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File: 31 KB, 474x234, caroline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52372223 No.52372223 [Reply] [Original]

STOP! You're going to hurt her feelings anon.

>> No.52372260

Women are so fucking stupid and hypocritical. You’ll never find a tweet of a woman defending an ugly male.

>> No.52372270

She is only posting this to draw attention to the disparity between her own looks and Caroline's. It is another way of mogging

>> No.52372296

>STOP! You're going to hurt her feelings anon.
I call the guys ugly too tho. I just hate ugly people

>> No.52372298

>space is so ugly sometimes
>ugly sometimes
She can't help throw a job at Caroline.

>> No.52372301
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>> No.52372303 [DELETED] 
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This so much. It's time to stop, guys.

>> No.52372321

>low key acknowledges she is ugly


>> No.52372324
File: 68 KB, 805x851, 11111111112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this space

>> No.52372341

This space is so ugly sometimes

>> No.52372377

This. Yet she never mentions all the insults to SBF

>> No.52372399

Double down niggers!!!

>> No.52372413

i like caroline and would give her a hug

>> No.52372434

>This space is so ugly sometimes...
damn straight

>> No.52372443

She's cute though.

>> No.52372460

>steals tens of billions of dollars and gambles it away while high on meth
>noooooo, you cant just call her ugly even though she objectively is. that is too cruel

>> No.52372485

This. I like that she doesn't actually deny the comments either kek.

>> No.52372491

you dont really think that. you’re just into ugly chicks because you think you could have a chance with them

>> No.52373051

Always been.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.52374226

>anime pfp
Hmm, seems more like a tranny trying to normalise looking like an androgynous goblin

>> No.52374281

She’s right. I feel bad for Caroline

>but people are mean to men

have you considered not being a faggot

>> No.52374293

I'm not into ugly chicks and think the money 'monk is cute too.

>> No.52374301

>simp incels for wahmen
have you considered not being a virgin knight simp?

>> No.52374317

Men are kings.

>> No.52374319

er I guess money munk is the correct spelling. ms money munk nob nob on muh dick

>> No.52374341

You Peter Pan syndrome retards failing to bear the psychological responsibility of being a man are the reason the right wing is so cucked today and I hate you all.

>> No.52374357

Unironically the world would be a better place if SBF and this troll killed themselves especially after all the suicides they caused it would be justice at the very least.

>> No.52374362

we was pharaohs n sheet, man

>> No.52374394

>you're not ugly sweetie
>says a pretty blond woman with her pretty photo avatar
We know what you're doing lady

>> No.52374434

>responsibility of being a man
The responsibility of being a woman is one thing: to bear children. The second killing your children became normal for them, all the responsibilities went out the window. Women don't owe shit, men don't owe shit. Free for all

>> No.52374467
File: 88 KB, 720x538, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f543766574e6974616e51386a6d773d3d2d3439302e313638366364393061386237336665633132353531333435333237392e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from the future and picrel is "her" in the future.

>> No.52374493

She said she wasn't going to lie

>> No.52374553

If white men hadnt become cucks we’d be fine and they wouldn’t want to kill our kids. The men lead and the women follow. Never the other way around. The sooner you accept that the better anon.

>> No.52374636

We both know who leads our society. Let's not name them here, they're named too much already due to the ongoing situation. How do you propose to take leadership from them? In Minecraft?

>> No.52374674

I agree. Politically speaking, I think BAP is the only voice on the right rn who isn’t full of shit and won’t ruin your life. Good luck friend

>> No.52374680


>> No.52374688

Show bobs hoe

>> No.52374694

It wasn't Caroline's fault
She just a scapegoat

>> No.52374731

Caroline if you’re reading this I would hold hands with you in public

>> No.52374760
File: 450 KB, 1034x1196, Screenshot_20221111_204353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes a freak

>> No.52374789

They're literally her meth dealers. They had some spun-fun before this fake, scripted interview

>> No.52374791

Are you serious? She's not even the scapegoat, Sam is. If you were the CEO of a firm that was losing billions of customer funds would you just stay quiet?

>> No.52374795

all the females on twitter getting so butthurt the guys are dragging this lil slut for being a slut and losing money while doing it. oh you're being so mean stop talking about her like that lol. ladies you're supposed to be equal to us this is just playful bantz of a bro

>> No.52374888
File: 145 KB, 812x1024, 1655757332320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called the "sisterhood uber alles". Basically women can lie to one another, cheat one another, and backstab one another but the moment the hivemind sees a threat from the outside they'll band together and defend one another until the threat is gone and then go back to the lies, cheating and backstab amongst themselves. But she's also doing this: >>52372270 which is like a backhanded complement that boosts her (God forbid men start paying attention to another woman who isn't her for just one fucking second). Women are treacherous creatures and their entire behavior is explained by hypergamy. It's all hypergamy at the end of the day.

>inb4 incel
I'm married with 3 kids. My wife is hot, she drains my balls daily and knows her place you fucking femcel piece of shit left over women no one wants. Yes I also talk this kind of shit around her. Fuck you.

>> No.52374924
File: 48 KB, 720x424, 6923E639-FD1C-41D4-8A62-06C0A9742427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope there’s videos of her pulling a drug-fueled crew screw with the other FTX execs at their tropical crib.

>> No.52375220

Based and checked and thanks for doing the lord's work. So many cucks with wives will never side with the "incels." So sick of the simp male feminists they deserve instant violent death for betraying the male brotherhood just to get their dicks wet.

>> No.52375261

all this time i thought she was just some dumb meme girl
i didnt know she had all this power and was actively fucking everyone over

>> No.52375337

> born into privilege.....
> given the easy road through family connections despite being a genetic freak (remember women love judging men by their genes all day everyday!)
> contributes to the destruction of thousands of men who try to escape the hellish world of wage slavery......
> May have contributed to the destruction of decentralized finance through harsh regulations using their carelessness as a pretext.....
> Doing so would close the hopes of hundreds of millions of men and women trying to escape poverty all over this fucked up globe.....

> ohhh no she got called ugly which she objectively is!!! you're soooo mean!!!

People like you are inherently evil. Seriously. I'm dead serious. Not being able to judge actual atrociousness and impacts that actually affect other people's shitty lives yet so superficially worried about insults and words hurting some weak bitches emotions is plain and simple E-FUCKING-VIL!

>> No.52375419

Her face is so ugly all the time.

>> No.52375532
File: 66 KB, 562x600, 1655650376633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg it's not her fault that she's so ugly!!!

>> No.52375948

with pics of caroline everywhere it's hard not to be

>> No.52375963


>> No.52377011

fucking checked