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52392664 No.52392664 [Reply] [Original]

For the last 5 years or so I have been very avoidant of others. There are several reasons for this and these reasons fluctuate in dominance. The reasons include:

>busy with crypto
>busy pursuing my hobbies
>a bit sick of people and the complexities of relationships

While I have grown in material ways, I realize that I have failed to grow spiritually in the interpersonal realm (I've grown spiritually in an individual sense, though). The problem is, that I have made a big mistake by not choosing to grow interpersonally and connect with others. Life is meant to be enjoyed with others, life is meant to be a collaborative and joyous experience, if it wasn't, God would have not provided other humans for us to live amongst.

What I'm trying to say is I think I (and possible you all too) need to make a stronger effort to co-mingle with others. And no, not to co-mingle at a bowling alley or at some stupid board game night, I mean interacting to build together and build friendships through struggle and pain. The idea that we are "the others", "the autistics", "the forgotten", is a huge cope that we should all learn to put aside and rise above from. There's a lot of people on here, who cry defeat either directly or indirectly when we speak of interpersonal grown, It so many have have given up and instead wants to continue in the anti social behavior.

What's stopping you from building with others? Whether that be in business, art, or hell even something charitable? Whats stopping you from unironically having something like pic related?

Anyone know these feels? Is it time we pick up and give life a reasonable chance before we perish?

>> No.52392698

>wasted 5 years of his life and missed out on experiences and opportunities he will never get back because of a ponzi scheme around a few worthless 0s and 1s

>> No.52392751

Thats just bullshit your biology is telling you.

There is no hidden meaning to life. Just admit to yourself that you're lonely and act accordingly.

Stop with this religious/belief/culture/purpose bullshit.

All you do is hurt the people that want a different thing than you do. It's not that hard to comprehend that we can all just do what we want.

>> No.52394118

Isnt it sabbath today rabbi
Holy shit an actual semi intelligent thread, God bless you anon
It's kinda hard for people like us to make friends especially as we don't blend in but as you said you're missing out a lot if you don't, I'm doing as you're doing currently and just grinding hard so I can make it but even I still have a girlfriend who loves me and 2-3 friends I can just sperg out with that I visit once a month. I unironically feel like they motivate me a lot more because I want to make it and support them during the coming dark times

>> No.52394402

>still have a girlfriend who loves me and 2-3 friends
based anon keep em close