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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 161 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52372174 No.52372174 [Reply] [Original]

How fucked am I in the job market having autism? What do I do?

>> No.52372187

>red/green colorblind
fuck you

>> No.52372199

Autism isn't real, cope for zoomers to act like children

>> No.52372201

2/3 of autistic adults are unemployed. Of the 1/3 that is, 70% are underemployed based on their qualifications.

>> No.52372202

The workplace is literally high school for adults.
If you struggled at high school I am sorry anon. Make sure you head to the bar for Friday drinks! Don't forget to ask your boss how their weekend was. Did you catch the sportsball game?

Godspeed anon.

>> No.52372203

Apply for neetbux

>> No.52372204

Literally me.

Genuinely retarded that your brain can't tell those colors apart.

>> No.52372218

ur fucked because being able to socialize and network is worth more than anything else

>> No.52372221

Yeah, except that the problem is located in the eyes, not the brain.

>> No.52372226

The most fucked.

I wouldn't even bother. Better to live free in poverty than being able to buy little gizmos and games while getting yelled at for how pathetic you are (not that you are pathetic, just that is how business motivates employees)

>> No.52372227
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I love my autist brain because enjoying the same thing forever is a superpower. It also lets me stare at the computer screen and watch the market with ease. Muggles will never understand how amazing it is.

>> No.52372230
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>Don't forget to ask your boss how their weekend was. Did you catch the sportsball game?
It hurts

>> No.52372259

Good for you.

>> No.52372266

Eyes are part of the brain retard.

>> No.52372285
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this lmao lol

i'm gonna die in the streets

>> No.52372297

Nigga you asked, I can tell by your response that you let it be your cage instead of your key. Good luck getting over yourself.

>> No.52372307

Normies are shallow so you can negate your social weirdness by dressing smart and being well kept. Get /fit/.
From there you just need to hide your power level and keep quiet.
Normies are also absolute retards and I think the vaccine has made them dumber (or maybe two years of WFH meant I forgot what interacting with them is like). 99% chance your job is very easy and you do all your tasks in 1/5 the time allotted. Do not tell them you're done, kill some hours and rest otherwise they'll just throw task after task at you until you burn out and have an autistic fit.
Also always reply to emails and chat messages with smileys and dumb shit like "thanks, will do" because these retards need to be coddled life the dumb faggots they are.

>> No.52372314

>1 post by this ID
Mostly dependant of which Myers-Briggs (or any other archetypical personality type) you're most similar to.
ENTP here, with autistic intuitive pattrerns but I come across as 'le quirky mad scientist type' to normies.

>> No.52372326

How would you know there's two different colours if you're colour blind you retarded nigger?

>> No.52372340

I would rather die than socialize
im a based spartan autist

>> No.52372356
File: 44 KB, 360x289, 3D253873-A812-4CA5-BB42-DCC06088C854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being red/green colorblind and getting into finance

>> No.52372383

Whats with the hostility? I thought we were a community. Like brothers but only closer.

>> No.52372387

>Nigga you asked
Your answer had nothing to do with/ his question, retard. Go play with your toy trains.

>> No.52372423

>and I think the vaccine has made them dumber
bro this is fucking spot on LMAO

>> No.52372487

Because if you're ted/green colourblind and you can't see the colours then they must be red and green.

The power of deduction. Fascinating. Woooooooowwwwwwww

>> No.52372497

But so will all the 80 IQ chads that kicked you out, since they can't actually code or do anything of value.

They'll just be surprised when they fire the last autist running the place and the whole operation falls apart without them understanding why.

>> No.52372526

That makes no sense you'd think there was just one colour I even checked out a colourblind simulator just now to prove I'm right

>> No.52372565

Depends on the taxonomy but yes I agree with you.

>> No.52372566

It's a comparison between to brains, you numbwit. It's easily deducted that there has to be at least two colors, and if there are absolutely no colors, those two have to be red and green!

>> No.52372587

Bro you're on 4chin, you're autistic by default.

