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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52406992 No.52406992 [Reply] [Original]

Do you remember that visceral feeling of distrust you had when you first saw this man?
You didn't know anything about him or FTX, but your brain just told you to be wary.

How is it that so many large organizations, venture capitalists and financial gurus gave him so much money?

>> No.52407024

in tech its probably a plus if youre antisocial/weird/neurodivergent. us venture capitalists seem to eat that sh** up

>> No.52407038

My literal first impression of this guy is that he was a scammer, this is when he was shilling Serum. Sent a voice note to a friend talking about it at the time and had to resend recently for the keks.

As for why they trusted him, he is connected, probably because of being in the tribe.

>> No.52407043 [DELETED] 
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They're not counter-semites, so they're easy to scam.

>> No.52407046

> I'm in on because make the global for crypto I want the biggest impact good

>> No.52407066

Craving attention like this is a huge red flag. Attention whores have been at the center of spectacular crypto collapses and rug pulls since that obvious scammer that ran Cryptsy.

>> No.52407069

His voice is even worse. I refuse to believe anyone could've used ftx after hearing him speak

>> No.52407082

He looks like the type of guy that sold bootleg cd’s and dvd out of a backpack back in the 90s.

>> No.52407095

It's one of many times when /pol/'s early life method saved my wallet, thanks.

>> No.52407119

Yes...yes I remember. Knew he was bad news at first sight. Couldn't believe he was important and people kept spamming his ugly jew fro face on here and slowly, I began to hate. Several times since I regretted it because I refused to buy Sol and it kept pumping...

>> No.52407138

>tries lowering your guard by dressing like an autistic 9 year old
nice try

>> No.52407177 [DELETED] 
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Samuel Bankman-Fried IS NOT an ""altruistic billionaire"", he is an aggressive lying kike that is pushing for regulation in the DeFi space. This means kike gate keeping to prevent average Joe American from yield farming and such. He has stolen 10 candies from white babies, I have seen it with my own eyes (when the mother wasn't looking)

Samuel Bankman-Fried is NOT a vegan. I'm a former ex-FTX employee and I have seen the fat kike eat 2 Big Macs, 14 chicken Mcnuggets and 4 chocolate sundaes in one sitting ... the fat kike wouldn't share his food when I asked him for a chocolate sundae. Fuck you, Sam. WASH YOUR BEANIE BAGS IT STINK.

>> No.52407204
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Sam Bankman-Fried (born March 6, 1992), owner of FTX exchange, you stupid evil kike. Like Mark Zuckerberg, you will never be human. You will always be a fat fucking kike that steal candies from white babies, funds from customers and you will LIE and CHEAT. Despite donating money to politicians, you will serve jail time one day for bribery and corruption you FUCKING KIKE.

>> No.52407227


I am a former FTX employee who has recently quit.

I will spill the beans on Samuel Bankman-Fried (born March 6, 1992).

What he has done:

1. By creating unbacked wrapped tokens (wBTC, wETH) out of thin air. Then they dump the wraped tokens on the market thus driving down the price.

2. FTX (Bahamian cryptocurrency exchange) is a Jewish exchange that TRADE AGAINST its customers. The fat kike can see your stop loss and will move the price AGAINST you, TRIGGERING your stop loss and COLLECTING your money. The kike will keep stealing retail money until he's fat and plump. And he will not stop.

3. He has stolen 10 candies from white babies, I have seen it with my own eyes (when the mother wasn't looking)

4. Lying about being a vegan. Samuel Bankman-Fried is NOT a vegan. I'm a former ex-FTX employee and I have seen the fat kike eat 2 Big Macs, 14 chicken Mcnuggets and 4 chocolate sundaes in one sitting ... the fat kike wouldn't share his food when I asked him for a chocolate sundae. Fuck you, Sam.

>> No.52407244

someone photoshop a brocilli hair on that kike

>> No.52407270

Cute belly

>> No.52407281

if youre a disagreeable person you naturally feel distrust towards people who are too vocal about their morality. if youre an agreeable person you fall for it all the time. thats mainly it, just a biological difference in peoples personalities. most ppl here are naturally more disagreeable than normal due to the nature of the site, so theyll distrust him more easily

>> No.52407287

>What he has done:

1. By creating unbacked wrapped tokens (wBTC, wETH) out of thin air. Then they dump the wraped tokens on the market thus driving down the price.
I remember asking about this on /biz about 3 years ago.

>> No.52407293

because of the simple fact that you and I are not jews. We stand upon thousands of years of being revolted by that tribe. We recognize them, avoid them and want them gone from our midsts. The others you mention, well they're also jews.

