who call each other cucks to feel good about their own cuckoldry

>> No.52430665

This is true. It's encoded in a man's nature and instinct to provide and take care of the women in his tribe, IE be a cuck for them (unless the woman is carrying his babies the man gets nothing out of this arrangement).

>> No.52430698

i had 150k last month. now i have like 3k. Ah well. it'll be fine

>> No.52430735

If this isn't bait you uh 100% deserve this