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52426115 No.52426115 [Reply] [Original]

This is actually inspiring and shows how kind hearted multibillionaires are

>> No.52426120
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>> No.52426123

Climate change is a hoax to usher in a new level of control over your life like COVID. Take away your car, lock you in your house and control your energy expenditure. It's a Jew scam don't fall for it.

>> No.52426134

i will not allow to unify humanity
because white women will be fucked by brownies

>> No.52426136

You are being ironic though, right anon?

>> No.52426142

I’m glad those concepts are in quotes, otherwise i’d be afraid someone believes those are real things

>> No.52426151

npcs will nod their head and actually believe this.

>> No.52426155

I dont want to be united with humanity, I want to be with people like me

>> No.52426158

This. He’s actually just saying he’ll donate his fortune to the nwo/wef and their subsidiaries/ngo’s.

>> No.52426167

Such as?

>> No.52426169

Do you get taxed if you " give it away to charity" ?

So they guy who will spend millions fighting unions so his army of wagies don't make a good wages is now giving away his billions?

People buy this crap?

>> No.52426177
File: 18 KB, 382x530, 1665026042402352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here let me translate for the retards and younger folks

>Fight climate change
Evade taxes with financial instruments in ESG shell companies/NGO's
>Unify humanity
Subvert govt and media to let you evade taxes with financial instruments

>> No.52426196

Translation for the goyim: Bezos sees a huge recession coming and plans to embezzos money from his company using "charities" for laundering. Seriously how many times can the goyim fall for the same exact tricks

>> No.52426216
File: 1.71 MB, 4692x2056, Elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Bezos is a globohomo puppet


>> No.52426218
File: 490 KB, 766x354, dgfdgfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called ESG , a credit score system that ''whitelists'' you for investors coming from blackrock to put money down in your company
E- environmental is the climate change agenda , if you show that your company shils this , you get money
S- social is niggers , feminism and tranny propaganda + mass imigration ( to pump that gdp per capital and cheap labor)
G- governance , this is political obedience whether leftist or right wing you have to shill both but if you can shill leftism

Now pic rel is the HBAR guy shilling ESG to get some liquidity and investors in his ponzi :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkr2A6A_r6U&t=230s
Bezos lost A LOT of money in that piece of shit lord of the ring turd , guessing he needs more investors to save his company

>> No.52426243

that's enough to build ~6 nuclear power plants. shit, even build a bunch of hydro/wind/solar if you must.

but instead he'll spend it on lobbying """""progressive"""" politics and banquets, fake gay shit.

>> No.52426271

Translation :
Jeff Bezos plans to give away most of his $124 billion net worth to reduce the CO2 emitted by humans (through taxes, lockdowns, energy restrictions, population reduction) and unify humanity under a new worldwide tyranny.

>> No.52426280
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You are right there is no charity , Amazon albeit not as bad as facebook is not doing well , rate hikes is killing all pyramid schemes , Climate change is to suck BLACKROCK liquidity

>> No.52426348

Good for him.
Rockerfeller, Vanderbilt and Carnegie gave away half/most of their fortunes. Philantropy is one of the only good remaining american virtues

>> No.52426371

While I applaud the effort nuclear fission is a piece of crap.

Hydrogen is the best source of energy until science can deliver us nuclear fusion. Take a look at what Japan has been up to.

>> No.52426480

trigger warning: reddit-tier humor. Still pretty accurate.

>> No.52426489

>white genocide


>> No.52426515

so hes donating all his money to globohomo. they will name a transing clinic in his honor

>> No.52426531

Nothing like some tax evasion to save the earth

>> No.52426564


>> No.52426608

Dude has a mega yacht but is worried about climate change....?

>> No.52426929

Bingo. With Sam Bankman-Fried at the very least retired if not assassinated, the narcissists' cult has lost its major player.

>> No.52426948

which amazon products should i avoid if i dont want to get my bank account seized by they who can't be named

>> No.52426965


>> No.52426983

it is not altrusim
when you take that capital and you feed niggers you not only destroy the capital and prevent innovation
but you implant society with literal poison

nigger are more dangerous than nuclear bombs

and the climate meme is there to prevent humans from using energy and having any hope of fighting back

>> No.52426988

Bill gates is giving away his fortune too until you realise he's giving it all to the bill gates foundation charity. So he's giving it to himself tax free. Lmao imagine falling for this scam

>> No.52427007

Yes goy, give away all your wealth. Intergenerational wealth is for jews only.

>> No.52427025

did jeff bezos get warned they were going to fire people who refused to get injected a heart attack causing poison that doesn't cure the bioweapon they released intentionally on the public

>> No.52427051

he is the same
he took the wealth and instead of innovating or doing idolatrous things
he literally is using the value to destroy humanity

>> No.52427058

The climate needs you to deliver as many plastic widgets to as many people as possible.

>> No.52427238

why are jews so altruistic bros?

