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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52419349 No.52419349 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer will it last?

>> No.52419356

few know.

>> No.52419363

It's over.

>> No.52419379

Couple hours maybe.

>> No.52419387

About one more week before hell breaks loose.

>> No.52419407

Live in 3 hours

>> No.52419420


>> No.52419448

ah https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cronos

>> No.52419665

What are the chances this shit is fine and bounces back?

>> No.52419742

2 more weeks.

>> No.52419754

Fortune favors the brave

>> No.52419761
File: 234 KB, 442x446, 1652397493314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52419827
File: 77 KB, 1060x466, memecoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this sound business? Asking for retarded friend with a brain injury. FTT was yesterday for fucks sakes.

>> No.52420269

Fuck all you niggers. I’m buying a big ass bag at $.03.

>> No.52420291

2 more weeks

>> No.52420590

1 day-5 days. We are past
>two more weeks

>> No.52420786

That's literally customer holdings.

>> No.52420918

There's no point in trying to tell them this anymore.

>> No.52421051

crypto.com exchange users aren't the saviest and they were also the first major exchange to allow SHIB trading so make sense it'd be overrepesented there

>> No.52421095

Mashinsky vibes

>> No.52421133

Fully one fifth of their holdings. You're lucky it's just me and the normies, a CZ tweet winds this up in 24hrs.

>> No.52421160

My holdings on CDC are absolutely minimal; I'm literally not very invested in the company's survival.

>> No.52421167

Bought 10k last night, and 10k just a little bit ago due to AMA.

Got 80k now.

Snagged some ATOM to stake in defi wallet as well at under 9 days ago when the FTX scandal moved the markets down.

Working towards 2k ATOM and 100k CRO. Almost 100k CRO then 2k ATOM. (got 1500 left to go)

After that then it's just splitting my purchases into a five way split of:

CRO / ATOM / BNB / ETH / BTC while the bear run goes on for a year and a half or two.

>> No.52421182

People don't seem to understand why CRO coin had value in the past. Those people continue to buy it to this day even though it is pretty much worthless as the company slashed all its value.

>> No.52421203

The fudding against CDC was pretty heavy after Luna and Celsius collapses too, but they seemed unaffected.

>> No.52421234

I sold buy I'm rebuying.
Here's what you don't get or you're just being intentionally obtuse.

The card is used to drive normie adoption just as the ads are. Fine we can all understand that.
But they slash rewards because (people don't read sadly) the TOS states they can change their variable rates whenever and on demand depending on the need to.
This is GOOD. I want a token to invest in that doesn't fear slashing and boosting rates when it is required. THAT is sustainable business. The rates we have now are rates this card has had BEFORE it was boosted up last bull cycle. They WILL go back up because it is part of the normie nocoiner adoption strat.

There isn't anything wrong with this system except one thing: They change things on a whim while the day before advertising rates that will suddenly change. It leaves a sour taste in some people's mouth, VERY FAIR. If I didn't do my research I'd be a bit muffled as well!

>> No.52421318

You are speculating a man whos last two businesses exit scammed is just temporarily lowering payouts to the people who bought into his scheme late and as long as people less intelligent than you buy in soon everything will be fine.

>> No.52422027

No, shit for brains.
I'm speculating that the rates will go back up because they have in the past.

I've researched the business he managed before as well. CRO will be fine.

>> No.52422303

This time it's different.