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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52393216 No.52393216 [Reply] [Original]

How are we feeling, crobros?

Personally idgaf any more, even staked for Royal Indigo, thinking I'm like that violin player from Titanic.

>> No.52393238

it’s ok. you were always going to piss your money away on something stupid and worthless anyway.

>> No.52393254

how much you lose in that shitcoin?
I bought at 50 cents 20k but got out around 25 cents. Lost 4k.
Anyways this exchange is a total scam
>Steal funds from users when their exchange is glitched
>Bought a bunch of BTC with cro moments before they published the reserves.
>MCO scam
>24 hour hodl mode that they soon will activate again

>> No.52393260

Had about 25 k euros worth when it was 0.8
Too bad it was staked. Easy come easy go eh.

>> No.52393288

I bought at 0.13 or something, so it's not THAT bad. Have lost about 1 k so far. Too bad I had it staked when it was 0.8 lmaoo

>> No.52393339

Same bought in october for the credit card. Then those bastards said they were going to remove the credit card benefits and it collapsed after luna.
Got out 2 weeks too late.
At this point who haven't they screwed yet? I post everywhere to stay the fuck away from them from now on... even if they survive.

>> No.52393347

I feel mostly fine. I don't have anything on there except for a few ERC-20 tokens, but even those I'm not heavily invested in. CDC is fucking bullshit thought with their withdrawal fees for ERC-20 tokens by the way. Even so, I only have a couple of hundred dollars worth on there, everything else is in my own wallet.

>> No.52393349

Unironically, what are the odds CDC goes down like FTX? CDC is 6 years old while FTX was only 3 years old and as far as I can tell, CDC has 4,000 employees while FTX only ever had 300

>> No.52393390

I want to believe, anon. Maybe that's the reason I decided to stake again. So I could keep myself away from selling.

>> No.52393443

Can't collapse like FTX
>Earning coins are stuck with no way to withdraw
>They make huge profits on the spread in their app
>insane withdrawal fees.
Same goes for Nexo, I think that they lock earnings for months.
I'm sure they become insignificant after a while though.

>> No.52393498

I have a feeling that Crypto.com is the next one to go the way of FTX. Then again, I'm down like 80% on my CRO so might as well hold that shit to zero now

>> No.52393556
File: 21 KB, 818x663, nexo not solvent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you forgotten about FTX's business partner Nexo?
They certainly lost some funds on FTX.
FTX was their main exchange.

>> No.52393712
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Reading this thread... Yeah the bottom is not in

>> No.52393804
File: 233 KB, 571x397, Screenshot 2022-11-10 1.43.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CDC is not 6 years old you retard. CDC the exchange opened in 2019 just like FTX. CDC was a rebrand from Monaco which was a debit card ICO in 2017. Before that, Kris Marszalek was running Ensogo and scamming people under that name

>> No.52393832

>I have a feeling that Crypto.com is the next one to go the way of FTX.
FTX failing only makes CDC stronger. Less competition.

>> No.52393872

kek, good one

>> No.52393890

I sold my CRO yesterday and withdrew everything, not getting caught with my pants down. I also opened a 5x short on CRO at 12.5 cents already up. These exchanges are all insolvent. Not your keys, not your coins. simple

>> No.52393917

Nothing would surprise me at this point. Considering crypto you have to do opposite what logic tells you.

>> No.52394182

think about how stupid this statement is
no ftx customer (assuming they have anything left) is going to start using crypto.com
no one without a cex account is going to think now's a good time to deposit money into one
all these ftx brand ambassadors only serve to highlight the crypto scam
anyone who follows tom brady? they know
anyone who follows steph curry? they know
anyone who follows shark tank/kevin? they know
normies now have multiple examples of mainstream crypto ventures going to zero virtually overnight
we're also entering recession and layoffs have begun at many places
things are so much worse from crypto/btc than 2 years ago, but btc is still much higher than it was 2 years ago
buy puts on any publicly traded crypto company until bitcoin goes below 5k

>> No.52394229

I have some usdc for using my card
Never used the exchange, never will
Got some free cro i dont even know where they came from anymore

>> No.52394403
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FTX users have no money so obviously they won't be coming over to CDC but new crypto users who want to try and gamble their way to a million dollars will enter through a CEX because that's the easiest way and now with FTX out of the picture there's a higher possibility of the new user going to CDC, you'll have to be a retard not to realize this is bullish for CDC and every other CEX out there.