>> No.52372589

two brains*

>> No.52372591

Sure. Spending 5 seconds on a simulator is the equivilant to living with a disability your whole life and having to be aware of it to avoid making mistakes.

>> No.52372592

People who are not sociable need to start their own business. The only quality that actually correlates to success is persistence.

>> No.52372625

About sums up all our experiences in crypto anyway probably do better.

>> No.52372638

The picture is stupid anyway because I've seen autists with tiny heads before

>> No.52372642

I needed about 50k to start my own business.
Lost 42k
Greed played me like a fool now I gotta go back to waging and eventual suicide.
I can't work with people at all.

>> No.52372664

Then they aren't autists.
I was born severely autistic but my head was so large they had to cut my out of my mother, and then failed school, failed work, amazingly intelligent but depressed and hate people etc etc
My heads a god damn melon

>> No.52372679

I think you're full on retarded anon.

>> No.52372688

Yes you can
Autists can be great sociopaths
Just give the dumb monkey what he wants to hear that's it

>> No.52372705

Well we can agree on that.

There are incapable people with disabilities and there are capable people with disabilities. (Nobody is smart or dumb, they all just have a speed of growth and a capacity to grow)

Trying to group them all into one category is the pinnacle of stupidity. (stupidity being an adjective for negative growth)

>> No.52372734

>Autists can be great sociopaths
Can they? We could be great as foot soldiers for extremist movements, lone wolf terrorists, and cult members, sociopath I don't know.

>> No.52372815

some people can code and socialise

>> No.52372839

Pajeets can't do either and they will replace the entire workplace soon enough, with chad overseeing them because he's in charge of cutting costs for his dad's company.

>> No.52372857

>melon man

>> No.52372883


>> No.52372889

>can they?
Well considering how overly vast and therefore ridiculous the "autist" category is the question might be a little bit pointless.
Still being someone that always score 90% of the way "max autism" on shitty web & professional tests and has the lifestyle of an "autist" all around I can say that yes you can be a great 'sociopath' (or should I say fake your way and engineer your social surroundings to your advantage) if you simply learn to always say what the monkey wants to hear.
Just see it as another problem to be solved.
You find the right inputs and the organic machine returns you (in a probabilistic fashion of course) favorable outputs that's it

>> No.52372935
File: 185 KB, 1280x720, autismo brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go bro

>> No.52372992

My bro is colorblind and he's described it as red and green looking very similar but different enough that if they're side by side he can tell there are two colors. However shades of red or green look basically as different to each other, so he can tell you that there are multiple shades in an image but not differentiate which are green and which are red.

>> No.52373033


Not even getting into sports will help you. I got into sports betting as a hobby to make sports tolerable, expecting to be able to relate to normie coworkers.

You quickly find out that it's all surface level interest. Sports conversation becomes even more dull than talking about the weather.

>> No.52373068

This is what someone would say who can't even distinguish the colors krunck and slorq, nice cope, where are you on the rgb spectrum?

>> No.52373116


Correct. Every sociopath is just an autist that channeled their hyperfocus into the social game and manipulation. I'm convinced that this is why people have such an instinctual aversion to autists.

There's a reason why sales exists as a career and why it can pay crazy amounts of cash. Not ever neurotypical can do it, no matter how socially adept they might seem on the surface.

>> No.52373193

~Watermelon Man~

>> No.52373237

There has to be an emotion/emotional control aspect to your theory because it's notoriously an issue for many people with autism and very much not one for high-functioning sociopaths (though admittedly not all sociopaths are high-functioning, and watching a meltdown is curiously familiar).

>> No.52373243

Funny movie. Probably a huge influence on Dave Chapelle.

>> No.52373309

You just have a gambling addiction.

>> No.52373332

Autism here can confirm

>> No.52373387

I was thinking of the song but true.

>> No.52373455

Autism is introverted intuition, which is the strong function for INxx types

>> No.52373465

Not as fucked as ADHD, although they are often co conditions. RIP if you have both

>> No.52373478

If you can act normal you'll be fine

>> No.52373513

That's not autism
That's a birth defect

>> No.52373689

>Nobody is smart or dumb, they all just have a speed of growth and a capacity to grow
Great bait. I have a participation trophy for you around here somewhere...

