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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52410244 No.52410244 [Reply] [Original]

Literal mega OG old fag here. Times like these are fucking insanely rare opportunities to buy, don't over leverage, but start putting some chips on the table. Enough to not worry about for a few years.

When in doubt, zoom the fuck out. This is the 490th time crypto has "died," yet every time we keep chugging on, killing off the old, and consolidation into the real value adds.

Next cycle, you'll all be roping yourselves for not buying when there is absolute blood coagulating in the streets. We're at about the same moment where BTC fell out of it's chair to $3k a few years ago.

>> No.52410277

It's over boom boom no one is buying your internet money just let it die

>> No.52410295

One major problem however is that before this particular bull run regular people weren't involved in crypto and considered it some dork nonsense.

But this time around crypto got massive exposure, peaking with Musk prattling about it and even appearing on SNL and so on.
The end result of it however is that everyone got burnt and lost money.
These people that lost money are unlikely to return to the crypto space.

Larger entities also lost money and are looking to exit their positions and minimize losses.

>> No.52410296
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>"mega OG old fag"

>> No.52410302

start DCAing now, we will still likely go lower

>> No.52410307

>When in doubt, zoom the fuck out.
yeah we are going way lower. at least 50% lower. bottom will be in 6 months when everyone has forgot what a bitcorn is

>> No.52410308

hmmm... which dubs should i believe...

>> No.52410322

I would buy in, but all of my funds are busy with ruble arbitrage trough crypto. You are correct tho.

>> No.52410323

>1 btc since 2013
Yeah ok

>> No.52410387

People were saying this exact same shit early 2018 almost word for word except without the Musk shit.

>> No.52410410

>buy because this time it's not different!
but it's different, the last bullrun was different this bear market is different add to that all the non ending black swan events. Crypto is not worth it anymore, it's done.

>> No.52410417
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Ill slurp sub 1k and after Yellen and Biden regulate the ever loving shit out of crypto.

>> No.52410432


It wasn't the "exact same shit" because this is the first bullrun where normies onboarded and now they're all burnt out and have no more money to invest.

You think with this kind of economy they'll be pouring their money into assets that wiped them out once already?

>> No.52410460

I don’t care, I am not going to buy your scam

>> No.52410501

I mined BTC on my shitty gaming PC in 2011. Don't buy now. Stock-to-flow will fail because it isn't adjusted for interest rates. Wait for another leg down. All of us are waiting around the $10k range.

>> No.52410555

This. It was all over the news once before. The difference now is the number of different projects and the progress that has been made. I dont think we will reach the golden bullrun's peak in the next 10 years again but crypto is for sure not dead

>> No.52410589

>this is the first bullrun where normies onboarded and now they're all burnt out and have no more money to invest.
You stupid fucking monkey. I'm telling you that anons were saying this exact same shit in 2018 get that through your thick fucking head you subhuman.

>You think with this kind of economy they'll be pouring their money into assets that wiped them out once already?
They will once media makes them feel the FOMO again. They are retarded monkeys like you and they do exactly what they're told. If you had an inkling of a functioning brain, you would buy now before it inevitably starts again.

>> No.52410603

You just need to wait a longer cycle. That's why I'm not buying right now. This will going down even more, like from 9k to 3k BTC the next year.

This time, when ship reaches the bottom, you will have to wait a longer cycle to recover, like 10 years more or less.

>> No.52410632

the real normies were actually still not part of this bullrun, they just said the same 'tulip beanie baby' type shit and are feeling smug af right now

>> No.52410657



Thing about btc at that price too is that alts should be virtually dead which leaves a lot of exchanges dead in the water as people run for the door.

That should put even more downward pressure on btc - I'm fully expecting 6k or less btc by 2024.

>> No.52410708

This. I remember watching Fox Business proclaim "CRYPTO IS DEAD!" while I was at the gym in 2018.

>> No.52410711

Finally, someone gets it.

I feel bad all these new retards that are so ignorant, when we have been here and seen it all.. fucking idiots had been taking out home equity loans in 2017 to buy crypto and got raped. Or the ICO scams, where a 16 year old pajeet could write a smart contract with a single web page and make $500k on a pump and dump on Etherdelta.

