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52378546 No.52378546 [Reply] [Original]

People who were right

>> No.52378574
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>> No.52378604
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>> No.52378652
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Industrial Society and its Future
By Theodore Kaczynski

>> No.52378712


>> No.52378730
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>> No.52378733
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>> No.52378753
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>> No.52378767
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>> No.52378776

This guy is a fat scammer. Just because he says not your keys not your coins doesnt mean that he isnt a fat jewish scammer that should be behind bars along with the rest of the rats.

>> No.52378778
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>> No.52378806
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Only good jew

>> No.52378814

it's a shame he dumped his latest project and decided to get out of bitcoin entirely

>> No.52379282

Wrong. Don't fall into the trap of all Jews bad. That simply ain't true and will only paint a big fat target on your back.
Shout out Normal Finkelstein. Read the holocaust industry (if your attention span is too frazzled watch the documentary 'the trials of Norman finkelstein'. He was mighty brave writing that book.

>> No.52379301

Meant to reply to this, my bad.

>> No.52379330

not all of them are bad just most of them

>> No.52379349

>Elon Musk, more than any other CEO I'm aware of, is obsessed with twitter
Chef's kiss

>> No.52380600
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>> No.52380618
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Thanks for your generous donating to the tribe goys

>> No.52380637
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>> No.52380644
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>> No.52380718

>Standard Richard hating retard.

No dumbass. There has never been a single provable scam. Maybe you can claim it for real if pulsechain doesn't launch in the next 6 months. Otherwize you're retarded like most RH haters. Go ahead and let me know what scam you think there was and I will prove you're retarded.

>> No.52380737

"b-b-b-ut Richard is a s-s-caaaamer"

>> No.52380751
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Just keep holding bros

>> No.52381038
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>> No.52381648

can do cocksucker
gold - 2021 $1900 / 2022 $1700
btc - 2021 $69k / 2022 $16k

>> No.52381663
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>the trials of Norman Finkelstein
"There is no new antisemitism, this is pure fabrication. There is a creation of a new antisemitism to serve the same purpose as was used for the past 20 years by the Holocaust industry - to divert attention away from what 's being done to the Palestinians so everybody's talking about the new antisemitism instead of what's being done the Palestinians, and in a wonderful inversion, to turn Israel and its supporters into the victims."

bros... is /pol/ a jewish psy-op?