>> No.52394612

I'm still staked for the jade green like you are, back when it was for a bunch of CRO. I didn't see any reason to remove my stake...even with spotify and netflix leaving I still don't per se...but more so I'm down so bad that I might as well just keep collecting rewards.

>> No.52394669

Why not trade it for atom? you get like 20% interest and that coin has a future.

>> No.52394682

Anon I...

>> No.52394713

Are you really here to shill your fucking shitcoin you fucking disgusting shill? Christ, imagine being so desperate for buyers that you shill your bags to other bagholders during a fucking bear market where alts are getting annihilated.

Do your employers think this is organic?
>go into every thread
>tell them to buy this token
>2 cents deposited to your account
Or maybe you do it for free. I don't know what's worse

>> No.52394746
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Kek, Nah I think you should keep it in CRO and go down with the sinking ship.

>> No.52394829

Imagine thinking ATOM is a shitcoin, it’s like a top 20 coin and has survived a bear market while increasing its rank through the last bull cycle. I’ve made crazy gains staking this for years not to mention all the free airdrops. Imagine being a stupid fucking newbie retard trying to sound smart

>> No.52394845

I was one of the earliest adopters and it hurts to think how much money I would have made if I sold the top. Or not even the top, but at least when it was at 0.5.
At this point, I'll just keep my bag of cro. No point in selling now and getting pennies for it.

>> No.52394869

>quick bros, someone isn't buying our narrative, get in this thread
Who do you fuckers think you're fooling? You came into an exchange token centered thread to shill something unrelated as if this is organic and what normal posters on this board do. This isn't like going into an hbar thread and shilling fantom or a monero thread and shilling a zcash alt to farm (You)'s or something. Get the hell out

>> No.52394921

You're next

>> No.52394957

I’ve already made it from crypto faggot, I’ve been in it for years. The other anon was just trying to be nice and spoonfeed zoomer retards like yourself but you proved your IQ was too low for even that. I mean this sincerely, have fun staying poor. Even after this huge market crash I’m still up at least 20x or more

>> No.52394973

the final piece of the puzzle
>i'm actually rich, i'm just trying to help :)

>> No.52394975
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Had my CRO do a 10x last year but my dumb ass didn't sell, anyways I'm not down that much but I'm gonna be bagholding for a while.
Anon you actual retard, CRO is built off of ATOM

>> No.52394999

thank you for clarifying friend, shame the other pajeets decided to double down on their shilling

>> No.52395006
File: 87 KB, 220x220, pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRO is literally a copy/paste of Atom you absolute braindead retard.
You know what, I take it back. CDC is the perfect place for you.

>> No.52395080

I don’t consider myself rich, but without a doubt richer than you considering you’ve never even heard of ATOM lmao. Imagine trying to sound smart and not knowing a top 20 crypto that’s been around for like 6 years

>> No.52395099

Never said I never heard of it, stupid nigger. But that doesn't change that you need to shill your shit like a fucking disgusting pajeet scum. Literal scum

>> No.52395109

This might be copium but that Kris Jew is gonna show their proof of reserves in a few days. If crypto.com makes it out alive, maybe we'll be able to sell our bags at a good price in 3 or 4 years. I want to believe.

>> No.52395349

>anyone who follows tom brady? they know
>anyone who follows steph curry? they know
>anyone who follows shark tank/kevin? they know
Everyone follows Matt Damon. My boys wicked smart.

>> No.52395383

Your desperation and lack of good judgement is bullish.
Without normies to loose money, the good hands can't make money

>> No.52395526
File: 37 KB, 578x287, Screenshot 2022-11-13 030922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over
NGL I'm pretty happy some of you will lose everything.

>> No.52395654

sold and bought matic instead as soon as i read the news about instagram allowing its users to mint, buy, and sell polygon nfts

>> No.52395716
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>> No.52395986

grim :(

>> No.52396120

crypto dot com is run by a bunch of dudebros yet somehow they did better than ftx and blockfi

why didnt i start an exchange...

>> No.52396143

Just a heckin mistakerino, nothing to worry about guise XD

>> No.52396146

How old are you?