This is all very much a similar rhyme.
When BTC halves in 2024 again, I'm sure we'll be at a new paradigm again.

I guess it doesn't really matter as I'm not fucking selling until I have actual generational wealth.

>> No.52410735

>just wait until $10
"You mean $10k?"

>> No.52410758

>but people are involved

>> No.52410797

Watch the bitcoin miners, especially the publicly traded ones. They're heavily leveraged on debt and are still trying to expand hoping the price will go up. They haven't capitulated yet. They will eventually (some already are beginning to) be forced to liquidate BTC to meet cash loan obligations. Once the mining industry consolidates the markets will bottom.

>> No.52410824

My dude, a lot of people still bang onto the fact that crypto is useless except for scamming gullible retards, and lots of lots of anons here agree with that statement. It's is still considered dork nonsense, vaporware, etc.
We got the money of a few millionaires/billionaires but we're still a long way off from the goal. Of course, you can bet against that, and that THIS TIME crypto is dead forever. Don't regret it though.

>> No.52410896

I'm waiting for BTC to get down to sub-10K or slightly above 10K. There's a very real chance it will do so over the next few months.

>> No.52411076


This is way way different to 2018, the next few months you'll see why

>> No.52411155

nah crypto hype peaked in 2013

>> No.52411255

>subtly posting on a Rolex box

>> No.52411273
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Stay poor nigger, we need wage cattle like you to wash and clean shit.
I love all the broke normies who are trying to gloat because they are idiots who didn't buy in when shit was cheap.
Every time something happens this exact same JDIF shill posting hits all the boards. Hurrr durr this time is different.
Dumb faggot I would tell you to buy a bag of something and HODL so you can have some money next cycle but I genuinely wan't people like you to rope in mass just for my own enjoyment.

>> No.52411303

>retard thinks this is the bottom

Kill yourself newfag

>> No.52411307

>this is the first bullrun where normies onboarded
How fucking new are you?

>> No.52411474

bitcoin at 957.25-1023.81$ is close to the bottom.
it's gonna be a slow burn to the bottom
because of the cult behavior of the believers.
a good 8 -19.894months until the smart money starts considering deploying cash into bitcoin ?????

>> No.52411505

wtf is wrong with u
fking weirdo

>> No.52411528
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sorry faggots, this is the bottom.
Every bear market the bottom is marked by a large event. Mt. Gox, Bitconnect, Covid and now FTX. Another big sign is faggots like you and the media all saying it's over.
This is the literal bottom, but you morons will never believe it and that's why you are broke wagecucks.
Oh well the world does need janitors so...

>> No.52411543

strange webm

>> No.52411649

bitcoin is
melting as we type.
keeping that powder dry
start thinking about dca in about 8 months.
at about 482.73$ the ATM machines don't make sense FYI

>> No.52411707


>> No.52411762

>Kramer saying crypto is finished
>Kiyosaki saying crypto is finished
>Legacy media saying crypto is finished
>JP Morgan saying crypto is finished
>/biz/ saying crypto is finished
Imagine not buying right this fucking second holy shit.

>> No.52411808


No one's fuckin buying man..keep hearing about how this is a "generational buying opportunity" yeah the price is just dumping, crabbing and dumping again. Its over

>> No.52411851
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>> No.52411887

> Times like these are fucking insanely rare opportunities to buy
Fags like you have been saying this since $50k lol

>> No.52411906

Everything will pretty much die soon. 99% will stay dead, the rest will have an epic golden run.
Also checked.

>> No.52411932

I want to believe, but we're in a fundamentally different macro environment from the last 14 years. Powell has some balls it turns out and WILL break the inflation buck.

Now you can get risk free 5% on fiat while inflation is falling. That pushes all assets down. What will be the value of crypto that makes no return (not counting ponzis) in such an environment?

>> No.52411959

FTX just went down
the reverberations haven't started
wake up

>> No.52412060

CBDCs are coming out soon. Crypto is here to stay, just not all of crypto.

>> No.52412164

how do we profit ?

>> No.52412169
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I wish I could buy mate, but all my money is in beanie babies and I'm still waiting for them to moon again. Good luck with your scam.. erm investment, I hope it will do better than mine.

>> No.52412238

Whatever benefits the banks and governments.
Can't beat them, join them.

