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52390060 No.52390060 [Reply] [Original]

ROAD TO 1000$

>> No.52390132

Delusion. Literally bought and sold for the sake of looks and a ticker, no actual pragmatic utility other than it being a lightweight client.

BTC = OG, mainstream for normalfags
ETH = Healthy infestation
XRP = Speed
XMR = Anonymity
DOGE/SHIB = Buffer zone for moonfags, poor pajeets, children and those unaware of cryptography


>> No.52390176



>> No.52390184

You are a retarded nigger nigger zoomer. Not even worth the minimum wage paid to wipe your guts off the street after jumping from the 8th floor of your gender bender hospital stay.

>> No.52390197

Out of all coins, I've only ever actually heard of anyone buying something with LTC.

>> No.52390202

we beat the LTCuck because LTCuck don't know finance

we beat the LTCuck because LTCucks cannot reason

we beat the LTCuck because LTCucks do not have a sense of self preservation

>> No.52390237

>You are a retard because your beliefs don't align with my ideal fantasy. You are not worth the amount of money I get paid because I want to feel superior at my fast food job.

>> No.52390253

>I have a job and I am respected by MY peers.

>> No.52390294

>I cannot think for myself, therefore I make myself feel good by copying what others do. I hide my inferiority by mimicking others, because I cannot form an original thought. I want to feel good, so I will post with the pleasure of anonymity to fake a taste of power.

>> No.52390349

Maybe this will be helpful for any neophyte that takes 10 seconds to read:

BTC= the superior crypto asset
ETH=a healthy infestation, you’d be a fool not to carry a bag
LTC= the secondary crypto asset, uncontrolled and unironically the equivalent of digital silver

>> No.52390350



>> No.52390373

litecoin is going back to 30 maybe even 4 when coinbase collapses

>> No.52390386

USD does not matter.
think BTC/LTC ratio.
0.05 are in the cards for the next halving.

>> No.52390403


newfags dont understand trading in btc ratio

>> No.52390425

not my fault that I have fun looking at all the sad litecoin holders such as yourself OD'ing on copium. you mad me cum today, and in a weird way I respect that about you.

>> No.52390457

It is the only crypto I have actually used to buy things. Fast and cheap fees, actual solid money. Im stacking.

>> No.52390592

Charlie lee is the original crypto scam artist

>> No.52390615

Litecoin went from rank 20 to 16 in a matter of days during this shit show of a market collapse. It may end up it like $30 next year, but It'll still be here after all is said and done, most likely back in the top 10. Its got the regulatory safety, merge mining incentive, tx volume, wallet growth and adoption behind it to stay very healthy.

>> No.52390698

brah, you really left out matic after instagram announced it's using it to power its nft marketplace? you must be more brainless than ada niggers