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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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524094 No.524094 [Reply] [Original]

hey /biz/,if women paid less than men,why dont every company hire women only to make more profit?

>> No.524096

Because the "women are paid less than men" argument is extremely misleading. Women are on average paid less than men because they take less risky jobs, take time off for family, and are generally less motivated. The idea that men and women do identical jobs with the same performance for different amounts is false (except perhaps in rare instances of actual sexism).

>> No.524097

Because they have this annoying habit of falling pregnant.

>> No.524099

because women dont actually get paid less they just dont have high paying jobs

>> No.524110

Do you think it's a problem though that female dominated professions, e.g. nursing, are paid less than lower skilled, less stressful male dominated jobs like plumbers?

>> No.524113


In b4 women take less dangerous jobs, travel less further than men to avoid leaving family, and old boys at the higher levels tend to discriminate against women and men they don't know.

That last one is a fact, even if the glass ceiling doesn't matter because once you're getting paid >$80K a year you're already making more than enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life (and to start making investments so you can quit before you're sixty) as long as you aren't retarded about how you spend your money.

>> No.524114

No. Free market is going to do what free market is going to do. If it's decided that plumbers are more valuable than nurses, then they are.

>> No.524136
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You're joking, right?

>> No.524141


I agree with him. Why do you think nurses are worth more than plumbers? Do you think your gutters / shitter / pipes etc are entirely useless?

Some nurses work hard but most of them are heavily unionized lazy bitches. They work long hours (who doesn't) but most of them get paid quite well for those overtime hours.

>> No.524152

Not about the specific situation (i was shitposting earlier, but now I want to have a discussion), but the general theory.
>If the freemarket decided it then it's right
I really, really, really don't see how anyone could believe this without heavy mental gymnastics going on.

>> No.524164


How else would you price things (products, labor etc) ?

>> No.524174
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It is a problem, a complex problem with a variety of causes, biology, culture, sexism, politics, however none of these are ever discussed properly so we will never have any real answers.


You can disagree or agree with this and that's fine, however if you have something rational to contribute it will likely be ignored and never get as much attention as some gawker article on negging. People will exploit feminism and women's fears, trolls will spout "lol gb2 kitchen", and that will be as far as this ever goes.

I think one answer might be to promote individualism, capitalism and an objective view of reality free from prejudice, you want women to judge the levels of stress of being a plumber/nurse rather than cultural facets that make it difficult for them to imagine being a plumber and glorifies being a nurse. This message might not spread very far but it can help you, as an individual.

>> No.524175

>mental gymnastics
You just have to believe that the free market is efficient. Reality isn't perfect and we actually have a mixed market, so it won't be perfectly efficient, but in the long run it should be reasonably close.

>> No.524192

>be a woman
>pick a typical female degree/job
>never ask for a raise
>complain you're paid less than males
>say the society made you pick this job with pink toys and hollywood movies
>suggest OTHER women should pick male jobs

Also I have a ~70% women job (bookseller) and I know I'm paid about 10% more than average, but I worked for it and asked for my raises.

>> No.524217

Develop a pricing engine connected to a nationwide network that monitors recent trends in consumption of related goods, average cost of production and distribution, scarcity of resources and expected future developments in the market to determine an unbiased, relatively stable, efficient price level to maximize utility across the population

>> No.524219

Because they're not. I got into this with a feminist cunt at a real estate class. She said how it was disgusting that women we repaid less. I asked her a few questions.

>Are the majority of Americans underemployed and working for hourly wages?

>Of those, are some women?

>Have you ever worked one of theses jobs?

>Were some of your coworkers men?

>Were you all compensated the same once seniority and positions were equal?
Yes, but...

>Not what I asked. Now, what are you doing here?
I sell timeshare.

>I do too. I make six figures. Is that more than you?
Yes! Why do you make...

>Now, is that fair?
No. Not at all.

>But we probably have a very similar compensation structure. I work with women who I know for a fact have the exact same pay structure as me, and I make more. Is that fair?

Well because, like, if you

>Do the same job but better, I should make the same amount of money as someone who does it poorly?
No, but...