>> No.52396200
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I've mostly broken even by splitting my CRO cashback and rewards into LUNC. Feelin good CRObros

>> No.52396202

>tfw 10k CRO staked on the DeFi app
>value is slowly sinking
>not sure if CDC will even survive the 28 days it would take to withdraw it

What do? Currently just skimming CRO off the top of it and selling it for ETH every few weeks but if CRO is going to zero I may as well pull it out now

>> No.52396303

>crypto dot com is run by a bunch of dudebros yet somehow they did better than ftx and blockfi
Literally all they did was minimize corruption and spending customer funds to lobby for regulating their competitors. Doesn't take much to be more stable than SBFs operation.

>> No.52396874

Why would anyone use this over Coinbase, Binance, or KuCoin? The app is horrible and the withdrawal fees are outrageous. Plus you can't use the Browser version in the US.

>> No.52396886

I bought at 6 cents and sold near the top when I noticed /biz/ was seething and talking about how they fomo'd in during the 3 different threads happening all at once.
Plus bitcoin started going down right when the stadium pump started slowing down so I expected it to kill the momentum

>> No.52396984

They are proving they have actual reserves of coins and aren't going full retard like FTX was
AT least not to the level that FTX was at (they aren't jewish)

>> No.52397018

>the exchange you shorted on goes insolvent
>not only do you not get your profit you will lose your original investment

>> No.52397091
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>> No.52397122

Bought for the jade Green card when it was 0.4
It's not a large amount so I'll keep it there. I have mostly link in another wallet so I can ride this one out

>> No.52397127
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>Oopsies 300k ETH to a different exchange

>> No.52397299


>> No.52397819


>> No.52398051

Basically it's all I could use based off of where I live.

>> No.52398082

Same basically. In hindsight staking back then was one of the stupidest decisions I've made in my years of trading but it also has come at a relatively low cost. From $5k to 1k, it can go to zero from here (highly doubt) and it'd just be something funny I could laugh about with mates

>> No.52398310

where did you short CRO?

>> No.52398325
File: 482 KB, 2059x3000, CROw_Gains Nevermore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nexo is just as in bed with Binance as FTX.

Globohomo will not allow CZ to take over becuse the illusionof choice will be needed,
and i hate to say it, this keeps CDC from imploding.

I cashed my CDC postion out months ago for ATOM.
Was / is comphy... but with this ATOM 2.0 situation, might be time to cash some out on the next bump.

ATOM is unbranded / generic CRO

Few Understand.

>> No.52398405

My Ruby stake is now worth $50. I have a little in defi staking for 10%ish. Its not worth selling so I Admiral Holdo. I signed up for the coinbase card. No staking required for rewards.

>> No.52398486

>crypto.com being advertised at UFC with millions watching just days before the rug

>> No.52399873

I just want my Visa card to keep working. I busted a nut getting that card.

>> No.52399910

I don't even care at this point. My 4k I put in for my royal indigo is now less than $500, I can't possibly lose more than that. 500 is whatever

>> No.52399939
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No they aren’t, they merely borrowed those “reserves”

>> No.52400066

my stake is worth €50 and i keep about 15€ on the card.
i hope they manage to survive, the card is useful for foreign currencies.

>> No.52400108

Lol this, I'm shorting the fuck out of this coin and already made 3x, there is no upside to trusting a CEOs tweet when you could lose it all

>> No.52400128

Pulled everything off, deleted app.
Its over.

>> No.52400159

also if you want one of these cards look up monolith, they allow you to keep your own private keys and still top up instantly.

>> No.52400328

not true lol

>> No.52400424

where can you short this without kyc?

>> No.52400505

cromagnons, time to stack up

>> No.52400639
File: 291 KB, 800x1000, richwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize the euro chad crypto.com is being fuded by binance shills right anon?

Binance is some scam site like FTX and they hate crypto.com. Because in the end, only crypto.com is worth anything.

>> No.52400640

I cannot believe that there are /biz/raelis active on this board who invested in fucking cro. we still have a long way to go from here

>> No.52400952

nice pic

>> No.52400960

I can't believe they waited until it did a 15x to buy in
I made a mint and rebought 5x what I originally had later on and took the rest out for other coins (mostly MATIC) and to spend on things I needed

>> No.52401011

That's not how it was with CRYPTO.COM
They had the money long before then SENT it on accident
You can check the transactions yourself but you won't since you are a FUDDING binance-fag

>> No.52401076
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Fresh from reddit:

"I've already lost tens of thousands on it by now. I'll just put another $5k now and maybe another $5k if it drops to ~$0.03.