>> No.52407364


>> No.52407379

US VC firms love Ivy League jews and Israelis who “served in special forces”, and they all say they served in special forces.
Wework was like a pseudocode textbook example on Israeli startup scams.
You strip away all the lies about special forces and unit 8200 and “security” and all Israeli startups look like wework at their core: a Ponzi scheme where only Israelis make money.
I’ve been in the room for some of their pitches and it breaks my heart how easily Americans fall for it

>> No.52407551

Donating large amounts of money or making claims of altruism are huge red flags for me. Usually this is done by horrible people for appearances sake. In this case, just think about it for 1 second: how can a person be altruistic and run a gambling exchange? Gambling preys on addiction and is a horrible business. This fat dweeb didn’t fool me for a second.

>> No.52407766

Click click click click click click

>> No.52407788 [DELETED] 
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with jews you lose

>> No.52407847

>Be financial criminal
>Name is Scam Bankrun Fraud

>> No.52407869

something something that rhymes with juice

something something about washing democratic party money

>> No.52407996

well it can't be scripted. sure there was a colorful cast of characters with suggestive names like "bank man" and a plot that unfolded perfectly to lead up to a narrative that ends in the people demanding government regulations. but to suggest it was all scripted to play out like this would be a conspiracy theory and conspiracies theories are bad and belong on /x/ so i defiantly don't think this entire event as well as the entire political system and everyone we vote for is a bunch of scripted characters written into a narrative to control us. i wouldn't think that at all because thats the kind of thing stupid incels would say so touch grass, have sex, take meds, and stop with all the sbf conspiracy theories. there's nothing suspicious about any of this you're just paranoid

>> No.52408016

I avoided everything Alameda touched because it was obvious the whole Solana ecosystem was fake and propped up by them printing money. They misrepresented the transaction speeds by counting one transaction as multiples and the network was down every week.
How did anyone fall for it is my question? Did the money cause people to not think?

The only thing I ever touched was the app since they bought the blockfolio app (fuck them for that) and then it apparently became malware once the exchange died.

>> No.52408081
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His name is BANKMAN as in a man from the BANK. He also worked on Wall St.

Idk how anyone in crypto couldn't see he was full of shit. At least if he was handsome we could blame the Halo Effect but he unironically looks like a rat, literally and figuratively.

>> No.52408080

I am a real autist and I can easily spot normies larping as autists. Thats why I never trusted this fat little jew or Musk for example.

>> No.52408086

people are just trusting. because they're normal. don't be a weirdo and just trust what you're told. if you doubt what you're told thats conspiracy theory and conspiracies theories are for nutjobs, take meds.

>> No.52408214 [DELETED] 
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First time I saw this jewish Subhuman I knew instantly that he would fail eventually and steal peoples money.
So of course I didnt trust him and never used FTX.
Fuck this Jew faggot for ruining Blockfolio, I hope a pack of rabid niggers rape him to death in the prison showers.

>> No.52408232 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 200x200, 519FA8BB-F4C8-45CA-90A4-70AEFA0D6446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stayed away because the logo is a fucking pedo spirangle and a happy merchant. all with only 4 lines and a circle.

>> No.52408244 [DELETED] 

>SBF (kike)
That's all you need to know to save your money. It's that easy.

>> No.52408248

because democrats le good

>> No.52408275

God, can you imagine how angry Caroline gets when she sees this photo? I bet her pussy gets moist just thinking about trading dogecoin on 20x leverage to win Sam back

>> No.52408291

Becsuse they are similar to him. The same psychopathic robot cbody lsnguage

>> No.52408297

Caroline is 100% authentically autistic

>> No.52408337

>feeling of distrust
Yep and I always follow my gut instincts.
Never fails

>> No.52408392 [DELETED] 
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Why no anon, whatever do you mean?

>> No.52408436

I hated this guy ever since I learned of his existence. There is something diabolical and robotic about his physique.

I started hating him to death when I found out that his main goal of donating all his wealth was not to give it to common people but to the fucking democrats, in what head does that sound reasonable????

>> No.52408455

he has that slimy h3h3 "I'm a good ally" jew voice down cold

>> No.52408494

I massively distrust anyone who builds their public profile around "effective altruism" or charity more generally. Philanthropy is 95% morality laundering, people who screwed and scammed others performing surrogate good to ease their conscience and raise their public profile.

>> No.52408496
File: 187 KB, 1008x1200, il_fullxfull.3054959550_auoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I actually do, he reminds me of a troll doll so I just never bothered even looking into what his company did.

Not trusting ugly people works out a suprisingly large amount of the time

Pic related is him at one of his blood drinking orgies