>> No.52412295

thats a buy signal

>> No.52412301

best advice itt everyone else is dumb

>> No.52412363

>larger entities are looking to exit digital asset positions
you are so wrong it's not even funny. you're just not looking at the right digital assets.

>> No.52412367

anyone have the story on this webm lmao
trannykike gets rekt?

>> No.52412371

Fuck normies, institutionals are accumulating behind closed doors. There is simply never was enough liquidity for them to enter the market before. A couple hundred million is chicken shit and not worth the time for most institutionals. Dont say you weren‘t warned

>> No.52412431

Tech stocks fucked normies in the dotcom era aswell, yet here we are with FAGMAN stocks and everybody and their mothers invested. Crypto is just more fast-paced

>> No.52412730

Anons let’s use our brains here. Inflation will tail off in the next year or two. Covid is over. Spy is already recovering. We are a year or two away from the economy kicking it back into full gear.

When stocks go back to a boring 5% every year people are going to chase those big gains. They are going to see crypto as an asset that’s 75% down from all time high. Once the first big green candle happens people will fomo in like they always do.

Buy when there is blood in the streets

>> No.52412860

Normies lose money gambling at the casino every fucking week, they'll come back 100%.

>> No.52412904

this time it's NOT different bc so far it has NOT been different. it's NOT different until it is different. but so far it has NOT been different, so we can assume it will NOT be different in the future.

>> No.52412934

can you use a bitcoin private key to encrypt a file

>> No.52412956

captcha was:

>> No.52413053

The price action in the market doesn't reflect overall sentiment. The vast majority of Bitcoin is in cold storage and it's not moving.

>> No.52413077

This. It's unequivocally over.

>> No.52413209

Like who the fuck is selling Bitcoin at $16k? It's simply iou's being traded back and forth.

>> No.52413253

quality post

>> No.52413345

exactly 95% of all these faggots in the market still don't understand the difference of a decentralized coin in cold storage vs buying tokens backed by nothing parked on a centralized jew scam exchange. Fundamentals haven't changed from what I can see.

>> No.52413744

this is true tho from 2019 onward the crypto market has been unseen black swan after black swan after black swan
and yet we are still here, dont know about the future but it does feel like we are setting up for a repeat of the 2016-17 golden bull

>> No.52415306


>> No.52415469

>retard doesn't know about the hash ribbon indicator

>> No.52415514

I'm also an oldfag at 5 figs. I'd be at 8 figs if Mt Gox had their shit together.

>> No.52415910
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>> No.52416006

Yes but how do I know this is the bottom? That's the problem. Newer lows each day.

>> No.52416111

Retarded take and historically inaccurate. Crypto pumps, or starts to pump, around 12 months before each halvening.

>> No.52416182

> We're at about the same moment where BTC fell out of it's chair to $3k a few years ago


>> No.52416183

the people DCAing from now to summer of 2023 will walk away with generational wealth come eoy 2024/ 2025. meanwhile your negativity will compound as you miss another opportunity that lead to your current negative outlook on life

>> No.52416240

Ah, a man of taste. Nice to see who else isn't absolute poverty on this board.

>> No.52416956

Most likely, we might see some new lows on some altcoins and I'm sticking to my DCA strategy for RIDE and HERO, which I see coming out stronger in the next bull cycle

>> No.52416969

You're right, this is much. Ore similar to 2014

>> No.52416987

As above so below in this pantomime

>> No.52416995

4 is death
7 is luck

>> No.52417029

I feel like everyone in crypto is blind right now. Look at the balance sheets of these crypto miners. They're publicly traded you can see all of them. They're drowning in debt, sitting on tens of thousands of BTC each and are beginning to sell BTC indiscriminately to stay solvent.

>> No.52417068

>We're at about the same moment where BTC fell out of it's chair to $3k a few years ago.
more like we are at $6k where everyone though was the bottom...then btc fell out of it's chair to $3k. this isn't the bottom anon. tomorrow is going to be a dark red day for both crypto and boomer market.

>> No.52417080

and instit are using those price to make huge otc buying deals

>> No.52417104

What are you talking about? GBTC is trading at a 30% discount to spot BTC, MARA has over 30% short interest, every institution is shorting crypto right now

>> No.52417109

HERO? Are you talking about the ele tric motorcycle manufacturer?