>> No.52427264

Because who the fuck is actually digging into all the 990s in America.
Not those new IRS agents. Nobody's looking at "charity" dollars. It's a black hole of fraud and bullshit, so naturally, Jews are attracted to it.

>> No.52427312

Anti-semitism. After the holocaust (whether or not it happened) they learned (they did it before) to always be ‘so kind’. With their ‘clever tricks’ they manage to pass through every economic turmoil.

>> No.52427328

You have to read up on the ideology to understand. Of course it's not actually altruism. It's just virtue signaling with math.

>> No.52427338

Read it.
Then learn about the Jewish practice of forgiving the debts of other Jews.
Then come to whatever conclusion you'd like.

>> No.52427356

This. He's trying to divide humanity because he wants to be captured and tortured by people who no longer value money or food.

>> No.52427362

This is very antisemitic.

>> No.52427378

it shows he is going the way of Soros

>> No.52427399

It makes you wonder just how big that teacher's cock was

>> No.52427414

This really means he puts all his cash into non taxable entities so the govs can't get it when he dies and his family controls it forever

>> No.52427457

Yup. They literally all do this.
Charity is mostly a scam.

>> No.52427467

Red flag here. Altruism = scammer. Short Amazon now.

>> No.52427486

Same with those virtue signal faggots Buffet and Gates

100% tax dodge

>> No.52427517

It's funny when they then go on TV occasionally to advocate higher taxes for the rich while estate planning 40 years in advance.
Fucking kek.

>> No.52427521

Funny how is always the gentiles billionaires giving away their wealth or not leaving any inheritance, I wonder if it's part of the deal

>> No.52427540

It's always funny when they talk about higher taxes, bro just send a fucking check to the gov nobody is stopping you scam artists. What they really want is weaponized taxation to destroy their political and business enemies

>> No.52427568

>get rich
>decide to make everyone's life worse
Why the fuck are modern "elites" like this? Charlie Munger does the same shit.
I have to give elon credit, it seems like he only wants to fuck around and doesn't really pretend otherwise.

>> No.52427570

is bezos (((bezos)))?

>> No.52427572

>I’m glad those concepts are in quotes, otherwise i’d be afraid someone believes those are real things

they are real but the only way to fight climate change is to kill the majority of humans on the planet either directly or indirectly

>> No.52427602

100% agreed.
Guys like Gates are monopolists to the core. Gaining as much power over as many people is what drives their day to day life. I saw the depositon tapes.
Slimy fuckers.

>> No.52427616

He might actually do some good for humanity by demolishing Twitter.

>> No.52427794

Mad take, billionaires are burning off money as fast as they can to stabilize inflation, for a not so hard landing, and are being compensated through crypto.

>> No.52427795
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I can guarantee to you that Jeff Bezos gives zero fucks about climate change.
A lot of the ultra-rich have a sort of neo-malthusian mindset that's hard to understand from an outside perspective.

>> No.52427872

this, Bill Gates and some other faggot billionnaire did the same thing and the cattle fell for it line, hook, and sinker.

>> No.52428150

Smart take

>> No.52428271

1983 club of rome meeting literally says so
Google it brothers

>> No.52428320

you can always kill yourself, you ugly ass incel

>> No.52428349

How did HBAR hurt you?

>> No.52428410

Amazon is literally one of the biggest causes of climate change. God I'd like to strangle this nigger

>> No.52428760
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>> No.52428816

baldass dildo salesman learned nothing from rings of power

>> No.52429136


>> No.52429185

I wonder how he will do that. Most of his worth is in amazon stock.

>> No.52429191

Thorium based nuclear energy has a lot of potential

>> No.52429207

I'm pretty sick of billionaires trying to use their money to twist society and pimp lies.

>> No.52429212

tax free (((charity))) blocks your path

>> No.52429271

this has to be bait

>> No.52429301

kys death cultist

>> No.52429313

i'll fight climate change with my bare hands. for the low low price of 1mil. contact my people jeff, lets do this

>> No.52429342


>> No.52429357

Let's unify humanity by killing off whitey.

>> No.52429400

Hydrogen isn't an energy source, you fucking retard. It's energy storage. You need to use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen or mix natural gas with high temperature steam to split off the hydrogen. The hydrogen economy that the EU politicians are talking about, all of that hydrogen will be created using nuclear fission reactors in the US, Canada and Middle East. It's just a way for them to greenwash nuclear energy and sell it back to ignorant peasants like you, who love being fucked with higher energy costs. Fuck you.

>> No.52429517

>Rich man using money as power to shape the world the way he or his (((handlers))) want whether you like it or not
>Kind hearted
I'm sure Genghis Khan spent plenty of his wealth to "unify" people in his realm of influence.

>> No.52429789

some of this money will be used to bail out sbf and clean up his mess

>> No.52430450

>unify humanity
By brewing antiracist racist. Seems great!