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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 64 KB, 1953x1023, algorand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52410966 No.52410966 [Reply] [Original]

>Spent 100 million dollars on Ads for Soccer to promote crypto currency
>Right when Crypto Currency got it's biggest scandal

Is Algorand by bar the most mismanaged crypto?
This is absolutely comical the level of bad decisions that the committee makes

>Promote Green POS
>Liberals don't give a shit and still view it as evil

>Promote algorand to Africa
>Africans go and ruin the entire casino sphere and destroy any rising price because niggers rug each other for $1

>Funds Stolen, not even a single piece of news and instead isolates half of users

>Tranny Ceo
>Pajeet Ceo
>Retard Ceo

>> No.52411037

yea not to mention the algod scandal on twitter

>> No.52411062

Still buying, Algo is one of the few coins that will survive the next 10 years

>> No.52411069

>Why is governance centralised?
>Why does HippoLabs get given so many development contracts behind close doors?
>What is the relationship between Koibank and Algorand Inc/Foundation and why are they able to exploit "our" IP? Do we pay them, do they pay us?
>Why has it taken +1 year to implement xGov?
>Why is the Foundation actively investing in ecosystem projects with little guidance and/or little oversight from the community?
>Where is the transparency report?
>Why is the Foundation funding projects that don't have working products, but have received full fundign?
>What is the nature of the deal with Scaramucci?
>What is the current burn-rate of the Foundation?
>What is the nature of the partnership with FIFA? Is it with inc or foundation? How much money was exchanged?
>Who are the relay operators and why did they get chosen? How much does the Foundation pay them?
>Why is the foundation hosting a lavish party in Dubai?
>How many Algos, from where and where does the foundation sell pm?
>Why does the foundation constantly feel the need to reach out to other ecosystems, but never supports their own?
>Why did the community not get to choose any speakers for Decipher?
>What is the nature of the relationship between Defly and the previous head of ecosystem/grant giver?
>What were the KPIs of the grant and aeneas program and are they ever going to be published?
>What is the nature of the relationship between Rand labs and the Foundation?
>Were core ecosystem tools ever openly bided for or just given to people on a whim? (ie light clients, wallets, dev-tooling and chain explorers)
>What are all the ecosystem positions the foundation holds (ie are they investors in Hippo, Reach, Rand Labs, Koibank, Defly, Dequency, et al.)?

Algorand sucks ass because of its trash foundation

>> No.52411079

It had a good start back when all the woke shit was just in it's infancy. It was exciting seeing that there were big updates every single month. Really sad to see what it has become, talk about wasted potential

>> No.52411089

and yet it's still so much better than hbar, as we all agree

>> No.52411532

With the ZKevm it will be irrelevant in 2 years, it’s already irrelevant TBQH just being generous

>> No.52411565

Both are shit

>> No.52412421
File: 3.71 MB, 4000x3000, algochads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no what happened algo"""chads"""?

>> No.52413268

What a retarded statement. You're a moron.

>> No.52413789

Back before they fucked the protocol with the governance model, the pure proof of stake was awesome.
Being able to watch your rewards on your wallet dropping every second was a great selling point for normies.
I honestly thought it was the one, glad i sold in Aug21.

>> No.52414362

i think the green/ESG fund will end up paying dividends. the current realignment to the 2030 SDGs is very powerful and occurring at the highest levels.

the africa thing is smart as that is where a large number of "unbanked" people are so payment services are flooding in, especially in more developed markets like nigeria/west africa and S africa.

the ukraine donations was something that every crypto platform did to demonstrate allegiance to the WEF/NATO

Algorand is likely working with central banks and financial regulators on derivatives or programmatic money. their "super grant" to Flare was very interesting to me.

>> No.52415154

They are pushing for less and less governance rewards in favor of DeFi. You're going to be getting 0.5% for holding 3 straight months soon enough.

>> No.52415245

Go ahead and laugh. I wonder if you'll still be laughing when Algorand is the only chain whitelisted by the (((regulators)))

>> No.52415659

I'm at this point of cope as well.
Only Gary Gensler can save us now.
Please Gary. Please.

>> No.52415690

also. that jew girl liked her algies alot too.
the one with the face.
also both are MIT related.

>> No.52415747

PPoS was what hooked me on ALGO. I don't understand why they'd fuck with that.

>> No.52415779

what the hell were they thinking with the name "algorand"

>> No.52415877

Algorithm + Random (PPoS validator) + Rand (currency)

>> No.52416021

PPos is still the consensus mechanism

>> No.52416318

What's your reddit or twitter?

>> No.52416381

the name/logo is the best thing about the project
it sounds like a currency

>> No.52416403

Bought into Algo at $0.26, 10 mins later went to $0.25
I already failed

>> No.52416430

Yeah I'm not in crypto to suck kike dick. Fuck algorand, fuck trannies, fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck regulators and fuck jannies.

>> No.52416446

Whats the least kike crypto

>> No.52416471


>> No.52416667

Can I have a rundown on this please?

>> No.52417508

Well that's good. Unless they change that it's hard to fuck up.