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File: 144 KB, 976x850, 1628430551173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52388629 No.52388629 [Reply] [Original]

There's absolutely NO way Bitcoin can recover from this mess.

>> No.52388671

I'm accumulating Dogecoin

>> No.52388696

people will get greedy again and pump bags

>> No.52388712

bitcoin not affected, again

i'd be more worried for alts,
we might be looking at sweeping "everything else is a security until proven otherwise" regulation

>> No.52388726

you're right. Best to sell everything now and let me buy it.

>> No.52388750

>bitcoin not affected, again
btc will still be around and used for various things, but there's zero reason to expect le $100k+ pump or whatever.

>> No.52388785 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1024x1104, bitcoin is engineered to kill central banking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "SHA-256 has been cracked."

>> No.52388914

>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $1
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $10
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $100
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $1000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $10000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $20000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $30000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $40000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $50000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $60000
----> you are here
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $100000

>> No.52388926

>people will get greedy again and pump bags
No. Seriously, no. This is much bigger than you imagine, and there's a high chance it hasn't finished yet. People will get greedy again, but there won't be a next time for crypto.

>> No.52388961

It's not crypto that's done now, it's the Jews. The noticing is reaching levels that 1933 Germany couldn't conceive.

>> No.52388980

Wait until the CIA activates the satoshi wallet next month. Gonna be lit

>> No.52389011

who's expecting 100k? its a bear market idiot

>> No.52389047

BTC has absolutely nothing to do with this mess, nor should it even matter to it.

>> No.52389067

>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $1
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $10
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $100
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $1000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $10000
----> you are here
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $20000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $30000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $40000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $50000
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $60000
----> you WERE here
>there's zero reason to expect bitcoin to go to $100000

>> No.52389288

The truth is that too many normies were involved in crypto too early. These shakeouts will simply cause a lot of people to sell up and leave the sphere, just when it’s about to begin essential integration into western economies.

If you don’t see why the past years events have occurred, then I don’t know what to tell you. Crypto will be centralised and fulfil aspects of the coming agenda.

>> No.52389314

>BTC nothing to do with this
>also BTC down -20% in a week

>> No.52389339

>There's absolutely NO way Bitcoin can recover from this mess.
2013 Mt Gox collapse

>> No.52389395

It shouldn't. At least not because of a centralized exchange defrauding customers. BTC was made to be independent from exactly this. That's my point.
Also, even in a centralized viewpoint: It would be like blaming the usd when someone steals it from you, no?

>> No.52390101

>2013 Mt Gox collapse
If you aren't smart enough to see the difference I'm not going to waste my time with you. A MtGox event just CAN'T happen 13 years after Bitcoin's creation. Period. It destroys all credibility. Mainstream will not touch Bitcoin with a 200 feet pole ever again.

>> No.52390170

Yes they will. When it is shortly before next ath.

>> No.52390426

>Yes they will. When it is shortly before next ath.
They're not. And we're going to pre-mainstream price levels. If you didn't buy Bitcoin at $1,000 you'll have another chance in a year or two.

>> No.52390495
File: 329 KB, 1000x782, 1642769035024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES yes Crypto is DEAD, please sell your BTC at 16k that's a great idea

>> No.52390567

Possible. I'll buy then as well.

>> No.52391443

out of the ashes bitcoin will rise like a phoenix thoughever

>> No.52391461

>traders are retarded
yes, we know

>> No.52391477

nobody will remember FTX a year from now

>> No.52391514

100k is never going to happen because 70k was reached thanks to exchanges creating artificial scarcity and Elon & friends pumping and dumping last year.

>> No.52391522

You're missing out a step. The price goes high in the first place because of fake money manipulation by exchanges and stable coins. Then when it's high people FOMO in. "Retail" demand for crypto is low, it's dependent on corruption to get going again

>> No.52391532

Penny stocks are heating up again. Buy OTC stocks and not worry about it

>> No.52391610

>BTC was made to be independent from exactly this
But it's not independent from it. The price of bitcoin is controlled by a small group of people

>> No.52391652

I will. Just like how I remember quadrigaCX

>> No.52391657

Place your bet in normie stuff like doge...not kidding. Maybe shib (it's traded on RB).

>> No.52391678

>Retail moves markets
You're the one dumb enough to think Timmy and his $1000 stimmy moves markets.

>> No.52391681
File: 389 KB, 558x720, haerin rabbit JpX3-8hbtOE-[11.42.834-11.45.204].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto is a hedge against inflation

remember when crypto fags told you this lie

>> No.52391688


Stage 1:
>There is absolutely NO way bitcum will reach $10

Stage 2:
>There is absouletly NO way bitchute will reach $120

Stage 3:
>There is absolu NO way bitcunt will reach $250

Stage 4:
>There is babo NO way to bitchumbucket to reach $500

Stage 5:
>Dhere ius NOOM absolutely way for buttcum to reach $1250

Stage 6:
>There is ab no way buttfag reach $5000

Stage 7:
>There is abbooby no Beatbydfre to reach $10000

Stage 8:
>Tdahe tabo no bitbybagbo $16000

>> No.52391709

lol totally forgot that name until just now. same will happen to FTX nobody will even remember the name in a couple years. how many people talk about Covid anymore? Time passes everyone forgets

>> No.52391762

i lost around like 3k to crypto. i am not investing anymore
i don't trust it

>> No.52391783

>My relative, anecdotal experience is the definition of reality.

Jesus christ, you need to get a grip and stop being narcissistic.

>> No.52391920

Crypto might be dead, Bitcoin is on another plane

>> No.52393627

that's why i hold Stacks (STX) only alt that went through SEC, secured and mined via BTC. Has a thriving NFT market (on BTC), has the .btc address for names, and has some cool BTC defi apps that are running