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File: 473 KB, 1536x2048, 835B7DDD-EF06-49CA-89BE-74FE338199D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52389168 No.52389168 [Reply] [Original]

How many figures would this guy need to earn in order to attract a genuine 9/10 blonde blue eyed 5’7” nordic gf between ages 21-24 as a life partner?

>> No.52389195

At least $100mil and she’ll still cheat on him with a nigger

>> No.52389197

Cmon man get a life

>> No.52389212
File: 318 KB, 1231x1533, 299F7387-85C5-4910-A324-8184163F8FFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And would this guy be able to yoink his girl 1 on 1 in attraction or would it be a standoff?

>> No.52389233

Internalize the fact that those aren't the best type of girls.

>> No.52389268

Wtf, that blackboard

>> No.52389300

About a few million should do the trick.
That should be enough for a hair transplant, lasik, chin implants and a decent personal trainer/dietician.
Or he can just do roids that always works.

>> No.52389330

pasta looks a little dry but otherwise it might actually taste good

>> No.52389365

can't help but feel sad for this man

>> No.52389382

It depends on his personality/humor/social skills

>> No.52389419

how much of a faggot are you when you hold the plastic coated handle with an oven mit

>> No.52389421


>> No.52389437

This. I don't know how people ignore that money isn't just meant to buy the gold digger nice things, it's also meant to make you yourself more attractive. It's a 2 for 1 for the gold digger (openly and fairly hypergamous woman) because she gets the money to buy nice things plus she sleeps with a more attractive version of you. Sure you aren't chad 53 but who gives a shit.

>> No.52389458

ias gem

>> No.52389474

maybe if he dated a non-white/non-asian.
whites and asians sit at the very bottom on bestiality relationships.

>> No.52389635

Tim Pool?
Those are the only type of girls, anon.

>> No.52389640

I cant believe i had to scroll this far for someone else to finally ask the inly question worth anything

>> No.52390269

Looking at that chalkboard, I don't think he's into women...

You? It's never happening. Unless you find a really ugly blonde nordic woman who's desperate.

>> No.52390317

can a nigga live

>> No.52392417
File: 48 KB, 500x328, 1656441326925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brighter than the upper right text, plus no blur