>> No.52374255

so how did i get arrows in my brain?

>> No.52374351


INxx are "introverted intuitives" but Ni the cognitive function is the primary function for INTJs and INFJs

But yeah I kinda agree

>> No.52374401

am autismal
am clearing $300k
nolife life is exactly what IT companies need

>> No.52374421

I started my own business. Basically learned a bunch of skilled, got up and running myself and then hired 2 other people to help lessen the load. The hardest pill I had to swallow was that if I was ever going to feel fulfilled in work or reach great heights professionally I would have to blaze my own path. Autismos are taken advantage of in the work place because they can seldom into self-advocacy. You'll be the guy that can do the work it takes 3-4 people to do and still never get promoted or get a raise. It was scary at first but I started reaping the fruits of my labor 2-3 years in to where I knew I had hit critical mass.

>> No.52374445

INTJ and INTP Chads where we at?

>t. INTJ and haven't left the house in since September 27th

>> No.52374454

I have aspergers AND I'm colorblind


>> No.52374744

What business is it?

>> No.52375479
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Autism is the tendency to think and feel in loops. If your interests are productive, you can advance like a corkscrew. If not, you end up wasting your time going in circles. Autistic people are unusually prone to getting addicted to life's carrousels which often puts them at a disadvantage to those who move on from things more easily. This is why it's so common for them to get hooked on childhood media, though I suspect an undiagnosed prevalence among non-nerdy demographics such as bodybuilders, for whom autism is applied to something more socially acceptable and just comes across as dedication at best or dumbness at worst. And severe autism reduces a person to a broken record.

>> No.52376123

Ah, yes, another thread derailed. Time for bed!

>> No.52377566

Take the sociopath pill autist anons, it's easier if you're not retarded goycattle

>> No.52377611

Never thought about that, how do colorblinded people read charts?

>> No.52377678
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>Don't think I have autism
>Everyone always asks if I'm autistic

What the fuck bros?
I just say what I think and than go on long tangents, why is that an autistic quality?
And yeah I do get hung up on strange stuff, but that's normal!


>> No.52377741

>be me minding own business
>roomates rushes in room

people are faggots

you are not fucked just be better than others. Have one interest as your goto and mind your own business. Being better wins in the end

>> No.52377854
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>i'm an introverted extrovert

>> No.52377860
File: 65 KB, 982x956, what chance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fucked

>> No.52377923

if you actually are autistic, your best bet is to start a startup. Raise some money. Become CEO of your own company. Then you get to set the rules. No one can touch you.

>> No.52377931

Try not to think about it too much. I was installing computers at a pizza place the other day and the new cashier looked at me and asked me if a dime was 5 cents. Are you smarter than that? Cause that's your competition.

>> No.52377977

Listen to me. You do not have a disease, you are a more spiritually advanced human being and selfish undeveloped beings don't get you. You're here to bring in the new era to Earth, finally.

99.9% of the universe is plasma toroids, and they implode in the center. This causes transverse waves to push/thump outwards, faster than the speed of light.

This is the next frontier, the new technology they are trying desperately to prevent from becoming mainstream.

How to make a career out of it? I don't really know yet, but it will be there, really soon.

These are sometimes, misleadingly, called scalar waves

>> No.52378141

yup... 52% extrovert 48%introvert

>> No.52378302

Last year I had a semester-long group project and as I got to know them a girl told me "you're such an extroverted introvert anon." It just means you've become comfortable with people and can open up to them. A generous example might be Yusuke from Persona 5, total sperg that goes his own way but can hold a conversation with people he trusts.
If somebody goes around and tries to brag or broadcast that they are such, they're just another extrovert trying to look unique or interesting for attention.