>> No.52417127

SBF in 10 years.

>> No.52417147

Blood in the streets starts at 10k

>> No.52417155
File: 2.98 MB, 450x800, MyKing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost all my btc, eth and chainlink on celsius. My holy triad, as I used to call them.
>Started balding last year
>No girlfriend
>Last money I had was 4k dollars worth of cro. Too afraid to check it out now.
>Banned from /tv/
>Not even American. Yuropoor.

It's over for me. I bought a packet of cigarettes and smoked for the first time in my life. I wanted to try it before doing the deed. Webm related always brings joy to my soul. I'm glad we went on all those great adventures.

>> No.52417325

I'm also kinda "bullish" (aka we are soon entering eternal crab territory). Apparently FTX/Alamamba had been selling for months now.
Still expecting *one* more dump before we start pumping again, as miners still arent dying and we still havnt seen the full fallout from FTX rugging
Stock market nuked about two weeks after Lehmans rug

>> No.52417452

Ever heard of delta hedging? Institutional investors load up on the underlying asset while shorting it in case their bet turns against them. I'd be surprised if any of them are 100% considering the chart as a wrong bet to the upside would leave them fucking rekt.

>> No.52417462

*100% short

>> No.52417524

No they weren’t the amount of people involved with BTC back then in the western world was minimal since it was mostly people in Asia who were into it. This time around it’s the opposite.

>> No.52417578

Go back to fucking reddit.
She's from fucking reddit.

I even remember cunts saying "NAH THIS TIME WE DONT GET NUVA BULLRUN" last fucking time and I'm a retard.

>> No.52417615

>ignoring the global credit crunch and inflation tech layoffs etc
We must go lower until faggots like you stop posting

>> No.52417657

>These people that lost money are unlikely to return to the crypto space.
People said the same after Bitconnect and here we are.

>Fiat ATMs disappear
>Bitcoin ATMs getting build up
We'll continue to grow as the BTC and cryptos are the future

>> No.52417670

go back

>> No.52417703

use the UT BOT indicator on TradingView, google other indicators on youtube and long x5 when the time is right. you will get your cash back
Do that ofc, when we're on track again

>> No.52417879
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i'm WAY cute than this troon, how come i don't have a bf?

>> No.52417909

Bitcoin will bottom at 12k. I think it'll linger at 12-14k for a while. There's no telling what'll happen after that.

>> No.52417944
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>this is the first bullrun where normies onboarded

>> No.52418238

>Times like these are fucking insanely rare opportunities to buy,
>This is the 490th time crypto has "died,"

So they're not rare?

>> No.52418425

Most obvious top signal, holy shit

>> No.52418468

I never got the hang of arbitrage anon. I just stake for passive income and I currently get good yields for Sylo and Near on Huobi

>> No.52418717
File: 133 KB, 220x166, 899903B3-A404-4440-81D4-1509A48F0A3F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a newfag desu

I heard the exact same thing in 2013 and 2018, wasn’t true either time back then and it’s not true now

>> No.52419824

Both. Just dont bu btc. Like its the bottom for lots of coins, yes! But btc isnt gona stay nr. 1 next bulrun... its a old dead coin)

>> No.52419935

I've been buying weekly for 2 months now. You're an inexperienced noob

>> No.52419964

Link will prove it's bear market worth once again.

>> No.52420019

This is the greatest story ever told

>> No.52420181

How many recoveries have you masterminded through non zero rate environments with positive inflation, OP.

This was an anomaly facilitated by easy money. True capital appreciation requires cash flow to sustain.

When you can get 6% a year holding cash why would there be any functional reason for a non money launderer to hold electronic fiat?

The bell is tolling as long as real interest rates are positive. It is a law of physics. Buy things that generate cash flow to survive.

>> No.52420476

Crypto will come back

Only gambling addicts buy powerball tickets when the jackpot is low but when it reaches the billions every retard and his wife start buying tickets. Same thing here. Once the blood washes away and the green candles start poking through, people get interested again because they can't help themselves. Many who didn't make it in 2018 made it in 21/22. Anyone who lost but this cycle but sticks around though the suck has a chance to make good money. The casino always reopens eventually.