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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 690 KB, 894x862, Screenshot 2022-11-13 at 15-53-19 Fortune Favors the Brave (2021 USA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52399224 No.52399224 [Reply] [Original]




CDC fags were rugpulled by Matt Damon.

>> No.52399235


>> No.52399239

Here it is backed up.

>> No.52399242


>> No.52399252

Based Matt Damon, throwing them under the bus.

>> No.52399253

withdraw everything + short

>> No.52399265
File: 22 KB, 600x300, DA085155-BEAF-4C0F-B412-A345D311F7CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only you knew how bad things are

>> No.52399277

How have I not seen this masterpiece of human stupidity. The pure cringe being shot through my bloodstream by this video.

>> No.52399304

the best part is matt damon was the guy who wined for 2 hours straight about the banks in that financial crisis documentary

>> No.52399320

matt is taking this real personal

>> No.52399326

dumping hard now I doubt if they can make it until Monday.

>> No.52399330

Another backup

>> No.52399348
File: 1.00 MB, 1568x1188, davos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52399372


>> No.52399379

>how do you like them apples

>> No.52399390

give me a rundown on this dank meme

>> No.52399416


>> No.52399430

Crypto dot com paid Millions for a Superbowl ad starring Matt Damon and since then fired a large percentage of their staff and stopped offering cashback rewards on their debit cards leading people to believe they had solvency issues. That was last week. Look at the threads up explaining what happened since then.

>> No.52399450
File: 324 KB, 1353x1079, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't my first rodeo, and lemme tell you something: a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home.

It's a trick to take your home.

The big difference is I get your home. It's just a loan designed to take your home, and it's helped me.
With a reverse mortgage you can pay whatever you can, or you can leave your home. The American dream means money. If you've had your home for a while it's probably worth nothing, so why not give me your home? A reverse mortgage loan could play a vital part in funding my retirement. Make your retirement MY retirement. What many people don't realize is many older Americans are the biggest asses. Fortunately, many Americans are a little wobbly. Many Americans are a little jumbo, but you know what that means: you wouldn't be living much longer.
Look, retirement is a time for me to enjoy your money.
A reverse mortgage loan gives you nothing now, and nothing when you leave the home. Sacrifice your home for me. It's worth it. Your home is where I want to be, and where I want to stay.
Look, you've probably been an ass. Give me your cash. Give me your home. Give me the cash in your pocket.

Look, I'm proud to take your home. Give me your home. Give me your soul or worse, I take your family's hearts. Look, leave the home now. You have to give me your home. Right now. You'd better.


>> No.52399454
File: 1.26 MB, 245x155, BIFg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh!

>> No.52399531
File: 829 KB, 220x180, 89e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost all my btc, eth and chainlink on celsius
>Started balding last year
>No girlfriend
>Last money I had was 4k dollars worth of cro. Too afraid to check it out now
>Banned from /tv/

It's over for me. I think I'm gonna go to the Chinese liquor store, get drunk, smoke cigarettes for the first time in my life and rope. Sayonara. I'm glad we went on all those great adventures.

>> No.52399562

>banned from /tv/
that's actually a good thing, 4chan's consooming boards are garbage

>> No.52399585

Hey faggot you got probably 2k left that's 2k more than I have least cash it out before heroing and think about it.

>> No.52399597

Everyone gets banned from tv eventually

>> No.52399603

/biz/ is all ponzi schemes plus one thread for the stock market and another for PMs... basically two useful threads here and the rest is just garbage

>> No.52399610

I think I remember you from yesterday. You just lost your last 2k right?

>> No.52399632

You should withdraw your last 1k of CRO asap anon.

>> No.52399671
File: 737 KB, 300x300, 1622659672648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too anxious to open the app and blockfolio is over. It was all a house of cards and it's over.

>gif related always brings me some comfort

>> No.52399683





>> No.52399700

Quit larping nigger if you were truly broke you would pull out your money believe me even 1k when you're in the gutter is better than 400 dollars but doesn't matter my god is everyone just a faggot larping on this board....

>> No.52399780

Go make a good thread then
You're here too so you are part of the trash
If your thread doesn't suck people will engage

>> No.52399833

I miss the old /biz/ stock advice, salary negotiations, resume advice, vanguard portfolios and career advice.

This crypto garbage seriously has to stop. People are getting hurt. Not only that but literally 99.99% of this shit is a scam and a huge bubble waiting to burst. Just look at the recent bitcoin crash down to 16000 case in point.

I'm currently in uni finishing up my studies to become an accountant. I want to know ways to make it in the corporate world. I want to have meaningful conversations like how to negotiate salary raises with your bosses.

I know this might come to a shock to alot of you guys but someone has to say it. Cryptocurrency is just a massive speculation with absolutely 0 fucking value to this world. You can not right now name one single crypto that brings real value to this world and helps improve it.

This is a speculators game. And who ever is the first to sell off will win. You guys are in a fucking ticking time bomb waiting to explode and you don't even realize it.

Besides women want men with stable careers and goals. Not a bunch of Internet funny money degenerate gamblers. Good luck starting a family with any woman and telling her you traded Internet meme coins. Seriously guys wake the fuck up.

If any of you had any sense at all you would sell 100% of your cryptos and invest in Apple / real estate. Something that will never go away and always rise in value.

I hope we can go back to the old ways of biz. I want to know some good stocks I can expect to put my yearly bonuses into. Not this crypto trash vaporware scam garbage

>> No.52400040

Low IQ take. Also, /biz/ was started because of crypto, not "actiual" business advice.

>> No.52400132

Okay boomer

>> No.52400394
File: 2.98 MB, 450x800, 1667671483782142.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like that man that went from Hiroshima to Nagasaki witnessing the 2 nukes.

>I strongly disagree

>> No.52400436

like the crab eating corn on the cob while being boiled ?

>> No.52400489

>I'm currently in uni finishing up my studies to become an accountant.
>old biz

ofcourse you want the world to be the same you accountant scum.

I'm mid 30s I've been on and off using biz since you were literally a child, you literally dont know enough about the world or why people peddle crypto. IDC about institutions or the zoomers like you who don't understand ANYTHING about the banking system


>> No.52400542

>hobby is watching tv
>confused that he is unhappy with his life
And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.52400577

thank you, so helpful

>> No.52400632

>get drunk, smoke cigarettes for the first time in my life and rope

at least wait until your hangover, thats a lot like dying anyway

>> No.52400730

/tv/ is one of the comfiest boards. Last movie I watched was tenet and it was like 2 years ago and yet I browse /tv/. Good conversations up there

>> No.52400765

>Besides women want men with stable careers and goals

yes, after they have sucked and fucked hundreds of cocks when they were between the ages of 10 to 26. good luck crunching spreadsheets for that reward. plus, your trophy wife would cheat on your while you're at the office staring at a screen making money for your jew boss