Class is laughing audibly at this point. Fatty boom boom single mother shuts up for rest of class.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, are how these stats are made. Most women who are hired in my industry look good. If they don't sell, they just try to fuck the guys that do. It's fucking disgusting to watch how obvious the gold digging is.

>> No.524220


At absolute best your system would be about as good as the free market.

Even things like "scarcity of resources and expected future developments" are best decided by the market.

>> No.524223

You'll only need to create one of, if not the, most sophisticated models ever with enough computing power behind it to run it real time over the entire planet. Good luck.

>> No.524276

>Even things like "scarcity of resources and expected future developments" are best decided by the market.
Future developments sure but for most nonrenewable resources their scarcity can be quantitatively analyzed.

>are best decided by the market.
that's an awfully subjective statement

>Good luck.
Thanks anon.

>> No.524284


>Future developments sure but for most nonrenewable resources their scarcity can be quantitatively analyzed.

Sure, but measuring the amount of that resource left isn't really that important - it's all about estimating what will happen in the future because the amount of the resource isn't the key question.

>> No.524332
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because there is not an unlimited supply of qualified women. Sane and hard working women are hard to find.

>> No.524350

>dat dildo

>> No.524393

So the woman in OP says guys can have their dick hanging out their fly and society should just accept that? More likely they'd go to jail and be on a sex offenders registry for life but hey maybe she knows something I don't.

>> No.524413

Well, not really, not just the currently available reserves but the resources that can be easily extracted and brought to market in the short term can be accounted for pretty effectively and the mid term most likely can be predicted with usable reliability, there might be issues pricing the long term scarcity of resources into the present price of goods but being long term there is plenty of time to resolve any issues that causes. And whether or not long term scarcity is priced in more effectively doesn't have that much of an impact on how the resources are used now, or we wouldn't be burning so much oil.

>> No.524991
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This guys gets it

>> No.525012


Because women are for the most part shithouse workers with few exceptions. A business would lose more from the wasted productivity than they would from the acceptable wage gap.

>> No.525049
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>to maximize utility across the population
I don't understand why that's the goal. That sounds like a model of idealistic communism. Which isn't bad, but we've seen what happens when this is attempted.

If you were to say something like, "...to maximize profit of the firm in their trades with the consumer base," that'd make more sense to me.

>> No.525158

Because nothing would get done, and they'd go bankrupt.

>> No.525167

My girlfriends a nurse, 90% of them sit on their asses, eat, and play on their phones for nearly their entire shift.
Any retard can be a nurse too, it's mind numbingly simple.

>> No.525273

That's a good argument for why women "being paid xx per 100 cents" is wrong.
Because they would. Back in the day when people regularly and legally paid niggers less, companies edged out losers by saving on labor. Can't do that now, be they women, niggers, or female niggers.
You can, however, do it with illegals. And the industries that do it (hospitality, manual agriculture, etc) survive and those that don't are specialty niches that cost way more and capture much less market share.

Also yeah

>> No.525274

You mean he runs coke to pay for secret deathsquads in third world countries?

>> No.525282

No, it's not (at least for the reasons you claim).
If you want that sweet nurse money, be a nurse - there's plenty of male ones. The work they do is more highly valued than plumbers, because on average it's higher stakes and more valuable. A decent nurse anesthetist is worth way more than an excellent plumber.
Now some of that is because of the artificially high costs of healthcare in the states, but otherwise it's cool.

>> No.525492

because women love to deal with people, while men love to fix things

>> No.526812

But you're missing the key fact: plumbers earn more than nurses.

>> No.526825





This point is obvious, i mean since when did business have morals enough to discriminate, NBA is like 95% black, no one is going to discriminate when there's money to be made. Women cost money in business, good women are paid a lot more because they are good, and companies need women to look pc.

It's rigged in favour of women really but their own incompetence holds them back still.

>> No.527128

See Dr. Warren Farrel : "Why Men Earn More"

Here is part 2 of the complete talk;

to sum up, he asks the audience to split so that all women are seated on one side, all the men on the other, then ask people to stand up for each specific decision they made in their carreer and count each group.

Conclusion: men take high-risk job, high-risk positions, work overtime, sacrifice their private life. Women favor security, time with their family, holidays, work place near their home.