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52403853 No.52403853 [Reply] [Original]

How can I become evil like this?

>> No.52403877 [DELETED] 

You have to be born Jewish through your mother.

>> No.52403878 [DELETED] 

be born jewish

>> No.52403879

get bullied for being an autist and then abuse your inability to get off of the PC to steal billions of usd from non-geeks. also, somehow afford to attend MIT while simultaneously having parents in political job positions

>> No.52403880

Imagine trusting a Jew

>> No.52403886 [DELETED] 

you need to be alien human hybrid first

>> No.52403891 [DELETED] 

i hear it requires a special "chosen" status

>> No.52403893

Sam's problem is that he was too altruistic. He wanted to make a lot of money so that he could give it away in the most efficient way. In his fervor to help people, he got a bit carried away and took too many risks.

>> No.52403899

be high spatial IQ and have power that'll inevitably corrupt you

If you're jewish you've x20-100 more chances of being that due to IQ distribution

>> No.52403909

It requires a particular innate hatefulness and narcissism that is characteristic of jewishness. If you're not jewish by nature you can try to be the most myopic and resentful person you can but it will never come as naturally to you.

>> No.52403910
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Study fractals n shiet

>> No.52403923

one benefit of being "chosen" is that people like this goy will give you unwavering benefit of the doubt after a multi billion dollar fraud on the USS Liberty exchange

>> No.52403932 [DELETED] 

This jew cope. There are magnitudes more genius whites in the west than jews, literally over 5x the number after you calculate IQ distribution then population number.

Yet somehow it's never whites in these cases, somehow.

>> No.52403943

Shalom, Brother.
It’s true, we will save the world by funding the Democratic Party in the United States of America and destroying Crypto Companies.

>> No.52403956
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they're so ugly

>> No.52403958 [DELETED] 

Just be raised in Jewish culture.

>> No.52403964

Be completely insecure and develop resentment to other human beings to the point of wanting to screw them over or power over them.

>> No.52403989

got it in one

>> No.52403992

>There are magnitudes more genius whites in the west than jews
uh yeah that's cause there are more whites than Jews retard. Jews still win the most Nobel prizes.

>> No.52404002

he be cute
the bitch a trash can tho ngl
(F23 btw)

>> No.52404005
File: 52 KB, 850x400, CBDB941A-5595-4D79-B79C-B4A1C9B26A54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work for the united state’s government

>> No.52404009

>be Jewish
Damn what an original take

>> No.52404018


so he had to buy a stadium and sex mansion?

>> No.52404037 [DELETED] 

have jewish rat DNA. it will also make you look just as inbred and deformed
>muh jewish award !
can't wait until we get to slaughter you for real, kike parasite

>> No.52404078
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Here are instructions

>> No.52404195

Are you actually illiterate?

>> No.52404200
File: 89 KB, 850x493, relationship-between-intelligence-and-fluency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews hold the creativity gene, The creative genius is significantly rarer than your typical genius

>> No.52404220

Name one jewish inovation before Nobel prizes were established.

>> No.52404223 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 883x1491, jews iq the myth of jewish intelligence 1668326731754204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rat cope

>> No.52404238

> creativity gene
Laughable. Post the singular gene, the evidence it accounts for the majority of creative thinking and then that it is effectively exclusively present in jews sufficient to overcome the population difference.

Because as far as I've looked, which I have, there are over 100 genes implicated in creativity and frankly they are effectively identical to the ones implicated in general intelligence.

>> No.52404241

Be ugly and well connected, or in other words, be jewish

>> No.52404246
File: 615 KB, 627x3741, Jordan Peterson Is A Hack jews IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all they can do is lie

>> No.52404252

being universally hated by ALL populations throughout history

>> No.52404269

be a parasite inbred over milleniae which makes you hate your own genes because you clearly are a bug
this explains their callous predatory behavior pretty well, because what else do they have?

>> No.52404276

That guy mogs over half of 4chan

>> No.52404331

>high spatial IQ
Never seen a good Jewish artist

>> No.52404382

Dont think Jewish ppl are that creative. Jews rarely do innovative jobs or create new things or become engineers or scientists. They become trust fund art kids who make crude new age porn or noise rock and use their connections to get hype around their mediocre product. Lots of funny Jewish comedians though could be cultural though

>> No.52404660

That's just laughable take desu, Jews (Not formally "jew", having a jewish father is valid too for this experiment) representation among creative elites is one of the most consistent phenomena you can find in statistics.

Jews are spatially superior on average too, From study done in israel among 7 years old:
>Ashkenazi jews:
106IQ spatial
>Iraqi jews:
107.2IQ spatial (higher than ashkenazi, which's surprising)

6-7IQ points on average is significant. But jews real superiority come in verbal IQ, Which come at 115-120IQ on average for ashkenazi jews, This is the gap between educated european to average third world country civilian *on average*.

>> No.52404690 [DELETED] 

First you have to cut off your foreskin.

>> No.52404707


>> No.52404748
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1. be connected

>> No.52404749 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 480x439, 1626967292321-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they always jewish?

>> No.52404782

>Tikkun Olam
You don't understand goy, you have to scam people in order to then help them

>> No.52404796

Physiognomy is real
Judge books by their covers
Trust your gut

>> No.52404808

This plus he already apologized, what else do you goyim want from us??

>> No.52404814

Learn kabbalah and about the Jewish soul vs the soul of the goyim. Chabad.org is a decent place to start.

>> No.52404880

convert to jewism