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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 1.02 MB, 813x744, 6k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52400415 No.52400415 [Reply] [Original]

We are going to 6k and we're staying there until at least 2027. This is the first TRUE bear market, all bullish support has been broken cleanly. We are going to experience the first real bear market ever in crypto. We've been on a bullish run since 2009, it's finally over. Bitcoin isn't dead, but it's not coming back to life once EVERYONE is gone. The oldfags don't want blood in the streets, they want nuclear death. Get off exchanges and accumulate really fucking hard for the next few years. Bitcoin will rise again, but it's going into hibernation for awhile. We'll hit 100k in 5-7 years. Godspeed newfags.

>> No.52400438

Stop larping btc will be dead till 2057 not 2027

>> No.52400461

halving rescue save the day

>> No.52400473

This too shall pass. I'm ready for cheapies.

>> No.52400494

>BTC down 70% from muted ATH
>We're going to experience the first real bear market
>Going to

>> No.52400503

I was about to type it

>> No.52400548

Funny how shitty cexes getting exposed is being equated to the death of crypto even though cexes are fundamentally the antithesis to what crypto actually is. This board is just getting dumber by the day.

>> No.52400589

> Funny how shitty cexes getting exposed is being equated to the death of crypto even though cexes are fundamentally the antithesis to what crypto actually is
THANK YOU. I've been saying it here for days. The thread then dies, and 5 new /pol/ threads spawn with the same content. We are under siege kek

>> No.52400629

This is a shakeout. Max fear. Remember that tweet from cz back in the summer about "them" (institutions) wanting to buy in cheap. The reversal is coming and when it does we'll never be seeing these price levels ever again, imo.

>> No.52400645
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Only slerp at 1k

>> No.52400671

>Get off exchanges and accumulate really fucking hard for the next few years

how we supposed to accumulate without exchanges?

>> No.52400681

Dump, crab, dump, crab through 2030. What part of the GREAT Reset do you faggots not understand?

>> No.52400692
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>literally can't read
I never said crypto died retard
We are in a "bear" market already, but I'm talking about a Bear cycle, we've been in a Bull cycle since the beginning of BTC. Old fags want people to never touch BTC again. Bitcoin doesn't need hedge funds, banks or investment firms to pump to ridiculous prices, too many people entered the club, they want people to fucking leave. People are so fucking silly to think a few whales can't pump BTC 20 grand tomorrow if they wanted to. Crypto is a new asset class to maintain wealth, it's a CIA asset; it's way bigger than people could possibly imagine.

>> No.52400694

Rotten apples stand out on the box

>> No.52400700

Finally an actual bottom signal.
Thanks retard. My fetish is people LARPing as individuals with insight and you sir are hitting all the right notes.

>> No.52400707

It's actually 2157.

>> No.52400719
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>> No.52400741

Thanks for confirming the plan, burn your cash, I'd enjoy it.
Based and high IQ pilled

>> No.52400763

Please get out and fuck off. We don't need weak hand reactionaries..

>> No.52400769

> the whales have managed to fool the institutions and scare them away
Fat fucking chance

>> No.52400772
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fuck the screencap is gonna be juicy, can't wait. :)

>> No.52400805

>tommy with 0.2 BTC praying for 1 million BTC
The fact that you think that's bullshit is hilarious

>> No.52400818

It's not like I'm opening a leveraged long or even excited to "buy the dip" or something.

I am holding my BTC from a cost-basis from literally forever ago, not to even mention you've failed to make a convincing argument beyond 50-50.

Maybe you have an amount of BTC that's easy to exchange for fiat but I don't. I'm thinking I'll weather the storm in case it isn't as bad as you're expecting it to be. Because really, I could see it go either way.

>> No.52400838

What happens when it's worth less than ETH tho?

>> No.52400854

Kek, bro, you think institutions are going to sit back and give retail years to accumulate at low prices? You're deluded. The cat is out of the bag. Anyone with a brain can see the tech that will be instrumental in the coming years as the new protocols and systems are rolled out. This is absolutely a shakeout so institutions can buy in en masse as low as possible. That will be the start of the fabled golden bullrun and everyone who doesn't have their bags packed will be priced out forever.

>> No.52400861

I have more BTC than you.
You are a typical midwit thinking they have figured shit out, dime a dozen. You don’t know what Bitcoin will do in 2 days, let alone years from now.
> oh but it’s so obvious to meee, I’m so much smarter than all the institutions and everyone else, I know exactly what will happen because it’s completely logical and inevitable, yet I’m the only one who can see it!
If it were true it would already be priced in and counter traded. If you had a magical ability to predict the BTC market, especially years in advance, you’d be richer than Elon.

>> No.52401293

Every time I see this thread you add another year until the supposed bull run

>> No.52401343

>delusional bull claims 6k
topkek, it is going to 3 digits bulltard.

>> No.52401399

BTC has 14 years of doing what it does without an issue, so it's earned a degree of respect. In the early days days nobody knew what it was, that's no longer the case. Market cap is incredibly small at these levels, the supply is small, so it wouldn't take much capital to push it much higher.

>> No.52401823

You're a retard. That is literally impossible. The already burnt/disappeared/lost/dead people's supply alone won't allow for that.
Fud can be good. I even enjoy creative fud. Your fud is retarded though.

>> No.52401856

500 bitcoin come january?

>> No.52401870

Show me your short orders.

>> No.52402327
File: 63 KB, 1200x600, 73D7DCEE-729B-48D1-882E-DBC3BBFBC161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only for old fags. You will never believe who just posted code and will move to mainnet soon? Holy Kek.

>> No.52402343


>> No.52402383

I bought Bitcoin and put it on wallet and opened a short against, so I've making cash the entire time down.

>> No.52402470

all the normies have lost their money
u think the market makers are gonna let them buy back in cheap? theyll fkn send it as soon as they can
anyone calling for 10k is a permabear retard, this was literally the bottom

>> No.52402693

>People want to sell
>Price goes down
>At some point people are willing to sell for 3 digits
>"Noooo you can't sell it for that cheap !!! Some bitcoins are blocked forever in dead wallets !!! Ok ???"
>"Ok pls someone buy my btc for 900 !!! 800 ???"

Don't think it will drop lower than 10k but your argument is retarded, you shouldn't manage your money on your own for your sake.

>> No.52402835

>dumb zoom zoom ramblings
So buy more? Got it.

>> No.52402853
File: 435 KB, 1242x977, 07F6B3A9-C84A-4DDB-A67F-31C9CED5233E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are going to 6k
Learn what VPVR is before lecturing me, faggot

>> No.52403214

Anything that might compete with a state sponsored state issued 100% real time traceable and revocable coin will be destroyed. Did you really think the governments of the world more importantly the central banks of the world would allow a competing currency? You are watching the smart money exit

>> No.52403253

dude crypto isnt even an error term compared to the whole global financial market
its a fly on the wall and barely any large firms have any significant amount on their balance sheets so no they dont care about it going bust

>> No.52403396
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