I think I'll regret not putting in the 5k and this coin recovering more than I will regret if this company just dies tomorrow and losing the additional 5k."

>> No.52401208
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>bought at 7 ¢
>staked 400 $ for Ruby Red card
>sold everything at 50 ¢, took almost all the money out of the exchange
>staked again for Ruby Red, this time far less CRO
>unstaked in February this year and sold everything for USD
>slowly spent all that money
>yesterday saw the writing in the wall and withdrew the last 50 € from an ATM
>only 3,27 € stuck in the exchange
Feels good bros.

>> No.52401346

>unstake CRO
>convert to BTC
>try to withdraw
>"new wallet address is not correct"
>app freezes, have to restart
>triple check address, it is correct, continues to fail
>sell BTC and put cash on my CRO card
I literally cannot move my funds off their app or card. now I have to buy shit with my CRO card if I want to even use that money. no option to move that cash back to my bank account.

it's called crypto.com but the website is just an ad for a shitty mobile app that freezes all the time.

>> No.52401444

I think you just have a shitty planned obsolescence phone
Also go to stater bros and do cash back when you buy shit since it counts as if you are spending that much money.
It'll help you empty out your card faster

>> No.52401514

Yeah nah. Binance is wash trading btc at 16500. Its impossible to break the support

>> No.52401545

just go to the nearest ATM and withdraw your money anon

>> No.52401554

Yes because a multi billion exchange going poof overnight due to fraud makes newbies think "oh yeah now i want to put my money into crypto!", you stupid fucking monkey.

>> No.52402106

I did same thing cause of a true panic sales is real and this ain't no playing, CRO staked, RIDE staked, NGM, USDT staked.. we go again next mid year.

>> No.52402271

>earning coins are stuck
that's what makes CRO a ponzi, basically. Thank god I got out of there while profiting 4x

>> No.52402283


>> No.52402287

Damn 4 fucking thousand dollars? How are you not pissed off. I don’t care if you have a well paying job, $4k is a lot of money especially in current climate

>> No.52402562

>24 hour hodl mode
is that their equivalent to "withdrawals momentarily not possible"
it's over if they do that today imo

>> No.52402612

I got some ETH off it earlier. Not much but it seemed to work

>> No.52402625

Decided to yank it out

If it goes to zero it won't matter anyway but at least this way there's potentially some saving it

>> No.52403083

Proof of assets is a meme. It's not assets that matter, it's assets minus liabilities. We can have no idea if an exchange is solvent looking at assets alone.

>> No.52403094

>thinking I'm like that violin player from Titanic.
this but unironically

>> No.52403178

pure gamblers. Sad.

>> No.52403300

why bother? the perks are all but gone for the mid-tier cards. But hey if that 2% cashback with a $50 monthly reward cap sounds good then by all means

>> No.52403339
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Imagine trusting this man

>> No.52403375

that cranium can be trusted
it is HUUUGE

>> No.52403442
File: 420 KB, 775x395, Screenshot 2022-11-13 7.55.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> more brainpower to scam you with

>> No.52403468

aaaah valid point
but he looks so trust worthy and white
not a jew

>> No.52403522

Its crybros

>> No.52403575

I just went to the nearest ATM
withdrew to the limit
Comfy right now

>> No.52403584

Just unstaked the CRO I put in for ruby red when it was at around 10 cents. Used the 10x to upgrade to jade. This whole ride has basically costed me nothing (other than missed profits) and given me half a decade of airport lounges.
Thanks for the ride CROMagnons, but I'm out of CEXes for the time being

>> No.52404550
File: 295 KB, 1080x1244, Screenshot_20221113-092516_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently 900k of hacked FTX Eth just transferred to a Uniswap wallet called Cro Next...



>Also money being sent to the Ukraine Crypto Donations wallet

You cant make this shit up LMFAO,


>> No.52404572

>money being sent to the Ukraine Crypto Donations wallet
Effective Altruism!

>> No.52404602

I have about 80k cro that was worth $70k at one point, now it's worth fuck all. I hope this nigger coin goes back up or I will rope

>> No.52404620

At least you got a free Netflix subscription.

>> No.52404644
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