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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52407048 No.52407048 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.52407116

kek, keep dreaming. Gold is suppressed on a scale beyond comparison. Only a collapse of the Federal Reserve system can send it up.

>> No.52407127

History will record him as the world's first trillionaire who solved all the world's problems through his philosophy of Effective Altruism.

>> No.52407160

Estimate his weight, and time to healthy BMI under sustainable dietary changes? Price this.

>> No.52407176

It's always hard to estimate weight of low-T fat jewboys like this. They end up being lighter than you think because it's pure adipose tissue with no muscle or bone density at all.

>> No.52407211

history will forget him and the thousands of other scammers before him. he didnt innovate lying to customers and stealing their money

>> No.52407241

So basically a worm? How apt.

>> No.52407255

no, but his tribe sure did

>> No.52407268

central banks have already done enough for gold to be 30k
sbf will not be the catalyst to unleash gold
but i could see gold/silver run up to 2000/30 by eoy, and 2500/50 next year

>> No.52407292

ah yes Christian/Islamist/Atheist/Amish/Mormon scammers dont exist

>> No.52407363
File: 27 KB, 566x457, gold_7day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold did just have a big week while big tiddy Sam crashed and burned. I wouldn't be surprised if gold is up another $50 on Monday.

>> No.52407383

Doesn't jpm alone trade more paper gold in a day then there is actual real gold?

>> No.52407411


>> No.52407440
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all smiles

>> No.52407489

Show me one that worked in lockstep with their tribe?

>> No.52407546

And the week after that /biz/ will buy the top

>> No.52407552
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>> No.52407689
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Gold bros are about to experience winning on a historic scale

>> No.52407842
File: 174 KB, 1439x1436, sbf_bahamas_escape_security_footage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no fucking way he was vegan.
Hoe the fuck do you maintain such a massive belly?

>> No.52408140


>> No.52408309

Yeah, that Jewish stare. We already know that other "Abrahamite" sects are controlled by Saturnian Jews.

Stop pretending maggot.

>> No.52409159

Probably more than in the entire volume of the Earth.

>> No.52409207

Jesus Christ.That took me almost five seconds even after I clicked on it

>> No.52409217

it's easy when you don't give a shit and drink energy drinks with sugar 24/7

>> No.52409416
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>> No.52409498
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the retardation on this board is impressive. gold is worth what it costs to mine it + competitive profit, more or less.

>durr gold should be $30k but manipulation
i'm glad you idiots exist though, otherwise i wouldn't have retired so early.

>> No.52409609

Good time to sell. Gold/silver has one more grand nosedive as the fed continues QT because none of the traditional financial system has collapsed yet. Next time gold is sub $1600 and silver is sub $19 is the time to buy. Once a few large banks go under, that’s when the fed will pivot and we’ll see $2500 gold and $60 silver, even with price discovery being suppressed

>> No.52410431
File: 624 KB, 672x720, 佐野ひなこ-くびれの女_.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2500 gold and $60 silver

>> No.52410570

You fuckers really sit on this board and try to guess how the kikes are feeling, huh?

>> No.52410604

I'm only getting caught up with this story now, but he's going to jail for life, right? How can you just secretly move billions of dollars into an offshore company with no repercussions?

>> No.52411447
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$3,000 gold is too low, it's going to at least $5,000