>> No.52378402

I graduated CS with a 4.0 and I have severe employment problems because I'm a sperg. I can't look anybody in the eye and normies seethe hard and won't hire you. Autistic uni grads have an unemployment rate of 85%. Blind people literally have better odds than spergs. It never even fucking began.

>> No.52378461

i can tell by your post that you are on the spectrum. accept it and embrace it

>> No.52378566

I guess its self employment for you niggaloid.

>> No.52378579


He said he's autistic not a brain dead faggot.n

>> No.52378669

Take probiotics (espeically one with L. Reuteri) and stop eating like dogshit. im serious, the gut biome influences autism development quite a bit. i personally recommend DrFormula's Nexabiotic and Swanson L.Reuteri, it has almost all the ones mentioned in studies regarding the condition. only go for ones that have human-grown strains, STAY THE FUCK AWAY from soil-based probiotics.
also seek out neurofeedback/biofeedback therapy. you're not as fucked as you think you are, and you can conquer the mental hurdle like i have.

>> No.52378698

Depressingly accurate

Unironically weighing the pros and cons of going on disability. It's not that much less than I make working full time.

>> No.52378720

>Every sociopath is just an autist that channeled their hyperfocus into the social game and manipulation.
this is immensely contradictory to how autism works. chemical Sociopathy is defined by a deficiency in the connections between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. if anything Autism in the opposite in some ways due to an overincrease in neural connections overall.

>> No.52380248

Muggles, kek.

>> No.52380393
File: 184 KB, 409x409, [003046].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dad gave me a job at his company
>tfw it pays like shit because he knows I'm too much of a sperg to apply for a job somewhere else
>tfw he's right

>> No.52380566

I'm on disability for autism.
As you point out, the money is not great. However most autists are minimalists. Personally I just kept living with my parents and saved like 95% of my income, which I've since invested.
At this point my combined dividends and autismbux are higher than the average salary in my country. And all it took was like 5 years of playing OSRS in my parents basement and shitposting on /biz/.
I couldn't imagine ever going back to work.

>> No.52382102

tell me more please im intrigued

>> No.52382141

If you put your autism to good use you’re anti-fucked. Just pretend to be normal during the interview.

>> No.52382871

They change the colors

>> No.52383227

Those numbers are astrology

>> No.52383273

this. I'm grossing six figures on a highschool diploma

>> No.52383437

I feel that way so your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.52384729


You need to mask your autism and adopt a normie persona during working hours. Lie if necessary.

Also, be as agreeable as you can with people.

>> No.52384913

>I just say what I think and than go on long tangents, why is that an autistic quality?
>And yeah I do get hung up on strange stuff, but that's normal!

That's exactly those things which prompts that question. As usual with this kind of things, keep that to yourself and don't speak them out loud.

>> No.52385188

What's annoying is how normies can be as disagreeable and aggressive as they please, and even if they get a reputation as unpleasant jerks they'll still be accepted socially at the end of the day. But God help the sperg who steps out of line once.

>> No.52385550
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You're now aware that autism is almost exclusively relegated to America because circumcision produces irreversible changes in brain chemistry due to the extremity of the pain.

It's also the reason Americans and jews have so many sexual neuroses ... they need crazy intense stimuli to orgasm due to their mutilated goyim slave cocks.

>> No.52385649

how do you take the sociopath pill anons?

>> No.52385683

Low IQ fag detected

>> No.52385805

I also have autism and am unemployable, it seems to have regressed, but in retrospect, I was always working 60 hours per week and pushing the envelope but always treated as a marginal worker or on the edge of being fired, it's just unsustainable when you work so hard but barely stay level. I dunno why I'm typing out my feelings but it seems to have regressed and gotten worse and now I can't even hold down a job / pretend to get by on it, I'm thankful I have a support network

>> No.52385816

so either you're uncut and thinking about cut dicks often enough to post about it (fucking why?), or you're cut and thinking about cut dicks often enough to post about it (also fucking why?). what's wrong with you?

>> No.52385848

employers will love you as you will just get the job done. you won't just bother your coworkers for every random thing you don't know and you will never cause drama