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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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52404877 No.52404877 [Reply] [Original]

>You wouldn't be concerned over crypto crashing if you had bought a house last year instead of investing in rapidly depreciating speculative digital currency.

>> No.52405438

womyn ruin everything

>> No.52405462
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It's going down Stacy , I should've gone into TIPS.

>> No.52405491


>> No.52405658

>It's over Stacy. The market is correcting.
>don't show it...

>> No.52405671
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Your eggs, check the expiration date

>> No.52406025

The absolute state of cope. You could have bought a place to live in. Instead you bought magic beans. You missed a generational home buying oppurtumity. Good luck recovering and getting on with life.

>> No.52406033

>t. bag holder

>> No.52406065


> buy a house
> interest rates go from 0% to 6%
> monthly payments double

Yeah great idea Stacy

>> No.52406097

I have made money of crypto. You must have fell for the 'HODL' meme.

>> No.52406114

hi ranjesh
take some gains and learn english

>> No.52406130


Houses are huge life changing investments usually based on massive loans of money. Crypto is not.

>> No.52406161

i want a house so bad. it's not fair

>> No.52406648

Don't get an ARM loan.

>> No.52406907

I bought my house 12 years ago. Stay mad.

>> No.52408745

>a home to live in is a bag

>> No.52408759

not me my friend, I would never, every buy bitcoin, but thanks for projecting.

>> No.52408763

>it's not a bag because i live in it
when you're under water on a house, it's basically a prison. you can't get rid of it, even if you need/want to

>> No.52408785

Your argument invalid outside of third world countries like the UK, Australia, ect. I live in the USA. My rate is fixed at 2.9%. Seethe and cope rentoid.

>> No.52408804

nobody is jealous of your 300k shack in the middle of the woods, cletus

>> No.52408817

So you missed a generational sell oppurtunity? Bummer. You could have cashed out, bought in a lower priced market and be sitting on gains right now. Enjoy watching your equity dwindle.

>> No.52408851

Oh so you're simply poor. Too bad. Don't forget. Rent is due on the first poorfag.

>> No.52408872

You must be one of those city dwelling tards. Enjoy being stuck in traffic breathing smog on your commute home to your pod.

>> No.52408912
File: 449 KB, 862x1332, 0DCBEFEA-606B-42E8-A90F-1AF901A97D42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh 3% interest on 600K loan to buy 200k shack
Your ass and house will be mine soon

>> No.52408936

the era of "housing is an investment!" is over. A house is a depreciating asset. New roof every 15 years, new AC every 10, new siding every 20 years. basement floods, WHOOPS timmy broke a window. Oh no! the county just raises property taxes, the HOA just had a special assessment. Congrats! your lawn has grubs. New neighbors just moved in and trashed the neighborhood. New powerplant just constructed down the road. That local store everyone loves just closed, the only thing left is a walmart 20 minutes away.

Only with 20+ years of 0% interest rates has housing across the country exploded. I saw a house "selling" for $500k in January, less than 20 steps from a heavily used train track. Of course, the online listing didn't include the photos of the 50+ mph commuter train rolling past every 30 minutes.

Take that massive down payment you would have spend and put it into a mutual fund. If you can't stay in a house for longer than 15 years, yes it is a bad investment.

We are not going back to 2022 prices for at least two decades. Anyone who bought in the past 5 years wont see a return for at least 10 years.

>> No.52408987
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Imagine being so poor as to require a loan to buy a home

>> No.52409024

>ohhh nooo i'm paying 3.5% on a $350,000 loan!!!
>one year later
>every week job postings bid more and more for what i do
>the price of my labor has doubled
>but headline CPI crashes because it's manipulated
oh no your TIPS

>> No.52409093

assuming anyone actually got an ARM, biggest cope in this space

what if I did both? hehehe

>> No.52409145

when will the unfunny zestimate posting finally bite the dust?

>> No.52409154

I made enough money in crypto to buy a house outright. I remember I went to go take a look at one and it looked ready to roll down a hill with crumbling support pillars, warped floors, you name it. Some ahole still paid $280k for it 2 weeks after. (Which is alot here in Midwest). Decided I’ll just sit and wait for this clown world to tank.

>> No.52409305

low IQ zoomer detected

>> No.52410166

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.52410200

My last AC lasted 30 years.

>> No.52410214


unironically true. i got a house last year and am totally unphased by crypto crashing. looking to DCA into this dip since SBF being outed is unironically the best thing that couldve happened to crypto

FTX was cancer, and the cancer is being purged

>> No.52410264

Why didn’t you just look at a good house?

>> No.52410411
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>You missed a generational home buying oppurtumity. Good luck recovering and getting on with life.
I thought I was supposed to buy when number go down? I got my first job in 2020 and houses are now 3x up in leafland.

I'm just gonna live in my moms basement and indefinitely collect piles of cash because there's pretty much no sensible options when it comes to housing. I don't care if I have grey hair before I buy a house, I'm not participating in this fucking scam.

>> No.52410554

>zestimate goes down
>upside down stacy jingle mails her keys
>crypto goes down
>but i keep my wallet key
>stacy left behind in the poorhouse when market bottoms
oh what a shame

>> No.52410666

It looked like a cool house on the pictures and was in a nice rural area but upclose inspection revealed otherwise.

>> No.52411674
File: 40 KB, 860x642, 107-1078164_viking-pepe-png-download-pepe-the-frog-viking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not falling for the roastie cage particle board scam. This place *feels* like a fuckin prison. I'm gonna just leave while I can. I will graduate in spring of next year at the soonest (am 30 year old boomer who went back). One more god damn winter and that's it for me bros. Maybe not even the full winter if I can finish remotely. They'll never see it coming.

>> No.52411838

Im paying of a house with my gf but chances are i will break up with her rather soon. How do I cope going back to renter life since I cant afford a house myself. Ree

>> No.52411884

>puts 500k into a mutual fund
>pays rent and sees returns just evaporate to pay for someone elses' place

>> No.52411925

>dude u cant rent even if it's cheaper for you cuz like, someone else is paying off their mortgage
you are overly emotional and probably FOMOed into a shit shack

>> No.52411926

Maybe you'll find a cool chill dude roommate who likes the same movies/video games as you do, and he lets you watch him as he walks around in his underwear

>> No.52411949

7 figs cant even buy you a house in a metropolitan area after taxes cashing out lol, it was literally never a choice till you had 8

>> No.52413198

>monthly payments double
literally nobody was getting an ARM when rates were at 0%.

>> No.52413291

I'm a crypto neet who literally doesnt even need to leave his house so I moved to the middle of nowhere bought a decent sized house on 10 acres for 145k and have no regrets. I'm surprised more people here don't do this since 75% of the board is functionally unemployed.

>> No.52413338

I did

>> No.52415003

You're poor and will always rent a landlord's bags. You will always suffer the shitty life choices you made.