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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52409033 No.52409033 [Reply] [Original]

>highest inflation since the ww1
>near %300 inflation only in 3 years
>minimum wage is lower than 300 dollars
>%40 of the population works for minimum wage
>%21 of youn population is unemployed(not including students)
>terrorists attacks start to rise again
What do bros... is it already over for me?

>> No.52409107

>Roaches getting roasted

>> No.52409113

That's what you get if you won't suck (((WEF))) dick. Just capitulate and accept faggots and trannies and everything that comes with it and we'll turn on the money taps.

>> No.52409205

>immediately going the opposite direction after seeing the explosion
god i hate npc bugmen

>> No.52409220

Lmao never. Erdogan's new election strategy is "LGBT is evil and we need the cleanse them from our nation to protect family values"

>> No.52409295

where would you go, running towards the explosion?

>> No.52409348

>%40 of the population works for minimum wage
>%21 of youn population is unemployed(not including students)
just wait for the threshold, then

>> No.52409361

Based Erdogan. I hope he makes it.
Fuck knows why he's pushing to join the EU because a condition of membership is getting on your knees to invaders and slurping that feminine penis. He's better off linking up with Assad and going east

>> No.52409385

Sounds like Spain but with less women liberals.

>> No.52409412

He'd run towards the explosion, reassemble the suicide bomber, and then kick his ass; because he's THAT. DAMN. GOOD.

>> No.52409428

Because as much as mudkikes hate fags they love to leech off white people more.

>> No.52409463

Going east would just result in more extreme poverty and still getting invaded.

>> No.52409483

shut up dumb nigger

>> No.52409512

m-muh exports

>> No.52409765

that might be the smartest location
if a place just got exploded, i dont think it's gonna get exploded again.

>> No.52409806

You must have +150 IQ. I kneel.

>> No.52410086
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>> No.52410134

Look at this autistic retard

>> No.52410202

Low iq post. Thats a gambler's fallacy. Look at FTX, it became insolvent already bad, it filed for bankruptcy already mega bad, then it got "hacked" super bad. Lightning doesn't strike on the same location is bs and has been debunked thoroughly

>> No.52410215

this is /biz/ bros
don't expect high IQ posts in this hellhole

>> No.52410270

I fell in love with Instanbul when I visited at the start of the pandemic. Our minimum wage here is around $300 as well, yet Turkey seemed like a first world country in comparison. It didn't feel like a poor country at all. And shit everywhere was expensive too.

>> No.52410488

>It didn't feel like a poor country at all. And shit everywhere was expensive too.
Diaspora in Germany and other rich countries constantly send money to their families still stuck in Turkey. Its the same in Lebanon and other poor Middle-Eastern countries because the culture is so family-oriented. People who make like $100 a month spend triple that amount for dinner at a fancy restaurant thanks to family money.

>> No.52410564

Planting secondary charge near the place of attack is popular tactics. This way you will score casualties among responders like cops/military and ER people, which are all valuable targets, being tied to the government and hard to replace in short order. They were doing that in the Afghanistan and Middle East for decades.

>> No.52410752

alright then wait for the second time

>> No.52410876


Great more fucking Turk's inbound. Get ready for a spike in rapes and womens groups blaming actual humans for it.

>> No.52410936
File: 2 KB, 125x112, retard apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard. never change 4chan. never stop being contrarian. fuck I love this place lmao